Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 146: My first assistant candidate for the cabinet!

In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si was listening to Cao Zhengchun's report, and the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"One month has passed..."

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan was deeply moved.

Over the past month, Li Si has perfected the Imperial Examination System of the Tang Dynasty, promulgated new commercial taxes and land taxes, and exiled the princess of Anyang in a rage...Under Li Si's drastic actions, the Tang Empire There is already a trend of prosperity again.

However, Li Si knew in his heart that these were far from enough.

Can the stubborn illness of the Datang Empire be cured in just a few months? The most obvious example is the governance of officials.

In the city of Chang'an, because it was at the feet of the emperor, the officials were so clear that they did not dare to be presumptuous.

But outside of Chang'an City?

At the beginning of the founding of Datang,

The first generation of officials may have the idea of ​​benefiting one party. But two hundred years have passed.

Nowadays, what are the officials with high positions and powerful hands in their minds?

Although, the official department is in charge of the officials in the world.

It's just that the power of control is too weak.

If local officials want to hide something from the court, it is difficult for the court to figure out why.

The east factory is known as the world of supervision and inspection.

But in fact, the main responsibility of the East Factory is to monitor Chang'an City.

As for the city of Chang'an, Cao Zhengchun will only let the spies from the East Factory focus on supervising some important places...

For example, when the ten major sections are under today, there will be Dongchang spies lurking on the site.

As for the officials in various places...

Too much.

It's too complicated.

Even Cao Zhengchun is beyond reach.

After all, there were so many people in the East Factory, and Datang's intelligence agency had just been handed over to Cao Zhengchun not long.

Cao Zhengchun couldn't do it either. In just a few months, he knew every inch of land in the territory of the Tang Empire...

Say it again.

In Li Si's view, if the management of the officials in the world were to use the power of the East Factory to force supervision, it would be too costly and not worthwhile...

Just when Li Si was thinking about it.

The sound of the system sounded again.


【system hint...】

[Do you want to call? 】

Li Si settled down, glanced at Cao Zhengchun, and said: "I will handle the issue of the Beiting Jiedushi Envoy. Now, if there is nothing wrong, let's go back."


Cao Zhengchun withdrew from the Palace of Longevity.

Li Si left and right.


Li Si said silently in his heart.



[Host please wait...]

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, and his thoughts fluctuated slightly.

This month's system summons, which **** will the system summon again?

Nowadays, the gods and demons under Li Si are biased towards personal force, such as the hero, the Dugu sword demon...

However, in terms of national governance, this kind of gods and monsters who are good at fighting does not have obvious effects...

The simplest example, among the four gods and demons today, which one can help Li Si handle state affairs?


【system hint...】

[Congratulations to the host, summon the gods and demons: Zhang Juzheng! 】

The cold mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded.

Zhang Juzheng?

Li Si's pupils shrank slightly when he heard the words.

In that later generation, the first assistant of the Ming Empire, with his own power, implemented the New Deal and continued the precarious Zhang Juzheng of the Ming Empire?

Zhang Juzheng served as the first assistant for ten years and took over all military and political power, almost the first official of the Ming Empire!

Not only that, a series of reform measures promulgated by Zhang Juzheng to save the Ming Empire economically, politically, and militarily.

Without Zhang Juzheng's reform, the Ming Empire would be destroyed at least 50 years earlier.

It is a pity that Zhang Juzheng took over the military and political power and touched the bottom line of the Emperor Shenzong at that time. The more capable Zhang Juzheng represented the loss of the Emperor Shenzong. In the eyes of the Emperor Shenzong, Zhang Juzheng alone held the power and was despising the imperial power... .

In addition, Zhang Juzheng's reforms touched the interests of a large number of bureaucrats and aristocratic families at the time, and met with huge backlash.

Without the emperor’s support and standing in opposition to the world, even Zhang Juzheng would end up depressed in the end...

After Zhang Juzheng's death, the aristocratic family began to counterattack frantically, destroying Zhang Juzheng's reform measures...

So far, Zhang Juzheng's reform failed!

Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair, and a series of materials about Zhang Juzheng appeared in his mind.

"Call up Zhang Juzheng's detailed information."

This idea just emerged in Li Si's mind.


A light curtain emerged below Li Si's vision.

【Name: Zhang Juzheng! 】

[Cultivation base: God and devil are in heaven! 】

【Gong Method: Zhang's Heart Method! 】

[Supernatural powers: None! 】

[Talent: None! 】

[Evaluation: It is sad and sigh that he has the common people in his heart, but is unable to return to heaven! 】


Li Si looked at the system screen below his vision.


Li Si was slightly surprised.

Zhang Juzheng was not surprised.

But Zhang Juzheng was also a **** and demon.

Although Zhang Juzheng's cultivation was only a **** and demon, he was a **** and demon after all.

However, Li Si changed his mind. When Zhang Juzheng took office as the chief assistant of Ming Dynasty, he assumed all the power, even if it touched the imperial power, but the emperor of Shenzong at the time was daring not to speak...

Moreover, Zhang Juzheng's reforms trampled on the interests of the official family.

But even so, when Zhang Juzheng was alive, no one dared to stand up and disobey Zhang Juzheng.

Why would Zhang Juzheng dare to do this?

The family behind?

No matter how powerful Zhang Juzheng’s family is, is there Emperor Ming?

But even the Emperor could only watch Zhang Juzheng seize the power that belongs to the emperor...

In this way, there can only be one possibility.

Zhang Juzheng relies on his own strength...

Only gods and demons in the world can do all this.

But unfortunately, even if Zhang Ju was a **** and demon, he could not completely save the Ming Empire at that time...

On the contrary, when Zhang Juzheng died, the Emperor Shenzong was busy withdrawing power, and the family of officials under the world was busy abolishing Zhang Juzheng's reform measures...

After all, Zhang Juzheng is powerless...

Li Si thought of this and sighed lightly.

"Zhang Juzheng?"

Li Si suddenly thought, isn't he missing a cabinet chief?

With Zhang Juzheng's ability, isn't it completely competent?

When Zhang Juzheng was the first assistant of Ming Dynasty, even if he was opposed by the whole world, he almost went crazy...

If Li Si let him be the chief assistant of the cabinet, Li Si would definitely be a lot easier.

Zhang Juzheng, as the **** and demon summoned by Li Si, was loyal to Li Si and, coupled with his ability, Li Si could handle most of the government affairs by Zhang Juzheng.


【system hint...】

[Zhang Juzheng will come in an hour. 】

Li Si rubbed his eyebrows and opened the memorial again.

Li Si was ready to take advantage of this hour to deal with some memorials.


Shuo Fang.

After King Liang defeated Shuo Fang Jiedu, Shuo Fang was about to settle.

This time, King Liang learned the lessons of Hexi and arranged scouts when conquering the army at the Shuofang border to closely monitor the movements of the aliens outside the border. King Liang stood on the border of Shuofang, looking out at the endless distance.

He Liang Wang Lizhen will never make the same mistake!

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