Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 184: Foreign barbarians enter Chang'an!


   Imperial Palace.

   Li Si finished his lunch and walked out of the Hall of Longevity.

   The breeze spreads across the body with a hint of chill.

   But Li Si didn't care about it.

When the   zi refining technique was in operation, it was chilly in other districts, even in the snow and ice, Li Si could see nothing.

   Li Si walked in the palace, and the attendant **** followed closely behind Zi.

   The attendant **** held a tray with some dried fruits on it for the emperor to enjoy at any time.

   Li Si passed the imperial garden and found a pretty figure trimming the flowers and plants...

   is Mu Meiren.

   Li Si stopped and walked behind Mu Mu.

   "Your Majesty."

   Mu Mu seemed to be aware, turned around to see Li Si, exclaimed, and hurriedly saluted.

   "Your Majesty, my concubines just miss being in the Imperial Garden..."

   Mu Mu lowered his head, as if he had made some mistake, timidly.

   "It's okay."

   Li Si shook his head slightly.

   "What are you doing?"

   Li Si walked to Mu Mu and looked at Mu Mu's trimmed flowers.

   Mu Mu heard the words and said quickly: "Your Majesty, spring is coming soon, and the concubines are going to build branches and leaves so that they will look better..."

   Li Si looked at Mu Mu Xinyiyi without words.

   If there was no Li Si, Mu Mu should also be trimming the flowers and plants here now.

   However, Mumu at that time should be very happy.

   But now, although Mu Mu is a beautiful woman, she has become the "mother" of the eunuch's maidservant, but she has a set of shackles on her body.

   As a lady, there are many things to learn.

   Li Si looked calm, looked at Mu Mu, and said, "Have you regretted meeting me?"

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Mu Mu's expression suddenly became anxious: "Your Majesty, the most fortunate thing in your life is to meet your Majesty."

   "If it weren't for your majesty, how would your concubines know what it's like to like someone."

   "If it weren't for your majesty, the concubines might have been imprisoned in the imperial garden all their lives, how would they know the world outside the imperial garden?"

   "Your Majesty, my concubines have never regretted it."

   Mu Mu's words are full of firmness.

   Li Si sighed softly when he heard the words.

   "We haven't been together for a long time."

   "Let's go around the Imperial Garden."

   Li Si and Mu Mu were walking slowly in the imperial garden.

As a royal garden,    Imperial Garden covers a very large area.

   Although Li Si had been to the Imperial Garden several times before, at most he only wandered around.

   But this time, accompanied by Mu Mu, Li Si saw many flowers that he had never seen before.

   Li Si looked at the really brilliant Mu Mu.

   For Mu Mu, Li Si has a complex emotion.

Although    Mu Mu is the first concubine to be granted by Li Si.

   But her identity is destined to not become the Empress of the Tang Dynasty.

   Since the founding of Datang, there has never been a queen born to a commoner.

   If Li Si really wanted to make Mumu the queen, the ministers in the court would probably be admonished with death.

   After all, how honorable is the queen of Datang? How can a gardener be a gardener?

   Of course, Li Si doesn't care whether the ministers are admonishing.


   In fact, Mu Mu is really not suitable to be a queen.

   As the lord of the harem, how can the queen be able to suppress other concubines if there is no means for the city?

   Mu Mu Xin Si is too simple.

   Before leaving the imperial garden, Li Si glanced at the eunuch, and said: "Proceed to my will, and canonize Mumei as Jieyu."

   There is a high level of hierarchy in the Datang Harem.

   Under the queen, there are noble concubines, concubines and concubines.

  Followed by Hua Fei, Rong Fei, Hui Fei, Li Fei, enjoy the second grade official.

  Beauty belongs to the sixth grade official.

   And Jie Yu, is the fourth grade official.

   Li Si directly canonized Mu Mu as Jieyu, and jumped two levels in a row, which was called grace.

   Under the general, there is only the emperor, and with one word, people rush.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   approached the **** and bowed.


   Outside Chang'an City.

   Genzai stood at the entrance of the treasure.

   At this moment, after Yuan Zai and many guards of Dongchang dig day and night, this treasure has almost been dug half...

   In the meantime, countless gold and silver treasures were dug up. After a little estimation, Yuan Bao concluded that it should exceed 100 million taels of silver.

   billion taels of silver?

   What is the probability?

   And, these hundred million taels of silver is not the final figure!

   Half of the treasure has not been dug up yet.

   The only thing that disappointed Yuan Zai was that he never unearthed anything similar to the former Yuxi.

   Before Yuan Zai entered the palace and presented the jade seal of the former dynasty, Yuan Zai could feel that Zi was interested in the jade seal.

   If Yuan Zai can excavate another former jade seal, Zi Long Yan Dayue, how much will he use for Yuan Zai's future future?

   Yuanzai only hopes that the remaining half of the treasure can surprise him.



   Outside Chang'an City.

   The border guards took Martin and other foreigners and stood outside Chang'an City.

   After a long journey, Martin and others had pale faces and their legs were weak.

   If it wasn't for the fact that they were to be irritated by the Emperor Tang, Martin would have collapsed on the ground...

   Martin stood in front of Chang'an City, looking at the majestic city in front of him, his face was shocked.

   They have never seen such an incredible building.

   In Martin's mind, the border gate of Datang is already the most magnificent gate he has ever seen in his life.

   But compared with the Chang'an City in front of the border gate, Chang'an City is ten times, dozens of times larger than the border gate.

   Not to mention the low cities in their country...

  In Martin's perception, such a majestic city shouldn't appear in the world at all.

   It should be the place where the Shangshen residences live.

   Only a high above and above all divine residences can create such an incredible city remnant.

   After the frontier soldiers showed the directions, Martin and others finally stepped into the city of Chang’an.

   Martin walked step by step into the city of Chang' A whole new world appeared in front of Martin.

   Broad streets.

   tall buildings.

   crowded pedestrians.

  Everything Martin saw reminded him of the richness, prosperity, and prosperity of the Tang Empire.

   At this moment, Martin finally knew why in their country, there were only a few words in the records of the Tang Empire.

  Because Martin is now, he can’t find how to describe what he saw

   Martin looked around, greedily sucking the air of Chang'an City.

   Martin wanted to remember everything he saw.

   But it is a pity that there are so many things that shocked Martin along the way.

   Martin walked along the street.

   The streets of Chang'an City are entirely composed of that kind of green marble.


   quality blessing

   Martin was walking on the streets of Chang'an City, and his heart suddenly felt more secure than ever.

   Martin suddenly thought that they came this time because Datangzi wanted to see them...

   Martin can hardly imagine, what kind of person would a Tangzi in such a powerful country be like?

   Also, what is Datangzi's attitude towards them?

   Martin panicked deeply...

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