Chapter 152: Extraterrestrial Guest, War Fortress.

After Li Kei erected his own cultivation, he did not stay in this cultivation tower for a long time, and walked straight out. For the next period of time, the world of Kyushu was in ruins.

The imperial court issued one decree after another, and the land of Kyushu was all connected by ultra-long-distance space teleportation channels. Connected into a whole.

Then, the new policy, which had already been implemented in Yunzhou and achieved great results, began to be implemented throughout Kyushu. Copying the model, the promotion of the New Deal is naturally countless times faster than when it was promoted in Yunzhou.


The entire Kyushu world seems to have become a big construction site. Large-scale construction projects, encourage business, and popularize education.

The implementation of various policies has attracted the hearts of the people of the world and thanked Dade.

However, they suffered from those sect clans who surrendered, originally thinking that after surrendering, they would still be able to fall under one person and above ten thousand people. Keep up the way.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

At the same time, I regretted it, because these policies of the Great Tang Imperial Court were digging up the foundation of the sect clan.

“Damn it! Knowing this, he should not have surrendered in the first place, and he had to fight to the end with the Great Tang Dynasty. ”

“It can only be said that the Great Tang Dynasty is too cunning, who would have thought that they still have such means.”

“Now what is the use of saying 04, the general trend has passed, in the future, it is better to honestly do your duty!” Don’t think about other things you shouldn’t. ”

“It will only invite disaster for you.”

At this moment, the sectarians of the world were full of discussions.

Many people have already been appointed, and the strength of the Great Tang army has broken their backbones and they can’t stand up. There is also a small number of people who are unwilling and want to resist.

But the result that awaited them was that they were wiped out overnight and disappeared directly from this world. These people underestimate the light and darkness of the Great Tang Dynasty.

I thought that no one knew about the conspiracy, but they didn’t know that they had already been targeted by the Light and Darkness Division, not to mention these big contrarian remarks. Even when they go to bed at night, they snore or not.

If you want to rebel, you are simply looking for death.

The entire Kyushu is developing rapidly, and its strength is steadily increasing.

Everything was moving in the direction prescribed by Li Ke, and the Manchu Dynasty was busy, but Li Kei was idle. Now Xiu Wei has been raised to a peak.

To break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, it depends on the opportunity, and Li Kei no longer blindly cultivates, except for summoning immortal soldiers, he wanders around the entire territory of Kyushu every day.

Undercover inspections.

It is worth mentioning that after the level of immortal soldiers was raised to the eleventh level, it was not only cultivated from the land immortal one, but also directly upgraded to the peak of the land immortal ninefold.

It is two small realms higher than previously predicted.

The most important thing is that the number of summoned immortal soldiers has actually increased directly from 10,000 to 20,000. This was something that Li Kei never expected.

He originally thought that he could raise to fifteen thousand at most. I didn’t think about it, and it doubled directly.


On this day, as usual, after summoning the immortal soldiers, Li Ke, he was preparing to leave the palace and go to Zhongzhou for a stroll. Before the person could move, Kageichi hurried over.

He saluted him and said, “Something big has happened, outside the heavens, there are people from the outside world coming towards my Kyushu world…”

“So fast!”

In Li Ke’s eyes, the light was fierce.

He has long known that since the recovery of humanity and the appointment of him as the empress, there will definitely be big trouble. So after unifying Kyushu, Li Kei let Yingyi send people to the outer heavens.

Begin to infiltrate the world beyond Kyushu.

The human world is incomparably huge, containing infinite universes, and the Ganges sand counts the world. Kyushu World is just one of the humble ones. Now that he is in charge of the throne of the people, he is still humanely hand-picked.

Naturally, it will attract many people to check him. He was also mentally prepared.

It’s just that Li Kei didn’t expect that all this would come so quickly, far beyond his prediction. However, Li Kei is not afraid.

With his current strength, as long as it is not those old monsters who make a move, he is confident that he can suppress it. Not enough to worry about.

“Keep a close eye on it, find out, and see who is coming.”

Li Kei frowned slightly, and said to Yingyi: “The Light and Dark Division should move quickly, spread throughout the surrounding world, and even cover the entire human world in the future.” ”

“Yes, the emperor rest assured, the minister is speeding up the layout.”

Kageichi quickly replied.


Li Kei nodded, and then looked towards Tsing Yi, who was waiting outside the main hall, and said, “Tsing Yi, call all the immortal soldiers and cabinet ministers over, there is something important.”

“Yes, Emperor…..”

After Qing Yi led the order, he turned around and went down.

Less than half an hour.

Bai Qi, Dan Qingzi, Liu Yungang and others all rushed over.

After everyone had arrived, Li Ke’s gaze swept over everyone one by one, and then he said in a deep voice: “There are traces of people from the outside world. ”

There are people from other worlds, find us Kyushu.

I want to build a fortress of war in the outer heavens as a defense line in my Kyushu world.

One is to prevent the people of the outer heavens from entering Kyushu, and the other is to act as a starry sky pier to trade Kyushu with those in other worlds who have no ill will towards me Kyushu.

In the future, Li Ke’s vision will look at the entire human world. It is inevitable to communicate with the outside world.

However, this does not mean that Kyushu can let people break in at will, and Kyushu is the base camp of the Great Tang Dynasty. It is the most important thing, and there can be no mistakes.

Therefore, it must not be opened to the outside world casually. But it is not 000 can close the country.

So it is imperative to open a trading window, which is the only channel for Kyushu to communicate with the outside world. In fact, Li Ke’s doing so was a kind of protection for the entire Tang people.

The strength of the Great Tang is very strong, but it is only the imperial court that is strong.

Most of the people were just ordinary people, although Li Kei had popularized education and practice, and also placed a large number of cultivation towers throughout Kyushu, and opened many spiritual places and resources.

But because the time is too short.

The strength of the people of Kyushu is not strong, and it is not at all the strength to talk to extraterrestrial visitors from other worlds.

“The emperor is wise, and building a war fortress is the most suitable for the current Great Tang.”

After Liu Yungang listened to Li Ke’s words, his eyes shone brightly, and he immediately said, “The minister feels that it is better for my Great Tang to be blocked at present.” It is not appropriate to let people from other worlds in. ”

“The minister also seconded, the emperor… My Five Elements Academy can establish a large array that will envelop the entire Kyushu world. It’s just that this requires the assistance of the Candle Dragon Commander and the Emperor Jiang Commander…”

Dan Qingzi also immediately followed: “As for the war fortress, this is much simpler, and the Five Elements Academy can refine a Houtian Spirit Treasure.” ”

to act as a fortress of war.

“Not only can it guard the outer heavens, but it can also serve as the face of my Great Tang Dynasty…”

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