Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 148: Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Method"

North Court.

Jiedu made Zhao Gong puff and fell to the ground.


"General, are you okay?" His confidant hurriedly helped Zhao Gong up.

After Zhao Gong got up, he pushed his belly directly, walked to the scout, his eyes were bloodshot and said: "You just, what did you just say?!"

Zhao Gong never expected that he was still immersed in the joy of future fantasy just now, but in a blink of an eye, he gave him such a blow. "General... General."

The scout was obviously not frightened, and he stammered: "Suo Fang...Suo Fang Jiedu killed him, and Shuo Fang was put down by King Liang..."

The scout's voice just fell.

Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong only one thought.

It's over. Completely finished.

Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong look desperate!

Zhao Gong hadn't thought about the situation of scouts spreading false news.

The death of Shuofang Jiedu was so important that even a scout in a small amount would not dare to lie even if he had ten guts.

Say it again.

What happened to Shuofang will soon spread throughout the world.

Therefore, in Zhao Gong's heart, the news that the scout said is almost impossible, and it is correct...


"How can it be!"

"With Shuo Fang Wang's hole cards, how could he lose to Liang Wang?"

"And it's still such a big defeat, even I was killed..."

The Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong still feel incredible.

In Zhao Gong's view, this result is simply incredible.

Who is King Shuofang?

Sitting in the northwest of Datang, he has 600,000 troops, and there are gods and demons under his command, and he is the ultimate beneficiary of the Anshi Rebellion.

According to the truth, once King Shuofang rises, the impact will be no weaker than the Anshi Rebellion.

But the fact?

According to the scout, the king of Shuofang had been walked out of the same place as Shuofang, and he was directly suppressed.

How can this be? !

What about the gods and demons under King Shufang?

What benefits did King Shuofang gain from the Anshi Rebellion?

Beiting Jiedu was incredible.

However, at this moment, the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

"The Emperor of Tang..."

Beiting Jidu made a deep sigh.

He also started to react.

The reason why King Shuofang died was probably because he didn't use those hole cards.

It was used, but to no avail...

In other words, in the contest between King Shuofang and the emperor of Tang Dynasty, King Shuofang was defeated...

The Beiting Jiedu makes it hard to imagine what methods the emperor of Tang, sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, has used to calm Shuo Fang silently...

"General, what shall we do now?"

The confidant walked to Zhao Gong, lowered his voice, and asked.

"Although King Shuofang died in battle, our army in the North Court has all been mobilized. The general can only give an order..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Gong's scalp was numb.

"Shut up!"

Zhao Gong gave his confidant a fierce look.

He never expected that his confidant would be so bold.

Didn’t you hear that King Shufang died in battle?

At this time, his Beiting Jiedu envoy, how can He De, dare to rebel? !

"Return all the army back."

Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong said quickly.

After Zhao Gong finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the location of Chang'an, his eyes flashing with awe.

Now, Zhao Gong expects in his heart that the emperor has no idea about his behavior of maneuvering.

Only in this way, his Beiting Jiedushi can survive...

At this moment, Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong only one thought...



Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

Now that we have waited for Zhang Juzheng, it is time to deal with the matters of the Beiting Jiedushi.

Beiting Jiedushi and Shuofang Jiedushi secretly colluded, and even the two echoed each other, intending to rebel together, these Cao Zhengchun had long ago confirmed evidence.

In this case, Li Si naturally could not keep Zhao Gong alive.

"Come here."

As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the attendant **** walked in quickly: "Your Majesty."

Li Si glanced at the attendant eunuch, and said: "Proceed my will and give Beiting Jiedu a cup of poisonous wine to Zhao Gong."

As soon as Li Si's voice fell, the attendant eunuch's body trembled.

"According to the purpose."

The next **** withdrew from the Hall of Longevity, ready to let people convey the emperor's will.

After the attendant **** left.

Li Si sneered and stood up from the throne of the dragon chair.

Li Si walked out of the Hall of Longevity, his eyes condensed slightly: "Zhao Gong, I would like to know, under the imperial decree, whether you drink this glass of poisoned wine or not!"

Li Si knew in his heart that the Beiting Jiedu Envoy should already know that Shuofang was put down.

How would Zhao Gong feel at this time?




At this time, did Zhao Gong have the courage to disobey the imperial edict?

Li Si was a little curious.

However, whether Zhao Gong drinks or not, his ending is already doomed.

Li Si will never let it go. Anyone who threatens the Tang Dynasty is alive.

Even if he is the sergeant of the side!


The next day.

Early Tang Dynasty.

The civil and military officials stood in front of the Taiji Hall, and walked into the Taiji Hall in turn following the imperial road.

When all the court officials arrived, Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

"Long live your majesty, long live long live."

"Flat body."

Li Si was in a good mood because he calmed down the place of Shuofang and summoned Zhang Juzheng as a suitable cabinet chief.

"Thank your majesty."

The ministers dared to get up.

Only then did the courtiers discover that there was one more person in the courtroom ~ ~ they had never seen before. Not only that, this person was also standing in the first position on the right.

According to the rules, this location is the location of Datang Prime Minister Station.

In an instant, a thought emerged in the minds of hundreds of civil and military officials.

Today's court, I am afraid that another major event has happened.

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair, glanced at the hall, and his eyes fell on Zhang Juzheng.

"If something happens, retreat if nothing happens."

Just after the **** had finished speaking, Zhang Juzheng, who was the first on the right, stood out and said, "My Majesty, Cao Min has something to play."

Because the emperor has not given Zhang Juzheng an official position until now, even in the court, Zhang Juzheng can only live as a grassroots.

Zhang Juzheng walked to the front of the temple and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Datang's national strength is rising day by day, the people are beginning to live and work in peace and contentment, and business is gradually prospering."

"Of course, there is a lack of an effective supervision system among officials and local officials, and local officials are negligent in their duties.

"The Caomin believes that the main reason for all this is the'unclear government officials'."

"Caomin requested that the evaluation standards for local officials be strengthened, and by means of'general officials', any officials who fail to meet the evaluation standards shall be punished by retiring and eliminating them..."

Zhang Juzheng's words resounded in the Tai Chi Hall.

In an instant.

Manchu Wenwu's face changed.

Zhang Juzheng's words like this are challenging the official system of Datang!

No official would like to see a knife appearing on his head that would fall at any time.

Local officials are unwilling.

These ministers of the DPRK and China were not willing. For a while, the courtiers began to talk in a low voice in the Tai Chi Hall.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan looked at the civil and military officials, his expression calm, as if he didn't know anything.

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