Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 99: Pass your majesty's will!

  Datang Barracks.

   "I wonder if General Bai is here this time, what is your Majesty's order?"

   King Liang tentatively asked.

   Since the battle at Hexi Border Pass, Bai Qi has returned to Chang'an and returned to His Majesty.

   Since then, King Liang has not seen Bai Qi.

  At this moment, when Bai Qi came to the barracks in person, King Liang's first reaction was that his majesty meant.

   Under the whole world, I am afraid that only your Majesty can let this peerless killer go to the grassland in person...

   A trace of awe rises in Wang Liang's heart.

   Facing Bai Qi, even if he is a prince of the Tang Dynasty with royal blood, he still feels trembling.

   This has nothing to do with identity status descent.

   is entirely from biological instinct.

   is like the cattle and sheep on the grassland, seeing the liger.

  The fear from the heart.

   Bai Qi looked at King Liang, and said: "Proceed your majesty's will!"

   As soon as Bai Qi's voice fell, King Liang immediately got up and knelt on one knee, ready to take the will of his Majesty.

   The imperial decree of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is equal to the emperor's personal visit. Even if Wanggui Liang is a prince of the Tang Dynasty, he kneels to accept the decree.

   This is the rule!

   always reminds the officials of the difference!

   "Your Majesty’s decree, let Liang Wang Li Zhen, lead the army, withdraw from Turks and return to Chang'an."

   King Liang respectfully accepted the order: "This king Li Zhen, take the order!"

   Bai Qi finished speaking, and was about to turn around and leave.

   To Bai Qiqi, he came here to convey the will of his majesty.

   Now that the will has been conveyed, Bai Qi naturally left without hesitation!

   "General Bai..."

  The King Liang got up and couldn't help but say: "If this king leaves, if the Turkic side counterattacks, what should I do..."

   King Liang is not unreasonably worried.

   King Liang led a large army and went deep into the grassland to massacre the Turkic people. Even the top ten tribes in the grassland were lost by Liang Wang.

   Such behavior is definitely a **** revenge!

   At this time, if King Liang withdraws his troops and gives the Turks some time to breathe, there will be troubles...

   "Wang Liang is too worried!"

   Bai Qi stopped and turned around to look at King Liang: "After leaving the barracks, I personally went to the Turkic Royal Court..."

   After Bai Qi said this, he turned around and left.

   Only Liang Wang was left with a shocked look.

   Go to the Turkic Royal Court in person?

   King Liang took a deep breath.

  He is a little sympathetic to the Turkic King now...

   There is a murderous **** like Bai Qi, if the Turkic royal court dares to make any changes...

   The **** scene at the west side of the river will probably reappear.

   It's just that, this time, Bai Qi slaughtered not the 300,000 Turkic cavalry, but the entire Turkic royal court...



   Turkic King Court.

   The Turkic State Division got up, looked out of the temple, and slowly said, "I have made a deal with the emperor of Tang Dynasty."

   As soon as the words of the Turkic State Teacher fell, the Turkic King frowned slightly.


   "What deal?"

   The Turkic King frowned.

   He didn't expect that when the Turkic State Master sneaked into the Tang Dynasty, he would meet the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   "The Emperor of Tang Dynasty gave me two choices."

   When the Turkic State Master said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "Life or death!"

   The Turkic State Master looked at the Turkic King and explained the colonial plan of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   The Turkic King's face changed when he heard this.

   "Guoji, you are confused!"

   "How can you agree to this condition?"

   "If you really follow the meaning of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I will Turk, there will be no chance of turning over again in the future!"

   "I Turkic people will live forever, and will eventually surrender under the rule of Tang Dynasty!"

   The Turkic King stood up and said.

   "My lord, I just said that Emperor Datang gave me two choices!"

   "Life or death!"

   The Turkic State Master gave a light sigh.

   The Turkic King's expression condensed: "With the strength of the national teacher..."

  In the eyes of the Turkic King, the strength of the national teacher is unfathomable. If you want to leave, who can stop it?

   How could it be threatened by the emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   The Turkic State Master heard the words and gave a wry smile: "Your Majesty, the Datang Empire is unfathomable. If the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wants to destroy the Turks, he can only turn his hands."

   "If I refuse, not only will I die."

   "The entire Turkic nation will die because of me!"

   "My lord, let me choose, how would you choose?"

   When the Turkic King heard what the national teacher said, he was silent.

   The Turkic King did not suspect that the national teacher was telling lies.

   If the national teacher said so, it must be true.

   The Tang Empire really has the strength to easily destroy the Turkic nation.

   At this time, there are only two paths before the Turkic King.

   Kneeling to give birth.

   stood and died.

   The Turkic King has no choice!


   Imperial Palace.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si is considering how to make up for the vacancy in the treasury.

   The main source of treasury money is Datang tax.

   Datang's taxation is mainly divided into two types.

   Agriculture tax and commercial tax.

  Among them, the agricultural tax is collected once a year. Li Si asked the Ministry of Household to collect taxes on a per mu basis. It is an agricultural tax, and it will take effect next year at the earliest.

   Therefore, Li Si can only do business taxation.

   Datang’s commercial tax includes a lot of taxes.

   However, the commercial tax is mainly used when merchants trade goods.

   In addition, Datang also set a checkpoint tax.

   Set up checkpoints and collect commodity circulation tax.

  Any merchant who passes through this level needs to pay a certain amount of tax, such as fish and salt...

   Checkpoint tax is the main component of commercial tax.

   Li Si thought of the practice of the free trade pilot zone in later generations.

   is very simple.

   directly cancel the level tax!

   Why abolish the checkpoint tax?

After the abolition of the checkpoint tax the price of the goods themselves will be reduced, the purchasing power of the people will be enhanced, the circulation of goods will be more frequent, and the population will be more concentrated here, which will further promote the exchange of goods. This will form a virtuous circle.

   The economy of the entire region will be prosperous.

   In this way, the city began to prosper.

Although the checkpoint tax has disappeared, other taxes have increased, such as the sale of commodities. Moreover, such actions have invisibly improved the status of merchants, and more farmers will go to business. Of course, the vacated land will return. In the hands of the court...

   The court has more land that can be redistributed to farmers, which greatly eases the problem of land annexation.

   The abolition of the checkpoint tax is the core concept of the economic and trade pilot zone in later generations. It is based on this that greatly promotes the prosperity of business, and even begins to radiate around and form a certain economic belt...

   And now, in the current situation of Datang, the abolition of the checkpoint tax will reduce a lot of tax, but other taxes can make up for it.

   From an overall point of view, after the abolition of the checkpoint tax, Datang's commercial tax will not only not be reduced, but will also increase significantly.

   Also, the impact of the abolition of the checkpoint tax is not only in terms of tax.

   Datang has experienced the Anshi turmoil, and it has a lot of work to be done. It takes a long time to recover. The abolition of the checkpoint tax can reduce the pressure on the people. The people are free from pressure and living conditions are better. The recovery time is shortened....

   Thinking of this, Li Si stood up directly from the throne of the dragon chair.

   "Come on, call the household department to enter the palace!"

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