Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 187: The saints of the ancient Luo Empire

   North Court.

   Zhao Gong returned to the mansion.

   "Longyou, Lingnan and Anxi have not yet agreed!"

   "Presumably still waiting!"

   "These three fools!"

   A trace of sarcasm appeared on Zhao Gong's face.

   In Zhao Gong's view, the Emperor of Tang Dynasty now puts a knife on their necks.

   It's silly to wait and see at this time.

   "Five Great Jade Envoys join forces!"

   "Enough is enough!!"

   At this moment, Zhao Gong is full of ambitions!

   You need to know that the five Jade Envoys combined can bring together at least 1.5 million troops.

   Under such circumstances, the trace of almost forgotten ambition in Zhao Gong's heart is growing crazily...

   Originally, Zhao Gong was desperate for the death of the emperor.

   After all, from beginning to end, the emperor’s methods were unpredictable, which made Zhao Gong in awe.

   But it's different now.

   The five great Jiedu envoys joined forces, and Zhao Gong thought he could fear everything.

   Such a terrifying army is enough to cause more turbulence than the Anshi Rebellion!

   In the past, the Anlu Mountain Jiedu Envoy only had a million soldiers, and almost let the Tang Dynasty destroy the country.

   Now, the army of 1.5 million...

   Beiting Jidu made Zhao Gong's heart hot.

   Maybe, during his lifetime, Zhao Gong would really be able to fight for the supreme position that day...

   "Come on!"

   "Send me a letter again..."

   Zhao Gong took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said.

   Now, the most important thing is to discuss with the other four ambassadors how to revolt.

   After all, the five major Jiedushi are located at each border of Datang.

   If there is no unified dispatch, it is extremely likely to be defeated by the Datang Empire one by one.

   Zhao Gong, as the Jiedu Envoy of the North Court, sits at the border gate of the North Court, and knows that the most taboo is to fight separately.

   Zhao Gong has bet everything about himself.

  , of course, would not make such a bad mistake.

   He, Zhao Gong, wants to gather all the army, without giving the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty any chance, directly to break through Chang'an City...



   Imperial Palace.

  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, wondering whether Martin's request for help was what he thought.

   "Enlighten the Emperor of Tang Dynasty."

   "My Mark Kingdom has been established for more than 20 years and has never offended other countries."

   "Until we met the ancient Luo Empire..."

   "The messenger of the Guluo Empire directly made my Mark Kingdom surrender. The king of the Mark Kingdom will go to the Guluo Empire as a hostage."

   "The Ancient Luo Empire is too powerful."

   "The ancient Luo Empire controls the vast territory. No one knows where the borders of the ancient Luo Empire are."

   "Even if the Mark Kingdom unites with other neighboring countries and wants to resist the Guro Empire, in the end, the Guro Empire just sent an army and defeated the coalition..."

   Martin's tone was full of despair.

   "It's just that, even in the end, we didn't despair."

   "We searched ancient books and found that in the mysterious east, there is a more powerful country."

   "So, I was sent out."

   "As an envoy of the Mark Kingdom, I sincerely ask for help from the Tang Empire and help us resist the ancient Luo Empire!"

   Martin said expectantly, his heart full of tension.

   For Martin, the Tang Empire is the last hope of their Mark Kingdom.

   If the Tang Empire is willing to help him the Mark Kingdom, then the Mark Kingdom will be saved.

   Martin knew very well in his heart that the man in the dragon robe before him could determine the fate of hundreds of thousands of people in the Mark Kingdom with a single thought.

   Li Si glanced over Martin.

   At this time, Li Si's thoughts fluctuated.

  Through Martin's description, Li Si was very sure that the ancient Luo Empire that Martin said was exactly the country he had in mind.

  In my memory, when the ancient Luo Empire was at its peak, it existed across the three continents of Asia, Europe and Africa.

   The Crusades of the Guro Empire, I don’t know how many countries have been destroyed.

   Now, as Martin said, should the ancient Luo Empire be in its infancy?

  The Crusaders of the Guro Empire have not yet invaded Asia?

   One thought after another flashed in Li Si's mind.

   This ancient Luo Empire, Li Si had no plan to let it go.

  Because the Guluo Empire is too aggressive.

   The Crusade of the Ancient Luo Empire will sooner or later conflict with the Tang Empire.

  Instead of this, how about using the Mark Kingdom to test the ancient Luo Empire in advance?

  At this point, Li Si looked at Martin and said majesticly: "I want to make a move, you Mark Kingdom, do you think about the price?"

   "Dear Emperor Datang."

   Martin respectfully said: "I, the Kingdom of Mark, are willing to become a subject of the Tang Empire, and will never betray forever."

   These words Martin said are also what King Mark meant.

   As long as it can help the Mark Kingdom resist the Guro Empire, the Mark Kingdom does not mind surrendering to the Tang Empire.

   "Subject country?"

   Li Si smiled slightly, a trace of contempt flashed across his face.

   Li Si never believed in any subject country.

   This Mark Kingdom, since it dared to use the Tang Empire to deal with the Ancient Luo Empire, it is ready to be completely swallowed by the Tang Empire.

   "What do you know about the ancient Luo Empire?"

   Li Si asked casually.

   Martin heard the words and immediately said: "Tell the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, we only know that the army of the ancient Luo Empire is invincible, and the saint of the ancient Luo Empire is unparalleled in the world!"

   "The Holy One?"

   Li Si keenly grasped a key message from Martin.

   "Return to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty."

   "The saints of the ancient Luo Empire are the incarnations of gods."

   "According to the rumors, the saints of the ancient Luo Empire can stand in the void, and can be one enemy ten thousand..."

   Martin said quickly.

   Li Si put his right hand on the armrest of the dragon chair, his eyes thoughtful.

   It seems that the saints of the ancient Luo Empire should be equivalent to the gods and demons of the Tang Empire.

   However, in the ancient Luo Empire, the saints were directly deified as the incarnation of gods.

   In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no difference between a martial artist in the gods and demon realm and a god...



  天下会 Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun brought his disciples from Cihang Jingzhai to Xiongba.

   "You did a good job."

   Xiongba looked at Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun with satisfaction.

   "This is what a student should do."

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun held his fist.

   In the eyes of Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun, Xiongba cleansed their marrow through the Book of Changes, taught them magic skills, and said that they were reborn parents.

   Now, completing the task of the male tyrant is simply normal.

   Zhou Feng Zhou Yun glanced at each other, and immediately said, "If there is nothing wrong with Master, we will withdraw first."

   "Get out."

   Xiongba waved his hand.

   After Zhou Feng and Zhou Yun exited the hall, Xiongba's eyes fell on the disciple Jingyue of Cihang Jingzhai.


   Jingyue faintly turned to wake up.

  Jingyue only felt a headache and splitting.

   "Where is this?"

   "Am I being attacked?"

   "Who did it on earth?"

   "Isn't he afraid of Cihang Jingzhai's revenge?"

   After Jingyue passed the gods, deep anger emerged in her heart.

  Jingyue, as a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, in the martial arts of the world, even the heads of the big schools, they can treat her with courtesy.

   When did she receive such treatment?


next moment.

   A cold and domineering voice suddenly rang in Jingyue's ears.

   "Give you two choices.".


   "Life is better than death!"

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