Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 120: Those who follow me live, those who oppose me die!

North Court.

Jiedu makes the mansion.

Zhao Gong looked at the white-robed scribe and sighed softly: "It seems that King Shuofang has a plan long ago..."

At this moment, Zhao Gong felt a little surprised. Right.

Whether it is Hexi.

It is still a matter of Turkic cavalry. If he could know, King Shuofang would certainly know.

Under this circumstance, King Shuofang was still preparing to attack, obviously with great confidence.

Otherwise, why would King Shuofang risk punishing the Nine Clans and provoke the imperial power?

"It's just that, even so, I don't have any reason to be with King Shuofang."

Zhao Gong was silent for a moment and said. He considered a lot in his heart, even if King Shuofang was fully prepared, Datang was ultimately Datang.

No one knows what kind of power can erupt from this empire that has ruled the world for two hundred years.

Zhao Gong obviously didn't want to participate in it.

In the North Court, he holds a heavy soldier in his hand and is happy and happy, so why take the risk of decapitation?

Upon hearing this, the scribe in white said softly: "It seems that General Zhao is too naive."

"Do you think that Emperor Datang will let you go?"

As soon as the white-robed scribes finished speaking, Zhao Gong frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

The scribe in white shook his head: "I am in the North Court, and I did not hide my whereabouts. Even when I came to the general's mansion, it was fair."

"In a few days, there must be a piece of information on the Dragon Case of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty. King Shuo Fang's confidant will have a long secret talk with Beiting Jiedu's mansion..."

"General, do you think that at that time, the emperor would believe you and it has nothing to do with my master?"

The words of the scribes in white pierced Zhao Gong's heart like a sharp sword.

Zhao Gong never imagined that the scribes in white should be so merciless.

The methods used by the white scribes were very simple.

But also very fatal.

The scribe in white gave Zhao Gong two choices.

One is to do nothing and put his own wealth and life in the hands of the emperor.

The second is to rebel with King Shuofang and seize the initiative.

In Zhao Gong's Liushen Wuzhu room, the white-robed scribe stood up.

"My master gave the general three days to consider."

"Three days later, I hope the general can give an answer."

After finishing speaking, the scribe in white turned and left.

The Beiting Jiedu ambassador, Zhao Gong, was left behind.

Zhao Gong looked at the teapot on the table and fell silent.

"The King Shuofang used Yangmou..."

Zhao Gong's thoughts fluctuated.



Mend the way.

An illusory figure of Ruoyouruowu approached Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun.


The elder Butiandao saw this scene and was overjoyed.

Obviously, this illusory figure is the Sect Master of Heaven Patching.

Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, from beginning to end, never showed up, letting the disciples of Patching Heaven Dao be slaughtered by the World Society.

He is like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, if it doesn't come out, it's deadly.

Hum! !

Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao entered the three-meter range of Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun, suddenly activated the secret method, soaring strength, and even vaguely promoted to the gods and demons realm.


The breath of gods and demons permeated.

Zhou Feng Zhou Yun was full of horror.

Their own cultivation base is not high, and with the speciality of Fengshen's legs and Paiyun Palm, they exploded with innate ultimate combat power.

Now that the Sect Master is close, if there is no accident, the two of them will undoubtedly die.

Just when Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun were extremely desperate.

Xiongba takes one step forward.

In an instant.

The three air currents of heaven, earth and man turned into a monstrous momentum, sweeping in all directions.


The illusory figure that solved Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun suddenly flew upside down, crossed a distance of tens of meters, and fell to the ground fiercely.


The illusory figure suddenly raised its head and looked at the male tyrant with a shocked expression.

He had never expected that in his dreams, there would be someone in this world shaking him flying by virtue of his aura.

This is terrible!

Sect Master Patching Heaven is unbelievable.

Bu Tian Dao gave birth to martial artists in the gods and demons realm, such as the shadow assassin Yang Xuyan two hundred years ago...

Therefore, Sect Master of Patching Heaven knows the strength of the gods and demons, probably at the level...

But at this time, seeing the tyrant, the Sect Master of Patching Heaven only felt that he was facing an unfathomable abyss...


This kind of consciousness arose in the master of Heaven Patching Road.

"Thank you, Master, for helping me!"

Zhou Feng Zhou Yun hurriedly knelt down and said respectfully.

They knew in their hearts that if it hadn't been for the tyrant, the two of them would have already died in the hands of the mending master.

"Patience is good."

"But the strength is too weak."

Xiong Ba looked at the Sect Master of the Heaven Filling Way, and said with contempt.

Xiongba most looked down upon these sneaky and hiding people.

In the eyes of Xiongba, if he is really capable, he will return three points face to face, and if he is not dead, Xiongba will look at him high.

But like the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, he has been hiding on the side, preparing for a sneak attack, which makes the hero look down the most.


"I don't know what's the matter with Senior."

Sect Master Butiandao paled, and said with a trembling voice.

At this time, Sect Master of Patching Heaven saw a glimmer of hope for survival.

If Xiongba had a murderous intent on him, he is now dead, and it is impossible to just be seriously injured.

Since he is not dead, it proves that Xiongba intends to keep him alive.

In other words, in the heart of Xiongba, he is still useful.

Thinking of this, Sect Master of Heaven Patching Dao raised his heart and let it go a little bit.

As a member of the Demon Sect, the Sect Master of Patching Heaven has long been accustomed to using and being If one day, the Sect Master of Patching Heaven will lose the value of use, and he will not be far from death...

The Sect Master of Patching Heaven looked at Xiong He in awe.

at this time.

The male tyrant stepped out and appeared in front of the Sect Master of Patching Heaven: "The old man has only one purpose here."

"Those who follow me live, those who rebel against me die!!!"

The three airs of heaven, earth and man emerged between the heroes' gestures, like a mighty prison, shaking people's hearts!


Royal palace.

Li Si ended his early dynasty and returned to the Hall of Longevity.

Just as Li Si was about to continue reviewing the memorial, the **** who was close to him walked in and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu is asking for you outside."


Li Si put down the memorial.

After a while, the Ministry of Industry Shangshu walked into the Hall of Longevity.

"The old minister has seen your Majesty!"

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry bowed and saluted and said loudly.

Li Si looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and said, "Flat body."

"Thank your majesty."

"Aiqing, how about the leak of the gunpowder that I asked you to investigate? It's almost half a month since the time I gave you."

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and said casually.

The Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry said: "Your Majesty, the old minister has already found out."

"Checked it out?"

Li Si looked at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry: "Now that I have found it out, tell me what is going on? Why does the gunpowder developed by the Ministry of Industry appear in the city of Chang'an?"

"His Majesty, after the veteran's investigation, the gunpowder in Chang'an City was not leaked by the Ministry of Industry."

Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry said respectfully.

"It's not someone from the Ministry of Industry that leaked it?" Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair: "Aiqing meant that I suspected that I had arranged outside Chang'an City to protect the Forbidden Army that was developing gunpowder by the Ministry of Industry?"

Li Si's words were cold.

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