Chapter 131: The Reaction of the Big Dipper Holy Land.

Lingzhou, the Holy Land of the Big Dipper.

Inside the Big Dipper Palace.

“Everyone, Yuanchen, they are dead, follow them to the disciples of Yunzhou, and the soul lamps are all extinguished. It means that the whole army has been destroyed. ”

The Big Dipper Saint Lord’s face was as gloomy as water, and he said to everyone.

“What, how is this possible, Yuanchen and the three of them are all Heavenly Immortals, plus Lu Chen of the Sanqing Palace, four Heavenly Immortals, and tens of thousands of elite disciples, deacons and elders above the Heavenly Beings.”

With this kind of strength, you can sweep Yunzhou! How could it be destroyed.

Someone exclaimed incredulously.

“I don’t believe it either, but that’s the way it is, just an hour ago, all the soul lamps went out. The Big Dipper Saint Lord shook his head, his face becoming more and more ugly. ”

This time, the Beidou Holy Land was definitely a heavy loss, although it was not to hurt the bones, but it was also bleeding heavily. The other disciples were nothing.

The main reason is that the death of Yuanchen and the other three Heavenly Immortals is not a small blow to the Beidou Holy Land. You know, the Big Dipper Holy Land is also a dozen heavenly immortals.

Now the human realm and the celestial realm are separated, and the Jedi are all over the sky.

The innate aura is depleted, even if the Beidou Holy Land has the secret support of the Celestial Realm, the share is not much. It is extremely difficult to cultivate a heavenly immortal.

Even tens of thousands of years, it may not be possible to produce one! Now three have died in one go.

“In this way, the Great Tang Dynasty really has a big problem, Holy Lord……… This account cannot be settled just like that. Someone gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice. ”

“That’s right, the Great Tang Dynasty is not simple, which means that the opportunity they got is even more difficult, I suggest directly sending troops to attack the Great Tang Dynasty.”

“Yes, kill him directly, kill him a river of blood, and the moon bones are like mountains.”

After someone spoke, someone immediately echoed it.

It’s just that as soon as these people called, the Big Dipper Saint Lord suddenly gloomy and angrily reprimanded: “Shut up for me.” Do you have brains. ”

“If you don’t even know what strength your opponent is, you have to send a large army to attack.” Is it to give heads to someone? ”

The Beidou Holy Lord’s reprimand immediately made everyone in the Big Dipper Palace reddened and embarrassed. However, deep down, he was very unconvinced.

In their opinion, even if the Great Tang Dynasty was very strong, it was absolutely impossible to be stronger than the Beidou Holy Land. Yuanchen and the others were killed, probably because they were attacked and fell into the way of others.

“Great Elder, you take a few people to go in person.”

At this time, the Big Dipper Saint Lord spoke again, towards a black-haired old man, and said, “Pay attention, keep a low profile.” Take a look and sneak into Yunzhou to find out the situation of the Great Tang Dynasty. ”

Don’t act rashly.

After first understanding the strength of the Great Tang Dynasty, we are agreeing on what to do next……… The Big Dipper Saint Lord immediately confessed.

In fact, he was really scared.

He felt that the Great Tang Dynasty was too evil, and before he figured out the strength of the Great Tang Dynasty, he did not plan to send troops to attack because he did not know the specific strength of the Great Tang Dynasty.

If you rush to send troops, if you are like Yuanchen and the others, then the Beidou Holy Land is afraid that it will really be finished.

“Yes, Holy Lord…”

The black-haired old man immediately got up and replied, “Old Immortal, take people to Yunzhou, and you will definitely find out the bottom of the Great Tang Dynasty.” ”

“Okay, let’s go!”

The Big Dipper Saint Lord nodded, his expression solemn.

He stood up, stood with his hands in his hands, looked outside the Big Dipper Palace, and said in a deep voice: “Half a year later, the Bashan Dojo will be born, no matter if you find anything or not, you must rush back before that.” ”

“The Bashan Dojo is about to be born…”

In the Big Dipper Palace, everyone was stunned and followed, one by one, their eyes were shining, and their faces were full of shock. Even the Great Elder who was about to leave stopped and looked at the Big Dipper Saint Lord.

“That’s right, the will that has just been handed down above says that the Bashan Dojo was born early.”

The Big Dipper Saint Lord nodded and said, “Moreover, it is very likely that this time, that thing will also be born.” So you all get it. ”

The Great Tang Dynasty was important, but the Bashan Dojo was even more important.

At that time, but there is a dragon and tiger fight, everyone will follow me to the Bashan Dojo, before that, the Great Elder must get up…

“Yes, rest assured, Holy Lord, I will strive to find out the bottom of the Great Tang Dynasty within half a year. The Great Elder hurriedly answered. ”

Immediately, he did not stop, and after leaving the Big Dipper Palace, he ordered a few retinues.

Together they walked out of the mountain gate of the Beidou Holy Land and went straight towards Yunzhou.

What everyone didn’t notice was that just when the Great Elder of the Big Dipper Holy Land came out of the Big Dipper Palace, a blurry figure also walked out.

Immediately after the Great Elder of the Big Dipper Holy Land, a teleportation talisman suddenly broke through time and space. Out of the mountain gate of the Beidou Holy Land.


Chang’an City, inside the Human Emperor’s Palace.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, Lingjing +8.046 billion, Daojing +31.02 million]

Li Kei looked at the information announcement refreshed by the system, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a rich smile. He knew that this was Lei Ze’s side that had succeeded in intercepting the people from the Beidou Holy Land.

More than 8 billion spirit crystals and more than 30 million Dao crystals. It’s been a pretty good harvest.

It seems that the people who came from the Beidou Holy Land are not simple, and this time they are all folded here, which is enough for their flesh to hurt. Li Kei sneered.

Metaphor…… At this moment, the light at the door of the hall flashed, and I saw Ying Yi appear out of thin air, enter the hall, salute Li Ke, and said, “Emperor, the information that just came back from the side of the Big Dipper Holy Land. ”

They already knew that the people who had come were all gone. Moreover, once again, the Great Elder of the Big Dipper Holy Land was sent over.

“However, this time they are much more low-key, they want to secretly probe the strength of our Great Tang Dynasty…”

“Hehe, this is scared.”

Li Kei sneered, and his eyes were even more brilliant.

He had sent Leizer to intercept the people of the Big Dipper Holy Land before, the first was to establish power, and the second was to delay the confrontation. Now it seems that his purpose has been achieved.

The Beidou Holy Land sent people to secretly investigate, that is, 4.8 had a jealousy of the Great Tang Dynasty. Don’t dare to act rashly.

In this way, if the other party wants to investigate them, how can they find out something without spending some time? At that time, it will drag him out for five months and a half years.

Enough for the Great Tang to recuperate.

“Send someone to keep an eye on the Great Elder of that Big Dipper Holy Land, and when they leave Lingzhou, see if they can be intercepted.”

Li Kei said coldly.


After Yingyi hesitated for a moment, he continued: “The emperor complains, our people are lost, and the Great Elder of the Big Dipper Holy Land came prepared. ”

After taking his entourage out of the mountain gate of the Beidou Holy Land, he disappeared directly without a trace. There is simply no trace of it…

“It doesn’t hurt, unless he never shows up.”

Li Kei sneered and said, “It’s just a Heavenly Immortal Dai Feng, it’s not a big deal…”

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