Chapter 181: A Star Destroyer Cannon Comparable to the All-Out Strike of Da Luo’s Peak.

Li Ke’s words were murderous.

If someone else had said this, no one would have been convinced. The world knows how the strength of the three sects of Buddhism and Dao Demon is. This is not a Kyushu world, but the entire human world!

Knowing that the Great Tang was not simple and destroyed the Canglan Holy Land, if they still dared to make a move, they must be fully prepared.

Who can resist?

However, now that these words came out of Li Ke’s mouth, it was completely different. The Shadow First Class Immortal Soldier was naturally 100% convinced.

And Liu Yugang and other Wen Chen, who are also gods to Li Ke, are now gods.

After all, they have witnessed Li Ke’s rise step by step from the end to this step! In their eyes, Li Kei is a miracle.

Moreover, he is also good at making miracles.

Since he said that he could deal with the coveted ship of the Buddha Dao Demon, then it must be.

“Pass the order, let the Hangu Pass strengthen the guard.”

Li Kei continued: “Light and Darkness Division, send people out to investigate the movements of the Buddha Dao Demon, and see how many people are still hiding in the shadows. ”

As Liu Yungang said.

There are many sects of Buddha Dao Demon, and their strength may not be very good.

However, the ability to fish in troubled waters and fall into the well is not bad at all. On the surface, only one Tianxiang Temple was dispatched. The devil knows how many rats are lurking in the dark.

Although Li Kei is confident, he is not arrogant.

Naturally, there should be no less preparations. He gave one order after another.

While increasing troops to Hangu Pass, he asked the Light and Darkness Division to dispatch to investigate intelligence. At the same time, the logistics piece did not fall behind. Liu Yungang leads logistical matters.

At the same time, the Five Elements Academy was not idle, creating a large number of formation plates, as well as war killing weapons. Li Kei had already asked the Five Elements Academy to set up a subordinate department.

It’s called Tiangong Pavilion.

The main thing is to be responsible for the development of war weapons, he said the concept of those scientific and technological weapons in his previous life, so that the Tiangong Pavilion and the image are combined and now, many powerful lethal weapons have been developed. For example, Star Destroyer Cannon.

This thing is divided into many levels, even the worst one, it is equivalent to the Golden Immortal Dai Feng’s all-out blow. The strongest one is equivalent to Da Luo Jinxian’s all-out blow.

A Star Destroyer Cannon is equivalent to a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

The main thing is that it is not easy to cultivate a Da Luo Golden Immortal, but this Star Destroyer Cannon can be mass-produced! As long as the materials are enough, you can make a hundred and eighty thousand casually.

Now, the Tiangong Pavilion has produced a million tooth star cannons, and Li Kei has ordered that all the people be equipped on the Hangu Pass and the Great Wall of Law.

Among them, Hangu Pass alone accounts for 100,000. Of course!

This star destroyer cannon also has drawbacks, that is, the energy storage time is too long.

Although the power of his blow is indeed equivalent to Daluo Golden Immortal Dai Feng, there is still a big gap to truly compare with Daluo Golden Immortal.

After all, Da Luo Jinxian would not stand there and be passively beaten.

However, the Star Destroyer Cannon can be used in a wide range of equipment on the battlefield, which is an absolute killer. For example, Hangu Pass is equipped with 100,000 Star Destroyers.

If at the same time outbreaks.

Li Kei is confident that the general world can destroy him. Otherwise, I’m sorry for his name of the Star Destroyer.

With Li Ge’s order, the entire Great Tang World was suddenly enveloped by the breath of war, and the heavens and the earth were filled with a killing aura.

Time flies.

In a flash, months passed quietly.

The Great Tang Dynasty had already made preparations, just waiting for the army of the Tianxiang Temple to come.

At the same time, Bai Qi, Lei Ze and Yang Qi were carrying an army dominated by the three major immortal arms of Killing, Thunder and Destruction. Conquer the three worlds around Kyushu madly.

The distance is unified, getting closer and closer. On this day, Hangu Pass.

Inside the city lord’s mansion.

Sent by Li Kei to replace Lei Ze, the space immortal soldier who guarded the Hangu Pass commanded Dijiang, and was originally cultivating with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The two rays of essence in his eyes rushed out like blades.


Outside the house, someone suddenly passed the word: “The news from the Light and Darkness Division, the army of the Buddha Gate is coming, and it will arrive in a few days…”

“It’s finally here, and the commander is already waiting for rust.”

Di Jiang snorted coldly, and the killing intent in his eyes was like a knife.

His figure shook, and the person had already left the room, looked at a space immortal soldier standing at the door, and said in a deep voice: “There is a message from the emperor’s side.” ”

“The Light and Darkness Division has already sent a message, I think the emperor has received the news.”

This space immortal soldier hurriedly said: “According to the information of the Light and Dark Division, there is one day at most, and the army of the Heavenly Elephant Temple will arrive in front of the Hangu Pass. ”

And, as we speculated before, they hid strength 0 is not just the eighty million Celestial Elephant Army of the Celestial Elephant Temple.

There are also several other holy places in the Buddha Gate that have sent elite armies to lurk on that Lingbao Mountain. The number of people is at least more than 500 million…………

“Hmph, no matter how much he comes, just shoot and kill.”

Di Jiang snorted coldly, and the light in his eyes shone. Hangu Pass has been equipped with 100,000 Star Destroyers, and it is the top Tooth Star Cannon. Full outbreak.

It is equivalent to a blow of 100,000 Great Luo Golden Immortals.

Di Jiang really wanted to try to see if the power of these Star Destroyer Cannons was as powerful as the Five Elements Courtyard. As he spoke, the sneer on Di Jiang’s face became even worse.


Just when Dijiang received the news that the defenders of Hangu Pass were preparing to face the battle. In the Great Tang Palace, Li Kei had also received a message from the Light and Darkness Division.

He also had brilliant pearls in his eyes, looked up at the outer sky, and said to himself coldly: “Finally here.” Unexpectedly, a side leaf actually led out the back hand of the Buddha Gate left in the human world. ”

But this is good, when these people are done, it is equivalent to knowing the eyes of the Buddha in the human world. It is still beneficial to the development of my Great Tang Dynasty.

As he spoke, there was already a cold murderous intent in Li Ke’s eyes.

It was as if even the sun, moon, and stars were going to be silent at this moment, which was simply chilling.


After half a ring, Li Kei then asked: “What is the situation on Xuanzang’s side now, this guy has already gone there?” ”

“Just arrived at the Five Finger 0.6 Mountain and joined Sun Wukong.”

Ying Yi hurriedly said, “Emperor, as you speculated, we have found that there are quite a few people who are secretly spying on Xuanzang. Along the way, there are people who are secretly following, and they are from different forces of Buddhism and Dao Demon…”

“It’s the best.”

Li Kei sneered and said, “The more their energy is focused on traveling to the west, the more beneficial it is for us to send a message to Chen Zhou and let him secretly contact Xuanzang.” ”

Don’t go too smoothly, it’s best to make some big moves to contain the attention of the major forces in the Celestial Realm. Next, outside the Hangu Pass, there will be a shocking battle.

The human world decrees, this is undoubtedly motherly.

However, he didn’t want the Celestial Realm to pay too much attention, and the westward journey could attract some attention, which was actually equivalent to distracting the firepower. More good than disadvantageous to him.

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