Chapter 189: The Strongest Demon of Buddhism in the Human Realm.

Wu Tianzong’s great battle is not an isolated case in the human world.

There are nine more such cases.

The ten immortal soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty led a large army each, killing the ten strongest forces in the human world. There is only one purpose, that is, to let hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the human world see it.

Do not submit to the Great Tang, do not submit to Li Ke’s fate. Ten battlefields, stone shattering.

The vast starry sky has been shattered, every battlefield has quasi-saint powers, and the strength of the Great Tang Dynasty has made the people of the world change color.

“My God, is this the strength of the Great Tang Dynasty? With his own strength, he fought against the top ten forces in the human realm, and he actually did not fall behind in the slightest. ”

“Ten forces, the quasi-saint power adds up to more than twenty, but now it can’t win a Great Tang Dynasty. I really didn’t expect that the Great Tang Dynasty actually had so many quasi-saint powers. ”

“I heard that there are ten great leaders, all of them are amazing, and with the cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, they are pressing the quasi-saint power.”

“Groove, isn’t it! Da Luo Jinxian suppresses the quasi-saint, is this Nima too crazy in this world, or am I hallucinating. ”

Under the vast starry sky, billions of universes, Hengsha world. I don’t know how many people are talking about it.

The entire human world is paying attention to this big war, this is a battle that has never existed in ancient times, and if the 140 Great Tang Dynasty wins, the heavens of the human world will change completely.

It touched the nerves of an unknown number of people. At this time!

Great Tang Dynasty, imperial palace. Stargazing platform.

Li Kezheng stood with his hands in his hands, his body was restrained, and he couldn’t see the slightest mood swing.

Since early in the morning, he has come to this stargazing platform, and then has been looking at the vast sky, as if waiting for something. Behind him, Tsing Yi stood respectfully.

He was very curious in his heart, but he also knew very well and did not bother Li Ke. And so, after three days.

“Finally here”

Suddenly, Li Ke, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke, which immediately made Qing Yi behind him stunned, and subconsciously said: “Emperor, who is coming?” ”


The corners of Li Ke’s mouth raised slightly, revealing an unfathomable coldness, as if he was explaining to Tsing Yi, and seemed to be muttering to himself: “I don’t want to let humanity recover, and I don’t want to let me sit firmly.” ”

“Is it a celestial person?”

Qing Yi thought thoughtfully, his eyes shone brightly, learning Li Ke’s appearance, and looked towards the vast starry sky. But I saw nothing.


At this moment, Li Kei suddenly moved, and as soon as he stepped out, the person had already stepped on the void and entered the nine heavens.

“Tsing Yi, pass the order, open the Four Elephants Return Yuan Array.”

A deep voice sounded next to Tsing Yi’s ears.

At this time, Li Ge had already directly left the Hangu Pass and entered the outer heavens.

He stepped on the five elements of the long rainbow under his feet, and every step he took seemed to have ripples, with a flat crown on his head, walking step by step in this vast starry sky.

Eighty-one steps later.

Li Kei was already far away from the Kyushu world, far away from the Great Tang Territory.

He was located in a vast starry sky, his eyes swept over the stars of different shades around him, and the emperor’s sword in his hand suddenly fell to his feet……… At this moment, this long sword fell, as if it was suppressed on a certain void node, and the invisible energy was like a torrent, immediately sweeping in all directions.

The vast starry sky is shaking with it.

“Since you are here, why hide and hide, lose your dignity…”

An icy voice came out of Li Ke’s mouth, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, revealing disdain.

Thundered………… In the next instant, the vast energy swept even more ferociously. The void shattered, and I saw stars explode. Then, in the vast starry sky, four figures came out. Buddha Dao Demon.

The four quasi-saint powers, each of them, has the strength of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal Eightfold. It is the last resort of the celestial realm in the earthly realm. It is also the most important means.

“I really didn’t expect that the Terrans actually produced such a Tianjiao as you, which is really incredible.”

At this time, the quasi-saint powerhouse of the Daomen spoke, looked at Li Ke, and said in a deep voice: “In a short time, from an ordinary to today. ”

The humane appointing of the emperor is indeed extraordinary.

It’s just that you want to restore the emperor of the ancients and dominate the human world, which is against the will of heaven. Then leave you alone………

“Oh, providence…”

Go for it!

Li Kei sneered: “Shu Nai Human Emperor, the Heavenly Dao can’t control Xuan, the four of you are the last hand of the Heavenly Realm in the Human Realm”

Four Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal Yae Dai Feng.

“The Celestial Realm is really bloody, even in the Celestial Realm, there are not many quasi-saints like you!”

“Amitabha, the human realm is also part of the three realms, and naturally it is also under the jurisdiction of the heavenly path. I will wait in the heavenly realm or in the earthly realm. ”

Actually, it’s all the same.

At this time, the Buddha Gate powerhouse suddenly said: “Great Tang Emperor, you have a relationship with my Buddha. If you are willing to put down the butcher knife now, you will definitely become a Buddha…”


Li Kei suddenly laughed and laughed wildly. To say shameless, you have to look at the Buddha gate.

Look at this old bald donkey, obviously I can’t wait to cut himself a thousand times, but he can still say such a thing so brazenly and say that he has a relationship with the Buddha Sect, it’s really a shameless person, the world is invincible! No wonder that after this trip to the west, the Buddhist gate was prosperous.

Just for this shameless spirit. He is not prosperous, who is prosperous?

In fact, let alone Li Ke, the words of this Buddhist powerhouse made the other three unable to listen. The quasi-saint of the Daomen was okay, and did not say anything.

The quasi-saints of the Demon Gate and the Demon Race are not so good-tempered. Sweeping away this monk, the quasi-saint powerhouse of the Demon Gate sneered: “Bitter Zen Buddha, don’t bother. Li Kei was the emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty and the emperor of the Terran race. ”

“Will you be seduced by three or two sentences, with this skill, it is better to strike early!”

“That’s right, beheading this kid, the Great Tang Dynasty is not a concern.”

The quasi-saint of the demon race also sneered: “After destroying the Great Tang Dynasty, the luck of the human race will inevitably fail.” Humanity will once again fall silent. ”

“At that time, the Journey to the West will be on track again, and everything will have to be according to the script…”

“There is a lot of nonsense, four old things, let’s go together!”

Li Kei snorted coldly, killing intent like a knife.

In front of him, these people actually talked about how to arrange the future of the Terran after killing him. He’s really muddy, isn’t he?

Rumble………… As soon as the words fell, Li Geren had already made a move, and the power of the Unparalleled Law in his body exploded, and his mind triggered the power of the vast starry sky. At this moment, the stars shifted, and time and space were distorted.

I saw Li Kei suddenly step out, and an occult light immediately appeared under his feet, like ripples, rippling in one circle after another.

Everywhere he went, time and space folded, yin and yang were reversed, and the five elements were chaotic.

Suddenly, a huge derivative realm took shape in an instant, trapping him and the four quasi-saint powers of the Buddha Dao Demon in it

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