Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 151: The emperor should be ruthless!

In Yongan Palace.

The emperor and the queen mother chatted.

Although the Queen Mother was at ease with Li Si, during the chat, she still hinted a little that the emperor could not completely trust a certain minister.

For the emperor, the most important thing is the technique of weighing. Never let a courtier be unconstrained.

Otherwise, problems may not occur in a short time.

But over time, it will inevitably cause chaos. The Datang Jiedushi system is a **** example.

The Jiedu envoy system was first established. Which of the first-generation Jiedu envoys who went to the border crossings was not loyal to Datang?

Under the imperial power, even if they were allowed to die, these ambassadors would obey.

But time passed, decades and hundreds of years passed.

Under the nourishment of power, what other envoy would listen to the emperor? The queen mother wanted to tell the emperor that the hearts of the people were unpredictable.

No matter how loyal a courtier is, who can guarantee that after ten or twenty years, he will still be loyal.

After holding power, any loyalty will deteriorate.

As an emperor, suspicion is essential.

As an emperor, I would rather kill 10,000 by mistake than let go of a person who is suspiciously threatening the emperor's power...

As an emperor, you should be cruel and ruthless, even if you are a close relative, don’t show mercy...

Li Si chatted with the queen mother while drinking black-bone chicken soup made by the queen mother herself.

Li Si used the emperor's refining technique, which fits the Tang Dynasty. These so-called black chicken soups do not have any nourishing effect on Li Si.

However, Li Si prefers this feeling.

An hour later.

Li Si got up and looked at the queen mother: "The time is almost up, I should go back."

The queen mother was full of dismay, but she also knew that the man in front of her was not only her son, but also the emperor of Datang.

"Send to your majesty from the family."

The queen mother sent the emperor to Yong'an Palace before stopping.

The queen mother looked at Li Si's back and sighed lightly.

In the emperor's house, although he has gained power that no one else can get in his entire life, he has also lost too much.

On Li Si's shoulders was the glory of the Datang Empire.

Every decision of Li Si is related to the future of the Tang Empire.

Since Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

The seven emotions and six desires of ordinary people, joy and sorrow, no longer have a relationship with Li Si...

This is the emperor!

This is the supreme world!

A trace of sorrow emerged in the queen mother's heart.

If there is a choice, she prefers that Li Si was born in an ordinary family, able to be carefree, innocent and kind, and able to enjoy the beauty of the world.

Not the way it is now, with deep thoughts and no expression of joy and anger...



Li Si left Yong'an Palace and returned to the Hall of Longevity.

Not long after Li Si had returned to the Hall of Longevity, the nearby **** came in to report.

"My Majesty, the chief minister of the cabinet, Zhang Ju, is asking for a meeting outside the hall."


Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and waved his hand.


Zhang Juzheng walked quickly into the Hall of Longevity.

"The minister has seen your majesty."

Zhang Juzheng bowed to the emperor.

After serving as the first minister of the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng was not regarded as unemployed, so he called himself a "civilian" before the emperor.

"Flat body."

Li Si looked at Zhang Juzheng and said.

"Thank your majesty."

Zhang Juzheng got up, his head lowered, still afraid to look directly at the sky.

"Aiqing doesn't need to be cautious here."

Li Si smiled slightly.

Zhang Juzheng is no better than other courtiers.

Zhang Ju is exactly what Li Si can trust.

Zhang Juzheng's loyalty to Li Si will not fade with the passage of time.

"Your Majesty, between monarchs and ministers, care about ritual."

"As a courtier, it is your duty to abide by the courtesy of the emperor and minister."

Zhang Juzheng whispered.

Li Si heard this and did not continue to say more.

Every **** and demon that Li Si summons is true. They have their own memory habits, beliefs and ideals.

Li Si looked at Zhang Juzheng, and asked casually, "What is the difficulty of Aiqing serving as the first assistant to the cabinet?"

Hearing this, Zhang Juzheng respectfully said: "Your Majesty Qi, within a month, the minister will definitely implement the assessment standards for the officials of the world, and let the Datang officialdom do as your majesty wishes..."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Li Si never doubted Zhang Juzheng's ability.

"Aiqing, do you have faith?"

Li Si looked at Zhang Juzheng and asked suddenly.


Zhang Juzheng thought for a moment, and then said: "The minister's faith is to make Datang's country permanent, to make Datang's national strength strong, and to prevent foreign races from attacking my Datang!"

Zhang Juzheng responded powerfully.

"Does Aiqing know, what's beyond Datang?"

Li Si asked slowly.

"Outside of Datang?"

"Some barbarian land?"

Zhang Juzheng's tone was puzzled.

Li Si shook his head slightly: "The land of barbarians is true, but the world outside of Datang is much bigger than Datang."

"To the north of the Datang, there is an ice sheet, where the land is vast and countless resources are buried under the ground. To the east of the Datang is the vast ocean. On the opposite side of the ocean, there is a whole new continent. To the west of the Datang, countless small countries are densely covered. Fighting endlessly every day, south of Datang is a group of island communities..."

"Aiqing, this world is big."

"And our Datang will not only stick to the Central Plains in the future."

For the first time, Li Si expressed his ambition in front of outsiders.

For Li Si, one day, the entire world will be shrouded in the mighty power of the Tang Empire.

Even Li Si still has an idea...

What he wants to conquer is not only the world under his feet, but also the real worlds...

"Chen...Chen is willing to do his best for your Majesty..."

Zhang Juzheng trembled when he heard the emperor's ambition


"You go down first."

Li Si rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"According to the purpose."



To the west of Datang, outside the border.

Several blond whites walked hard.


"Where are we?"

The headed white man said bitterly.

"According to the rumors, how far is the heavenly kingdom that the nations surrendered to us?"

The headed white man’s lips had dry lips, and he was obviously in a state of water shortage for a long time.

"We left our hometown and rushed for thousands of miles to find the rumored kingdom, but now we have found nothing. Is it true that the rumor is false?"

The white man was a little desperate.

However, at this moment, with the materials they carry, they have no choice but to move on.


Hall of Eternal Life.

After Zhang Juzheng retired, Li Si went to rest.

As the chief assistant to the cabinet, Zhang Juzheng has already begun to deal with the memorial affairs.

Li Si currently has no memorials to deal with.

Li Si got up and walked outside the Hall of Longevity.

"Your Majesty, it's cold outside..."

The servant **** approached and whispered.

Li Si looked at the towering palace in the distance, and said, "I remember, the Kingdom of Korea offered a Princess of Korea?"

Li Si suddenly remembered the foreign customs that night...

The taste of Princess Koryo is completely different from that of a woman in the Tang Dynasty.

Unrestrained, seductive, bold...

"My Majesty, Princess Koryo is now living in Koryo Pavilion." The eunuch, the attendant, respectfully said.

Li Si turned and returned to the Hall of Longevity: "Let her come over!"

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