Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 186: Zhao Gong's madness!

   Changsheng Hall.

   Li Si decreed that foreigners who arrived in Chang'an should enter the palace.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, withdrew from the Hall of Longevity


   Outside the palace.

   Martin and others waited outside the side gate of the palace.

   There are four main entrances in the Datang Palace: East Gate, West Gate, South Gate, and North Gate.

   In addition to the main entrance, there are thirty-six side entrances.

   At this moment, Martin is outside some side door to the east.

   As for the four main entrances of the palace...

   Martin once looked far away at the east gate of the palace on the way here.

   That is a huge red gate like a mountain top.

   In front of the giant gate, Martin only felt that he was so small and insignificant.

   The red giant gate is full of royal majesty.

   Martin even discovered that ninety-nine eighty-one door nails were inlaid on the surface of the huge red door.

   The door studs were all golden and dazzling, so Martin couldn't open his eyes.

   Martin asked the accompanying soldiers quietly, and the soldiers told him that the golden nails on the front entrance of the palace were made of pure gold...

   At that time, Martin took a long look at the east gate of the palace and left.

  As Martin and others, they are not eligible to enter the palace through the east gate...

   Martin and others were taken to the side door, and they have been panicking.

   Martin didn't know, what did the Emperor Datang want to see them for?

   For Martin, they traveled all the way to meet the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   But now that the Emperor Datang is in the palace, Martin is somewhat afraid to take a step forward.

   Just when Martin's thoughts were ups and downs.

   An **** in an **** uniform walked out of the side door.

   The **** glanced at Martin and the others, and finally looked at the accompanying soldiers: "You go back."

   "These people were brought into the palace by the miscellaneous family."

   As soon as the eunuch's voice fell, the officer nodded slightly: "Then please come to my father-in-law."

   The officer finished speaking, and left without hesitation.

   At this time, the **** looked at Martin and others, and said softly: "Let’s go to the palace with the miscellaneous family."

   Martin hurriedly bowed and followed behind the eunuch.

   Along the way, after Martin and others saw the beautiful Qionglou Yuyu in the palace, the expressions on their faces were shocked to the extreme.

   "Even the ancient Luo Empire that dominates the vast territory is not as good as..."

   Martin was in deep awe.


   under the leadership of the eunuch.

   Martin and others stopped in front of a towering palace.

   Above the palace, there are three gilded characters of "Eternal Life Hall" written.

   A heavy emperor's might pounced on his face.

   Martin's legs were weak and trembling.

   "Go in with the miscellaneous family."

   The **** looked back at Martin and the others, and walked into the Hall of Longevity first.

   Martin took a deep breath and gathered courage to follow behind the eunuch.

   Enter the Hall of Longevity.

   Martin and others bit their heads and saw the figure sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, wearing a dragon robe.

   The emperor of Tang Dynasty didn't do anything, and Martin felt a mountain-like pressure that made him tremble.

   Martin and others did not dare to look at Long Yan, and knelt on the ground with a hurried puff.

   "Envoy of the Mark Kingdom, Martin Lance, has met Emperor Tang."

   Martin bowed to the emperor.

   Martin's forehead touched the ground, motionless.

   Before the Emperor Datang spoke, he did not dare to get up.

   After Martin finished speaking, the entire longevity hall fell into silence.

   Martin faintly felt that a majestic gaze swept past them.

   Just when Martin was shaking and unable to hold on, the emperor finally spoke.

   "Mark Kingdom?"

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, frowned slightly, and fell into thought.

  In Li Si's memory, there is no impression of Mark Kingdom...

   Li Si changed his mind and it was normal.

   After all, the kingdoms that have appeared in history are vast.

  Some small countries may be established on the first day and be overthrown the next day.

   The Kingdom of Mark in Martin's words may be a small, unknown country.

   Martin knelt on the ground and heard the emperor’s doubts, and immediately said: "Return to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Kingdom of Martin is at the extreme west of the Tang Empire, and is connected to the ocean..."

   Martin said loudly.

   "Extremely west?"

   "Connect with the ocean?"

   Li Si probably knows the position Martin said.

   Li Si looked down on Martin and others, and said majesticly: "Martin Kingdom, why should you send you to my territory?"

   In Li Si's view, Martin and others traveled far and wide to come to the Tang Empire, and they must have a special purpose.

   Also, this Martin even knows a little bit of Tang language.

   Although Martin's Datang language is a bit rusty, there is basically no problem with normal communication.

   The Mark Kingdom is so fully prepared, it must be the Tang Empire.

   Li Si's words made Martin pale.

   "Tell the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, the Kingdom of Mark sent envoys to come here to make friends with the Empire of Tang Dynasty..."

   Before Martin finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Li Si.

"is it?"

   Li Si looked at Martin, with a sneer on his face: "Good day?"

   "I don't believe what you said."

   As soon as Li Si's voice fell, Martin's scalp was numb.

   Martin never thought that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty could see what he was thinking at a glance.

   Martin felt uneasy.

   Until now, Martin can only tell the truth.

   Otherwise, the Emperor of Tang will be angered, and the Mark Kingdom will have no room to stand up.

   "Tell the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the foreign ministers came this time, imagining the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty for help..."

   Martin knelt on the ground and said with a trembling voice.

   Martin knew that what the next Emperor Tang said would determine the life and death of their Mark Kingdom.


   Li Si narrowed his eyes and repeated a sentence in a low voice.

   Hearing Martin's words, Li Si suddenly thought that in his memory, during this period in the West, an unprecedented huge empire began to rise.



   North Court.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong sit on the main seat, his expression gloomy, as if waiting for something.

at this time.

   A soldier hurried in.


   Seeing Zhao Gong, the soldier bowed.

"how about it?"

   "Are they back?"

   Beiting Jiedu ambassador Zhao Gong asked eagerly General Qi, who went to the major Jiedu ambassadors to send messages, all returned. "

   the soldier said immediately.

"How is the result?"

   Beiting Jidu made Zhao Gong's face a trace of tension.

  Although, Zhao Gong thought that other Jidu Envoys should not be indifferent, watching him be bestowed to death by the emperor.

   But what exactly the Jiedu Envoys had planned, Zhao Gong did not know.

   "General, except for the Longyou, Lingnan, Anxi, and the three Jiedu ambassadors, the other Jiedu ambassadors agreed to the general's terms..."

   As soon as the voice of the generals fell, the heart that Zhao Gong held in Beiting Jiedu finally let go.

   "God helps me too!"

   Beiting Jiedushi made a trace of confidence on his face.

   There are a total of ten major festivals in the world.

   The Emperor of Tang pacified two, leaving eight.

   And now, among the eight Jeddahs, there are four Jeddahs who are willing to rebel with him.

  In other words, with the addition of Beiting, the five great ambassadors of the world will join forces.


   "Do you do something with Jade?"

   "Do you think we are really so easy to deal with?"

   "You think you are the general, are you so good to die?"

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong walk out of the mansion directly.


   "The world is in chaos!".

   "You forced me!"

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Zheng's expressions, a trace of madness flashed!

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