Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 183: Zhang Juzheng who is surging!

Tai Chi Hall.

   Li Si decided to include the "testing method" in the Tang law. In the future, the courts and officials and all officials in the world will follow the standards of the "testing method".

   Only by letting officials have a sense of crisis and letting them know that Datang is not indispensable for them, can they stimulate these officials.

   "The ministers wait for the decree."

   The civil and military officials bowed and arched their hands.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Si looked at all the court officials and continued: "Also, pass on my will. Any official who has performed well in the'testing method' will be awarded with a certain amount of money. ."

   The emperor’s words echoed in the ears of the officials.

   For Li Si, the "testing method" can certainly make the world officials feel crisis.

   But if there is only a sense of crisis, over time, it will inevitably cause a rebound.

   Therefore, in addition to the sense of crisis, these officials must be given enough motivation.

  In Li Si's view, most of those who are willing to become officials are more hungry for power and want to climb higher...

   In that case, Li Si gives them a chance!

   As long as they pass the standard of ‘testing the law’ and make enough contributions to the governance of Datang...

   Official position?



   Li Si will not be stingy.

   The entire Datang Empire is Li Si's private property.

   What these officials want is just a word from Li Si.

   Now, above the court, with several rounds of cleaning by Li Si, there are already many official positions vacant.

   Li Si can take out these official positions, so that officials all over the world have hope.

  As a result, the officials have goals in their hearts, and even if they are dissatisfied with the constraints of the'testing method', they will be content.

  Because, the emperor put a piece of candy in front of the official while dangling a knife on the neck of the official.

   As long as they work hard, not only will the knife not fall, but also the candy...

   Manchao Wenwu listened to the emperor's words, his face changed slightly, and his eyes became fiery.

   According to the emperor's meaning.

  Even if they are court officials, if they meet the criteria of ‘successful examination’, they can still be added to the ranks...

   You must know that the courtiers standing in the court hall are beautiful and can meet the emperor every day.

   But most of them are hopeless for lifelong promotion...

   Now that the "testing method" comes out, doesn't it mean that they also have the possibility to go further?

   For a time, the heartbeat of the civil and military officials began to accelerate.

   Among all the courtiers, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, stood in place, with a strong shock on his face.

   Zhang Juzheng's thoughts fluctuate.

   Zhang Juzheng, of course, put forward the ‘testing method’, which restrained the officials of the world and greatly increased the efficiency of local officials.

   But Zhang Juzheng ignored it. If there are only constraints and no motivation, how can there be no problems?

   Just as Zhang Ju restrained the local officials when he was in the Ming Empire, but when he died, the world officials immediately began to counterattack.

   If he could think of His Majesty’s method at the time, and while given constraints, he was willing to separate some benefits, would there be another result?

   Zhang Juzheng looked up at the emperor sitting high on the throne of the dragon chair, with strong confidence in his heart.

   this time.

   There is such a Mingjun.

   Zhang Juzheng will certainly not repeat the same mistakes.

  He Zhang Ju is about to lead the Tang Empire towards an unprecedented prosperous age!

   Zhang Juzheng's heart is surging!


   Li Si looked down on the court officials.

   "Is there anything else Aiqing do?"

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair and asked casually.

   The problem of the world officials was solved, Li Si was in a good mood, and looked at the civil and military officials with a gentle look.

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   The officials glanced at each other, got up and said, "Is the minister waiting."

   Li Si nodded slightly, and said bluntly: "Retreat."

   After Li Si finished speaking, he got up and strode out of the Tai Chi Hall.

   "The ministers wait for your majesty..."

   Many courtiers bowed their respects.

   Until the emperor completely left, no official dare to raise his head.

   Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the cabinet, flicked his sleeves, with joy on his face, as if he had encountered the greatest blessing of his life and walked out of the Tai Chi Hall.

   This made the other courtiers wonder.

   If it is a courtier of the other third and fourth ranks, he will hear the emperor's order, and know that he has a chance for promotion, he will feel happy and understandable.

   However, Zhang Juzheng was originally the first minister of the cabinet and was an extremely human minister.

   For Zhang Juzheng, the ‘testing method’ has only constraints, without any benefit.

  Because, with Zhang Juzheng’s position and official position in the court, there is no need to increase the ranks...

   The ministers were wondering, what happened to make the chief minister so happy?


   Li Si returned to the Hall of Longevity to rest.

   There are very few memorials today. Most of them are reviewed by the cabinet. Li Si only needs to take a look.

   It's just that not long after Li Si came back, the attendant **** came in and reported: "My Majesty, the book of the Ministry of Rites is asking to see you outside."

   "Announce him to come in."

   Li Si sat back on the throne of the dragon chair.

   after a moment.

   The Book of Rites entered the Hall of Longevity.

   "The minister has seen your Majesty."

   Libu Shangshu proclaimed loudly.

   "Get up."

   "Aiqing has something to say, so I don't need to be so troublesome here."

   Li Si waved his hand and said.

  The Hall of Longevity is not the Hall of Tai Chi.

  The Hall of Longevity is a palace where the emperor rests.

  In the Hall of Longevity, Li Si didn't bother to see the red etiquette.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette respectfully stood up, and said, "Your Majesty, all states in the world have already begun drafting, selecting folk women to enter Chang'an, and then screening in Chang'an to determine who will enter the palace."

   Li Si nodded slightly and said, "I see."

   Draft is a very tedious task.

   According to the rules of previous years, we must first select women who meet the conditions within the world.

   Then the eligible women were sent to Chang'an.

   go through the second round of screening.

   The second round of screening will be much stricter.

   In addition, in the previous draft, the remnants of the magic door were mixed in, in an attempt to assassinate the emperor, the standard of this draft, I don't know how much higher than the last time.

  Whether it is the queen or the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, I would rather choose fewer show girls, but also know the show girls well and be foolproof.

   Otherwise, if anything goes wrong in this draft, not only the queen mother, but also the book of courtesy will probably apologize for death...

   "The minister shall retire first."

   The Book of Rites quit the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, thinking about what kind of woman will be selected this time in the world draft.

   Although Li Si has no interest in Xiu Nuo, he wants to know what kind of woman can go through such many trials and finally enter the palace...



   Song family.

   Song Xian'er went out of the house for a stroll in accordance with past habits.


   This time, after Song Xian'er left the Song Mansion, she directly threw away the accompanying maidservant and guard.

   "Finally free!"

   Song Xian'er blinked her eyes.

   "Where should I go now?"

   A trace of confusion appeared on Song Xian'er's pretty face.

   Leaving the Song family and seeing the outside world has always been Song Xian'er's dream. .

   But now, the dream has suddenly come true, and Song Xian'er feels at a loss.

   Song Xian'er suddenly thought of her father, Song Kun, the lord of the Song family's evaluation of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

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