Not long after he returned to Shangshufu, Shangshu of the Household Department was worried about the vacancy of the treasury.

   Now, Datang Treasury only has three million taels of silver left.

   Poorer than when Li Sigang became the throne.

   The Hubu Shangshu is in charge of the Emperor’s Bank of Tang’s money. All the expenses of the Tang Dynasty are requested by the Hubu Shangshu. If the Hubu Shangshu can’t get the money, it’s negligence!

   Hubu Shangshu is worried.

   If it were the past, Hube Shangshu would not worry about anything.

  There is not enough money, save a little bit, you can always get through.

   But it's different now.

   Today's Datang Emperor is obviously a generation of heroes.

   If the emperor needs to spend money, the Household Department Shangshu can’t get the money, I’m afraid the emperor will be very disappointed.

  As a loyal courtier to the Tang Dynasty, the most feared by Hubu Shangshu is the disappointment of the emperor.

   The emperor’s disappointment represented the incompetence of his courtiers.

   The Hubu Shangshu holding the Tang’s salary, not only failed to relieve the emperor’s worries, but also disappointed the emperor...

   "How to fill the vacancy in the treasury..."

   Hube Shangshu thought in his heart.

   The quickest way is to catch some corrupt officials, then ransack their homes and confiscated their property...

   It’s just that, now on the court, after the emperor’s several cleanings, who would dare to commit a crime on the cusp?

   "Or can the rich and powerful in Chang'an City be invited out and ask them to spend some money?"

   Tobe Shangshu suddenly thought.

   This method has a precedent before.

   When Emperor Xuanzong was reigning, if the Datang Empire was short of money, it would seek those rich and powerful in Chang'an City.

   These powerful and powerful people have been operating in Chang'an City for two hundred years, and they have long been rich and rich, and let them shed some blood. There is no problem at all.

   However, the only disadvantage of doing this is that it loses face.

   Tang empire dignified, it looks like someone asks for money.

   Just when Hube Shangshu hesitated, the **** in the palace personally delivered the decree and asked Hube Shangshu to visit the palace.

   "Weichen follow the order."

   Hubu Shangshu received the decree and entered the palace directly.

   Entering the Hall of Longevity, Hubu Shangshu found that in addition to the emperor, Taiwei Yang Qinglin was also present.

   "Weichen has seen your majesty."

   Hubu Shangshu salutes.

   Li Si put down the memorial, looked at the Hubu Shangshu, and said: "Since the two Aiqings are here, I will speak directly."

   Taiwei Yang Qingling and Hubu Shangshu bowed and said, "Your Majesty, please."

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at the two ministers: "I plan to abolish the checkpoint tax. What do you think of the two Aiqings?"

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Hubu Shangshu's face was shocked.

   The checkpoint tax is an important part of the commercial tax. If the emperor really does this, it may shake the country.

   Datang experienced the An-Shi Rebellion, and it was already waiting for everything. In addition to launching a war against the Turks, the treasury now has three million taels of silver left, which is when it is short of money.

   If the level tax is cancelled again, for Datang, I am afraid it will be worse...

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin was not as excited as Hubu Shangshu.

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin was thinking about the significance of the emperor’s cancellation of the checkpoint tax...

  In Yang Qinglin's eyes, any actions of the emperor have profound meaning, and they will never say these words for no reason.

   Since the emperor is willing to cancel the checkpoint tax, he has shown that after the checkpoint tax is abolished, the impact on Datang will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

   It's just that Yang Qinglin thought for a long time, but he didn't expect that after canceling the checkpoint tax, in addition to reducing the tax revenue of Datang, what would be the benefit?

   Although Taiwei Yang Qinglin didn't understand it, he knew in his heart that it didn't matter if he didn't understand it, and just follow your Majesty's instructions.

Tai Wei Yang Qinglin glanced, was about to enter the advice, dissuaded His Majesty’s household minister, and immediately said: "If your Majesty decides to abolish the checkpoint tax, as a courtier, he will naturally comply. Every decision of your Majesty is planned by your Majesty. The courtier can't figure it out..."

   The first sentence of Taiwei Yang Qinglin was to approve the decision of His Majesty, and the latter sentence was to remind the Ministry of Households that he had a book...

   Yang Qinglin means, don’t care about what your majesty is going to do, don’t stand up and question, because your majesty’s thoughts and thoughts are not what the courtiers can guess...

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin reminded Hubu Shangshu that he just didn't want the other party to follow suit.

   Hube Shangshu is one of the few loyal ministers who are willing to die for the Tang Dynasty. Although Yang Qinglin has never intervened in the struggle above the court, he does not want Hube Shangshu to jump into the pit...

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin had just finished speaking, and the Household Department Shangshu suddenly reacted.

   "Weichen seconded..."

   Hube Shangshu was in a cold sweat.

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, watched the reaction of the two ministers, and shook his head slightly.

   If it was someone else, Li Si would naturally be too lazy to explain, but Taiwei Yang Qinglin was the minister of life left to him by the first emperor, and the Hubu Shangshu was loyal to Datang, and Li Si didn't want to see these two people in the clouds.

   "I abolished the checkpoint tax in order to increase the circulation of goods. As for the loss of checkpoint tax, it can naturally be supplemented from other commercial taxes."

   Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair and said slowly.

   "Other business taxes?"

   Hube Shangshu was surprised.

   In the view of Hubu Shangshu, the bulk of commercial tax is the checkpoint tax. As for other commercial taxes, there is no money at all.

   Since ancient times, scholars, farmers, businesses, and merchants have always been in the lowest ranks.

   How much money can they have?

   Tai Wei Yang Qinglin looked solemn.

  He faintly realized that the emperor was improving the status of merchants...

   Once the checkpoint tax is cancelled, the merchants will naturally make more money. As a result, more people will be engaged in business...

   And the more merchants, the greater the influence. By then, the status will rise...

   Taiwei Yang Qinglin guessed that the emperor was going to raise the status of a merchant, but what he thought in his mind was the same as that of Hubu Shangshu.

   Not only Taiwei Yang Qinglin and Hubu Shangshu, but even Manchu civil and military here, they also have this question...

   What is the use of enhancing the status of a businessman?

   The real big taxpayers of Datang, from beginning to end, are farmers...

   was never a businessman.

   Even if there are more merchants, what are the benefits to Datang?

  Even, the increase in businessmen will make some farmers abandon their land and become businessmen. This way the gains outweigh the losses...

   Li Si looked at the two ministers without further explanation.

   Because, no matter how much Li Si said, they would have difficulty understanding.

   Actually, this is not to blame them.

   This is the limitation of the times!

   Not only in the Tang Dynasty, but in all dynasties, the status of merchants has never been higher.

  Even the sage emperor and the clever minister did not realize the potential of merchants...

   But Li Si knew that the status of merchants in later generations was terrifying.

   Even some top chaebols can directly interfere in the change of regime...

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair with a smile on his mouth.

Wait, then.

   I want to dig out a ‘gold mine’ myself!

  A ‘gold mine’ that will allow our Datang to never lack silver from now on! !

   Compared with this ‘gold mine’, what is the agricultural tax? What is the big family of the world?

   I will master the wealth of the world by then! !

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