Korea Pavilion.

   Princess Koryo was summoned by the emperor, immediately dressed and dressed, and followed the **** to the Hall of Longevity.

   Along the way, Princess Koryo's heart fluctuates.

   Because this is the second time the emperor summoned her.

   This shows that the emperor did not forget her...

   Princess Koryo has been in the palace for more than two months.

   She is no longer the alien princess who didn't know anything.

   Princess Koryo understood that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty had a lot of opportunities, and even a concubine with fame might not be remembered by the emperor.

   Not to mention her...

   Now, Princess Koryo has been summoned again. Apparently, after the last meeting, she left a certain impression in the emperor's heart...

   Thinking of this, Princess Goryeo warned herself secretly.

   Must seize the opportunity.

   Princess Koryo does not expect to be favored by the emperor...

   Princess Koryo knew in her heart that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty was sitting on the harem for three thousand, and it was too difficult to get the emperor’s favor...

   Princess Koryo only hopes that the emperor will think of her when he is free...

  Only in this way can Princess Koryo stand firm in the palace...


   Princess Koryo came to the Hall of Longevity.

"go in."

   "Your Majesty is waiting for you."

   The attendant **** stopped and whispered.

   Princess Goryeo leaned slightly and walked lightly into the Hall of Longevity.

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

   "I have seen your Majesty."

   Princess Koryo's voice was soft and soft, and she whispered.

   Since Princess Koryo entered the palace, she has not only studied court etiquette, but also fantasized about what she should say in case she meets the emperor in order to get the emperor’s attention.

   Princess Koryo thought a lot.

   But in the end, I discovered that when I was really standing in front of the emperor, standing in front of the man who held the most powerful man in the world, all the rhetoric she fantasized about was reduced to the simplest sentence of'I have seen your majesty'.

   Li looked at Princess Koryo.

   Li Si remembered that when he saw Princess Koryo before, the other party was still very shy and bold at the same time.

   Li Si didn't even ask his name at the time, he just started to be lucky.

   Maybe, I should talk to her a few more words?

   Li Si suddenly thought.

"What's your name?"

   As soon as Li Si's words fell, Princess Koryo leaned forward and said: "Return to your Majesty, when the concubine was born, hibiscus flowers bloomed all over the mountains, so the father called the concubine hibiscus..."

   Li Si sighed softly while listening to Princess Koryo's soft voice.

   Li Si knew that Mugunghwa is the national flower of Goryeo.

   And it is possible for the King of Korea to take the name of the national flower as the name of the Princess of Korea, which shows how much the King of Korea loves the Princess of Korea.

   "Your Majesty is busy with national affairs all day, and it must be very hard. Let your concubine serve your Majesty and let your Majesty relax..."

   Princess Goryeo walked up to Li Si and sat boldly on Li Si's lap.

   Princess Koryo hugged Li Si's neck, her pretty face flushed.

   The girl's breath was exhaled on Li Si's face, warm and warm, very comfortable.

   "Your Majesty..."

   Goryeo Princess looked blurred, and was directly picked up by the emperor and placed on the dragon couch.

   The couch beads fell slowly.



   The world will meet.

   Xiongba sat on the high seat.

   During this period, the Xiongba subdued the Butian Dao and incorporated it into the intelligence agency of the World Congress.

   From then on, the world will collect all the information of the whole arena and martial arts at every moment.

   Among these, Xiongba pays particular attention to the intelligence of Cihang Jingzhai.


   Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao walked in and said respectfully towards the dominant.

   Since the last time, Xiong Ba promised that if he performed well, Xiong Ba was willing to take action to help him step into the Divine Demon Realm, the Heaven Patching Dao Sect Master had no other thoughts in his heart.

   For the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao, as long as he can become a **** and demon, let alone surrender to the hegemon, even if he is a slave for life, the Sect Master of Patching Heaven Dao is willing.

   "The gang leader, as far as his subordinates know, the position of the lord of Cihang Jingzhai is not a **** or a monster."

   Sect Master said.

   "You mean, there are gods and demons in Cihang Jingzhai?"


   "In every generation of Cihang Jingzhai, there are gods and demons sitting in town."

   "Because of this, Cihang Jingzhai can become the leader of the right way, and has overwhelmed the world's martial arts for two hundred years."

   A trace of awe emerged in the words of the Sect Master of Patching Heaven.

  Under the coercion of Cihang Jingzhai, even if they have the six magic doors, they can only linger, like a mouse crossing the street...

   Xiongba looked still, as if he had expected it.

   God and devil.

   Didn't the tyrant ever suppress the gods and demons?

  Xiongba wants to know how many gods and demons sit in Cihang Jingzhai.

   Or, what is the strength of the gods and monsters of Cihang Jingzhai?


   "Cihang Jingzhai was established more than a thousand years ago."

   "Over the past thousand years, dozens of gods and demons have been born in Cihang Jingzhai."

   "Even the ancestor'Dini' who founded Cihang Jingzhai is an unworldly strong man!"

   "'Dini' was already invincible in the world at that time, and in the realm of gods and demons, it had already traveled far."

   "The [Sword Code] of Cihang Jingzhai is handed down from'Dini'."

   "According to legend, after'Dini' founded Ci Hang Jing Zhai, it didn't take long before he broke into the void and left..."

   As soon as the words of the supreme master of Butiandao fell, the pupils of Xiong Domination shrank slightly.

   "Broken Void?"

   Xiongba looked solemn.

   He never expected that the founding ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai could actually break the void.

  Xiongba, as a double heavenly **** and demon, has a three-pointed body, naturally knowing how solid this world is.

   At least the tyrant, even if you go all out, you can’t shake the void, let’s not mention it is broken...

   How terrifying is the **** and demon who can directly crush the void?

   Is the **** and demon of the four heavens or the **** and demon of the fifth heaven? Even the invincible Sixth Heaven?

  Although, ‘Dini’ had broken and disappeared more than a thousand years ago.

   But the inheritance of Cihang Jingzhai as such a terrifying **** and demon must not be underestimated.

   Xiongba also put away his contempt at this time.

   If what the motto master said is true~www.ltnovel.com~, then the background of Cihang Jingzhai is bound to be no less.

   Xiongba’s heart for Cihang Jingzhai’s plan, I’m afraid I need to re-plan...



the next day.

   Goryeo Princess walked out of the Hall of Longevity with weak legs.

   Princess Koryo thought of the scene that happened last night, and her pretty face suddenly blushed.

   Princess Koryo stood in front of the Hall of Longevity, suddenly feeling a little bit sad.


at this time.

  The attendant **** looked at Princess Koryo: "You should go now."

   If you approached the eunuch, Princess Koryo instantly awake.

   Princess Goryeo realized that even if she climbed onto the emperor’s dragon couch, she could not get the status because she was an alien.

   In this harem, if she has no status, but thinks about something she shouldn’t, I’m afraid she will disappear from the palace the next day.

   "Thank you father-in-law for reminding me."

   "I got it."

   Princess Koryo's face is pale.



   Two hours later.

   Li Si walked out of the Hall of Longevity with great spirit.

   Compared with last time, this time Princess Koryo clearly knows better how to please the emperor...

   Soon after Li Si finished his breakfast, Cao Zhengchun went to the palace to beg to see him. .


   Cao Zhengchun walked into the Palace of Longevity, and said: "Enlighten your majesty, the old slave has something to report to your majesty..."

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