Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 119: Those who are not Lee but the king will kill without mercy!

Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si frowned slightly when he heard Cao Zhengchun's report.


Shufang Jiedushi? In the Datang Empire, the ten major Jiedu envoys performed their duties and even prohibited any exchanges, in order to prevent secret collusion among the Jiedu envoys.

But now, Shuofang Jiedu extended his hand to the North Court, and deliberately tried to test the emperor, this matter was serious.

This kind of thing, no matter which emperor, can not tolerate it. Not to mention Li Si?

"Shuofang Jiedushi?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking whether Beiting Jiedu knew this.

In other words, has Shuofang and Beiting start to join forces?

As for Shuofang Jiedu... in Li Si's eyes, there is no longer any need for it.

A mere Jedu envoy dared to test the emperor. Based on this alone, Li Si could not tolerate Shuo Fang Jedu envoy to continue to live.

Even if Shuo Fang Jiedu has 600,000 soldiers.

Even if Shuo Fang Jidu makes one hand cover the sky.

Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun and said, "Sure it was Shuo Fang's hand?"

Although Li Si completely trusts Cao Zhengchun, this kind of thing still needs to be confirmed once more.

Li Si had already had the intention of doing things about the ten great jundus of the Tang Dynasty, but this premise required a legitimate reason.

Otherwise, if the emperor had no reason to execute the Ten Jiedu Envoy directly, it would be forcing the opponent to rebel.

At that time, even though Li Si had four great gods and demons under Li Si's command, the Tang Dynasty had a vast territory, and the ten major knots were scattered across the borders of the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, once the Ten Great Jade Envoys rebelled, who would resist those alien races?

At that time, if the whole body is affected, the Datang Empire will inevitably fall into the flames of war again.

As for why Li Si didn't send the gods and demons to assassinate the Ten Jiedushi...

Jiedu's death will cause chaos at the border, and aliens still have to invade.

Cao Zhengchun heard the emperor’s question and immediately said: "Your Majesty, the old slave is sure that this matter is related to Shuo Fang Jiedushi."

"Furthermore, according to the investigation of the old slave, Shuo Fang Jiedu secretly claimed to be King Shuo Fang..."

Cao Zhengchun bowed and said.

"King Shuofang?"

Li Si smiled angrily.

Li Si never expected that Shuo Fang Jiedu was so bold that he dared to proclaim himself king?

What is this going to do?

No matter how powerful Jiedu made it, it was given to him by Datang.

What qualifications does his Shuofang Jidu envoy have to call himself Shufang King?

A hint of coldness appeared on Li Si's face.

Since the founding of Datang, there has been a rule.

Those who are not Lee but the king will kill without mercy!

At this time, King Shuofang was provoking this rule.

And provoking this rule is tantamount to trampling on imperial power!

The imperial power is high, if it is really trampled on in this way, then the emperor Li Si shouldn't be.

"My Majesty, there are many rumors about the Shuofang Jiedu Envoy. It is said that the Anshi Rebellion in the past was fueled by the Shuofang Jiedu Envoy..."

Cao Zhengchun also told a shocking secret.

The Anshi Rebellion was a turning point for Datang.

Before the Anshi Rebellion, Datang was in its heyday.

After the Anshi Rebellion, Datang collapsed.

This secret was also inferred by Cao Zhengchun based on the information that Datang originally had, plus the information obtained after the establishment of the East Factory and the monitoring of the world.

In the Anshi Rebellion, with the exception of Shuofang Jiedu, including the Datang imperial family, all suffered heavy casualties.

But Shuofang Jiedushi profited from it...

As a person with the greatest interests, and some other very subtle clues, Cao Zhengchun has reason to suspect that Shuo Fang Jiedushi is deeply involved in the Anshi Rebellion.......

Li Si's eyes grew colder when he heard the words.

"It seems that I am still too kind."

"I need to check the foundation of these jundus."

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, his gaze turned, and looked at Cao Zhengchun: "First, let me check carefully, the relationship between Beiting and Shuofang, and, besides these two great ambassadors, who else participated in."

"I want to know this information."

"I want these lawless Jidu Envoys to know who the Heaven of Tang Dynasty is!"

Although Li Si's voice was soft, it was full of murderous intent!

"According to the purpose."

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

Cao Zhengchun knew in his heart that when his Majesty got what he wanted to know, he might be ready to take action on Jiedu.

"Apart from this, what else do you want to tell me?"

As soon as Li Si's words fell, Cao Zhengchun reacted abruptly: "Your Majesty Qi, the former prime minister Yuan Zai, has reported to the old slave, and the old slave has also sent someone to follow Yuan Zai to dig for the treasure... ."

"I see."

"This matter, please pay attention to me."

"Old slave follows the order."

"If there is nothing wrong, go back."

Li Si waved his hand and said.


Cao Zhengchun left the palace.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan raised his head slightly and looked to the northwest.

King Shufang?

I want to see if you have any confidence to call yourself a king!



North Court.

Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong look at the white-robed scribes who entered leisurely, with a smile on his face.

"I don't know King Shuofang, what do you want to tell me?"

At this moment, Zhao Gong felt cold.

Jiedu's mansion was originally heavily guarded, and without the Jiedu's order, even a fly would not be able to fly in.

But now, the scribes in white are coming so grandly.

This makes Zhao Gong unbelievable.

"General Zhao, let's go in and talk."

The scribe in white looked at Zhao and said lightly.

When Zhao Gong heard the words, he took a deep breath: "As it should be."


In a room.

The Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong sit down with the white scribes.

"General Zhao, my master would like to ask you a word."

The scribe in white looked calm and spoke.

Zhao Gong looked solemn and said with a serious face: "Please speak."

The white-robed scribe smiled slightly: "I wonder if General Zhao's ambitions were still there now?"

Zhao Gong's face changed drastically as soon as the words of the scribe in white fell.

"King Shufang..."

"What does King Shuofang know?"

Zhao Gong looked extremely ugly.

The white-robed scribe shook his head: "What my master knows, you don't need to understand, general."

"The general only needs to answer questions."

Zhao Gong stared at the white-robed scribes: "The emperor of the Tang Dynasty is unfathomable. Fan Qing was captured for no reason. The Turkic 300,000 iron cavalry was slaughtered..."

"And the spy that I arranged in Chang'an, was pulled out in one night..."

"The hole card of the emperor is not something I can expect..."

When Zhao Gong said this, he paused for a moment, and continued: "If King Shuofang has other things, I will help myself."

"But if you want me to help him. Forgive me if I can't agree..."

After Zhao Gong said this, he was about to get up.


The next sentence of the scribe in white made Zhao Gong's pupils shrink.

"The general is worrying too much."

"What the general said, why didn't my master take it into consideration?" "If I told the general, my master would have expected all this, the general would just refuse it like this?"

The scribe in white finished speaking, looking at Beiting Jiedushi Zhao Gong, a smile appeared on his face.

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