Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 149: Emperor Wei is like the sky!

Tai Chi Hall.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan glanced at the officials.

Standing in the hall, Zhang Juzheng continued, arching his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the Cao Min thinks that I, the officials of the Tang Dynasty, should always abide by the philosophy of serving the people, the way of being an official, and we should benefit one party, not for selfishness."

"Moreover, if an official is in control, if there is selfish desire in his heart, the impact will be worse than murder and arson..." "Therefore, Caomin believes that from the highest rank to the 9th rank, all Evaluation standards need to be established. Anyone who fails to meet the standards will be punished... and even ordered to return to the hometown in advance..."

Zhang Juzheng ignored the gradually clamoring courtiers and said to himself.

For Zhang Juzheng, he only cared about what the emperor said. As for the others...

Even the princes and ministers did not put it in Zhang Juzheng's eyes.

Li Si leaned slightly on the throne of the dragon chair. After a long time, Li Si slowly said, "What do all Aiqing think?"

In Li Si's view, what Zhang Juzheng said just solved the problem of the imperial court's insufficient control of local officials.

If according to Zhang Juzheng’s intention, a strict evaluation mechanism for officials in the Tang Dynasty’s officialdom was established, it would certainly be able to inspire the officials of the world to become officials... There will be no worries.

In this way, Li Si can also focus on other aspects, such as economy, military, etc...

However, although Li Si was satisfied, he also wanted to hear the attitudes of other courtiers.

If the courtiers agree, then there is no problem.

If you disagree...

Li Si would have to beat one or two.

As soon as Li Si's voice fell, a courtier immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Weichen thinks that this is improper!"

"As an official, I have to face various problems every day, and the methods for dealing with these problems can't be discussed individually."

"It would be unfair to only select officials based on the assessment criteria..."

The words came out.

The other courtiers nodded secretly.


If the officials are selected based on the assessment criteria.

How should this standard be formulated?

People's sentiments are different everywhere in the world, the needs of the people are also different, and the things that officials have to do are also different.

How can this assessment standard care about all officials in the world?

Li Si heard this, his expression calm, between his brows, elusive.



Outside Chang'an city.

Yuan Zai worked day and night to dig out the treasures of the previous dynasty.

This treasure is related to Yuan Zai's worth and life, so how could Yuan Zai not care about it.

Since coming here, Yuan Zai has slept for three hours a day, and the other time is spent digging.

Fortunately, this treasure did not disappoint Yuan Zai.

In less than half a month, the gold and silver treasures unearthed are worth nearly 10 million taels...

Moreover, according to Yuanzai's estimation, the current mining process has only been one-tenth...

Yuan Zai looked at the wealth he had unearthed with his own hands, without the slightest disturbance in his heart.

If it were before, when he was still the prime minister of Datang, he would have been very excited when he saw these wealth.


Now, after seeing the emperor, Yuan Zai has unprecedented clarity in his mind.

Yuan Zai knew in his heart that these wealth belonged to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

No matter how much he cares about, it's useless.

Could it be King Earth in the whole world!

Everything in the territory of the Tang Dynasty is the emperor's private property.

"Keep digging for me!"

Yuan Zai took a deep breath and cheered up the guards of the East Factory.

As the excavation progressed, these guards did not know how many batches were changed.

Moreover, the number of guards is also increasing.

After Yuan Zai finished speaking, he picked up the shovel and began to dig hard.


at this time.

A guard walked quickly and whispered a few words toward Yuan Zai.

Yuan Zai frowned slightly and said, "Let me see."

Then, the guard took out a crystal clear statue.

The surface of this statue is engraved with intricate characters.

Yuan Zai placed the statue in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"How can I be so familiar with the pattern characters on this?"

Yuan Zai frowned, thinking quickly in his heart.

Vaguely, Yuan Zai realized that he might have to uncover a big secret.

For a long time, Yuan Zai only knew that this treasure came from the previous dynasty.

But Yuan Zai didn't know exactly what treasure it was, what its use was, and who buried it here.

Yuan Zai only relied on the gold and silver treasures that had been excavated to determine the origin of this treasure.

What a joke.

If it is an ordinary treasure, can you dig out so many gold and silver treasures?

Now, looking at the newly excavated statue in his hand, Yuan Zai had a vague guess in his heart.

"I need to go back and look through some ancient books to confirm one thing."

Yuan Zai got up and said to the guard in charge here.

"Leave here?"

The guard looked hesitant.

According to the truth, Yuan Zai cannot leave selfishly before the treasure excavation is completed.

"I want to ask the Governor."

The guard hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said.


"I'm waiting here."

"Tell Governor Cao that what I want to confirm is related to this treasure!"

After Yuan Zai said this, he began to look at the statue again.

Yuan Zai stroked the statue, feeling If his guess is true...

That's really a big discovery...

At this point, Yuan Zai's heartbeat started to accelerate.



Tai Chi Hall.

Li Si watched and stood up and refuted Zhang Juzheng's courtiers with a blank expression.

Zhang Juzheng looked indifferent and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Cao Min has already thought about it. The designated assessment will definitely be based on local conditions?"

"Last night, Caomin looked through my files from various places in the Tang Dynasty and was confident that he would be able to assess officials in the world from the most impartial perspective!"

"The cursive name of this method is'Cao Cheng Fa'."

"I hope your Majesty will consider it."

As soon as Zhang Juzheng's words fell, the minister who stood up looked anxious and was about to continue to refute.


next moment.


A calm voice came from the throne of the dragon chair.

Although the voice was not loud, the court officials immediately trembled when they heard it.

Because this is the voice of the emperor.

The emperor speaks, as a courtier, who dares to interrupt?

Suddenly, the noisy Tai Chi Hall quieted down instantly, and the needle drop could be heard.

Li Si's gaze fell on the minister who stood up: "Aiqing, you are so anxious to oppose it. Is this matter related to your own interests?"

The emperor's words, like a sharp sword, pierced the courtier's heart deeply.

"Chen...Chen didn't."

"Since there isn't, it's better to do this first and see if it works."

Li Si's voice spread throughout the Taiji Hall.

"The minister follows the decree."

"The minister seconded."


When the court ministers saw that the emperor had made a decision, they could only obey it. No one will stand up against it at this time.

The emperor is as powerful as the sky, no one dares to disobey the emperor!

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