Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 145: Summon, the fifth **** and demon!

Inside the longevity hall.

Cao Zhengchun met the emperor personally and reported on the war.

"Your Majesty, Shuo Fang is a great victory, Shuo Fang has been put down, Shuo Fang Jiedu committed suicide, and the remaining rebellion has been subdued by His Highness King Liang."

Cao Zhengchun said loudly. Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan's expression did not fluctuate, as if everything was already within his expectations.

For Li Si, when he sent out the Dugu Sword Demon, he had already announced the end of the war.

With the strength of the Dugu Sword Demon, who can stop Shuo Fang's rebellion? The mere faction of Jidu, who rebels and seeks rebellion, is simply looking for death!

After Cao Zhengchun finished speaking, he took out a memorial and held it in both hands.

The servant **** stepped forward and presented the memorial to the Long Case.

The memorial states the specific details of Shuofang’s battle.

Li Si glanced at random, closed the memorial, looked at Cao Zhengchun, and said with interest: "Suo Fang Jiedu committed suicide?" "Your Majesty Qizhen, that's it."

Cao Zhengchun said respectfully.

"Also interesting."

Li Si smiled and said his evaluation of Shuofang Jiedushi.

If there are outsiders present, you will be stunned to hear Li Si's comments like this.

The dignified and powerful ambassador, with 600,000 soldiers, wants to get involved with the hero of Li Tang Jiangshan, when it comes to Li Si's mouth, it is just an ‘interesting’?

However, in the identity of Li Si, it is right.

As the world's supreme, the master of Datang Jiangshan, he is fully qualified to say such things.

"How about casualties?"

Li Si was too lazy to read the memorial, and asked bluntly.

"Your Majesty, I have more than 10,000 soldiers killed in the Tang Dynasty battle, and more than 50,000 more seriously injured..."

"Suofang killed more than 50,000 people, and the remaining soldiers abandoned their troops and surrendered."

Cao Zhengchun said truthfully.

"It's so good."

"For the 10,000 soldiers killed in battle, the pensions of their families will be doubled. If there are children who are willing to join the army, they will be dealt with favorably."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Compared with the 800,000-scale war, which killed more than 10,000 people, it was a big victory.

As for the families of the fallen soldiers, Li Si has never been stingy.

After all, the other party has already sacrificed his life for you. If Li Si didn't say anything, wouldn't the other soldiers be chilled?

"According to the purpose."

Cao Zhengchun bowed.

Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, and asked casually, "Is there anything to report about this war?"

Cao Zhengchun heard the words, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and continued: "Return to your Majesty, Shuo Fang Jiedu has a **** and demon under his command. When this **** and demon was about to assassinate King Liang, he was attacked by the master Dugu sent by his majesty. kill."

When Cao Zhengchun said this, a hint of surprise appeared in his tone.

Kill a **** and demon in one move.

What strength is this?

At least the two heavens!

Even the gods and demons are above the triple heaven!

"anything else?"

Li Si was unmoved.

"In addition to the gods and demons, Shuofang Jiedu also mastered a giant crossbow."

"This giant crossbow, according to Shuofang's rebellious account, is called the Breaking God Crossbow.

"At the time of the Anshi Rebellion, the three gods and demons of my Datang Kingdom fell one and seriously injured two because of this god-breaking crossbow."

Cao Zhengchun finished.

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

"God-breaking crossbow?"

"Anshi Rebellion?"

There was a slight interest in Li Si's heart.

Cao Zhengchun reported again: "Your Majesty, the crossbow of this god-breaking crossbow is entirely made of thousand-year-old mysterious iron. It is the body protector of ordinary gods and demons. When encountering thousand-year-old mysterious iron, I am afraid that it will be crushed... ..."

"It's just that Master Dugu didn't know what method he used to completely lose the destructive power of this Thousand-Year Profound Body Arrow..."

A trace of doubt appeared in Cao Zhengchun's words.

Everything he knew was relayed by the Dongchang spies. Cao Zhengchun himself was not at the scene, so it was impossible to tell what kind of method the Dugu Sword Demon had used.

It's just that if he gets along in a different place, he Cao Zhengchun may not necessarily be able to stop this thousand-year-old mysterious iron arrow.

Cao Zhengchun's Tiangang boy skill is pure and pure, but if he really faces the thousand-year-old mysterious iron arrow that breaks the body of the gods and demons, whether it can be blocked, Cao Zhengchun has no idea.

"Where is the God Breaking Crossbow?"

Li Si looked at Cao Zhengchun and asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, after King Liang discovered the God-breaking Crossbow, he knew its importance and immediately sent someone to **** him back."

"The old slave estimates that he will be able to reach Chang'an within ten days."

Cao Zhengchun whispered.

Although the God Breaking Crossbow is only a dead object, it has a greater strategic significance than ordinary gods and monsters.

Because the gods and demons will die of old age, but the broken crossbow will not.

As long as there is a broken crossbow, ordinary gods and demons will be extremely jealous.

Moreover, this threat is permanent.

For example, when Li Sigang ascended the throne, the gods and monsters of Goryeo visited the palace at night.

If the other party knows, there is a broken crossbow in the Datang Palace.

Does he dare to sneak into the Datang Palace?

For the gods and demons, even if they encounter the same-level gods and demons, there will not be much fear.

Because you can run if you can't beat it.

But the God Breaking Crossbow is different.

Once shot by the Thousand-Year Mysterious Iron Arrow of the Breaking God Crossbow, who can guarantee that he will survive?

"By the way, when Shofang rebelled, did other Jidu Envoys move?"

Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair and asked inadvertently.

Cao Zhengchun, as the governor of the East Factory the eyes and ears of the emperor, naturally will not only monitor Shuofang.

Cao Zhengchun bowed and said, "His Majesty Qi, most of the Jidu Envoys did not respond and are in a wait-and-see state."

"But the Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong keep close contact with Shuofang, and even the Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong secretly mobilized two hundred thousand troops and was about to move..."

"If the old slave is expected to be good, Beiting Jiedu Envoy Zhao Gong has already secretly colluded with Shuo Fang Jiedu."

"As long as Shuo Fang Jiedu gives an order, Zhao Gong will send his troops northward."

Li Si heard the words, a trace of coldness appeared on his face.

Sakufang Jiedu is really a good calculation.

Beiting and Shuofang, one north and one south.

If the two send troops at the same time, Datang will definitely be in a state of attack.

In this way, people in Korea will inevitably panic.

Moreover, Datang also scored a large portion of its troops to deal with both.

There is the Beiting Jiedushi to disperse the pressure, and the trump cards that the Shuofang Jiedushi masters will most likely go all the way south to the Chang'an city.

At that time, it is really possible for Shufang Jiedushi to realize his ambitions.


Shuo Fang Jiedu made thousands of calculations, and counted all the follow-ups, but he didn't. He didn't even step out of Shuo Fang, so he was settled by Liang Wang...

"Your Majesty, Beiting Jiedushi Zhao Gong, dare to transfer troops without authorization, it is like rebellious..."

There was a trace of killing intent in Cao Zhengchun's words.

"North Court?"

Li Si looked cold and was about to speak.


at this time.

A mechanical voice rang in Li Si's ear.


[System prompt...] [Detected that the host has a chance to summon. 】

【use or not? 】

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