Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 188: Li Si's plan

  In the Hall of Longevity.

   Li Si looked at Martin, the envoy of the Mark Kingdom, who was kneeling on the ground, thinking about how to use the Mark Kingdom to conquer the ancient Luo Empire...

   The strength of the ancient Luo Empire is beyond doubt.

  According to Martin, there are at least five saints in the ancient Luo Empire.

   The saints of the ancient Luo Empire are equivalent to the gods and demons of the Tang Empire.

   In the heyday of the Datang Empire, there were only three gods and demons.

of course.

   This is not to say that the Tang Empire is inferior to the Guro Empire.

  The Guro Empire is an unprecedentedly unified country.

   In the ancient Luo Empire, there are no so-called martial arts, there are no so-called major Jiedushi.

   But the Datang Empire is different.

   Datang has established a country for hundreds of years, and the domestic power is complicated.

   The three gods and demons of the Datang Empire are just three gods and demons controlled by the Datang Empire.

   Besides, there are gods and demons hidden in the martial arts.

  The subordinates of the Jiedu Envoys also have the power of gods and demons.

   Even in the mountains and old forests, there are still gods and demons hiding from the world.

   If all the gods and demons in the Datang Empire are counted, of course it far exceeds the Guluo Empire.


   After the Anshi Rebellion, the national power of Datang continued to decline, and the royal authority of the Datang Empire was no longer there.

   It wasn't until Li Si appeared that he got better.

   Martin knelt on the ground, not daring to look up at Long Yan.

   In Martin's view, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was the last savior of the Mark Kingdom. The lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the Mark Kingdom were within the thought of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

   Before getting a definite answer, how dare Martin raise his head?

   As long as the Emperor of Tang Dynasty can agree to the request of the Mark Kingdom, he Martin is willing to kneel down.

   Martin thought about the possibility of his relatives and friends in Mark's kingdom being killed by the butcher knife of the ancient Luo Empire at any time, and his heart began to tremble.

   Just as Martin knelt on the ground waiting for the trial of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Li Si's voice slowly sounded.

   "I need to think about this matter, so let's go to the inn and stop now, and I will give you an answer when I think about it."

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and spoke.

   For Li Si, the most important thing at the moment is to solve the problem of judging.

  Jiedu keeps the problem unsolved and the domestic situation is unstable. Li Si will never contact the ancient Luo Empire.

   To fight outside, you must first settle inside.

   Li Si still knows the truth.

   If there is no stable rear, what would Li Si use to fight the world?

   "According to the purpose..."

   Martin knelt on the ground, hearing the words of the emperor, he could only obey.

   Martin is very clear about his identity.

   Now, it is the Kingdom of Mark who seeks from the Tang Empire.

   If Martin dared to show a trace of disappointment, the Mark Kingdom not only might not get the help of the Tang Empire, but it might also provoke an enemy even more terrifying than the Guro Empire...

   "Okay, let's go down."

   Li Si waved his hand and said casually.

   Martin bowed and left the Hall of Eternal Life.

   In front of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Martin did not dare to be presumptuous.

   Martin stood outside the Hall of Longevity, with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

   is fine.

   Fortunately, Emperor Tang did not directly reject him.

   Since there was no direct refusal, it showed that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty still had the possibility of agreeing.

   Thinking of this, Martin's face showed a hint of excitement.

   "Follow the miscellaneous family, and the miscellaneous family will take you to the inn."

   At this moment, the attendant **** glanced at Martin and the others, and said slowly.

   Martin heard the words, his heart suddenly tense, and quickly said: "Thank you, father-in-law..."

  While waiting outside the palace, Martin once heard that the soldiers who escorted them to Chang'an were called ‘father-in-law’.

   Therefore, Martin also respectfully shouted "Father-in-law" at this time.

   Martin is well aware of the power of the Tang Empire, and he understands that he must be humble at all times.

  Only in this way can we not cause trouble for their Mark Kingdom.



  Lingnan Songjia.

   Song Kun, the lord of the Song family, leaned on the grandmaster's chair.

   At this moment, the sons of the Song family walked in and bowed and said, "Patriarch, Miss, throwing away the maidservant and the maid, all the way north..."

   If Song Xian'er was here, she would be dumbfounded.

   She thought she had escaped from the Song family and gained freedom, but in fact she had been under the control of the Song family.

   In fact, this is also normal.

   The Song family has been entrenched in Lingnan for hundreds of years.

   is deep-rooted, and the means are great.

   In Lingnan, the Song family is the only earth emperor.

  Even Lingnan Jiedu Shi has a close relationship with the Song family...

  How could Song Xian'er escape?

   If it weren't for Song Kun's intentional instructions, Song Xian'er would not even be able to get rid of the guard...

   Song Kun leaned on the grandmaster's chair and shook his head and said in a low voice: "Xian'er always felt that I had restricted her freedom."

   "She always wanted to see the outside world."

   "Just, is the outside world as beautiful as she imagined?"

   Song Kun smiled.

  Since Song Xian'er wanted freedom, Song Kun gave her freedom.

   When Song Xian'er sees that people's hearts are not ancient and the world is sinister, he will come back obediently.

   "Who is protecting Xian'er?"

   Song Kun asked calmly.

   Since Song Kun dared to let Song Xian'er out, naturally he would not really put Song Xian'er in any danger.

   "Patriarch, it is Elder Song Zishuang who secretly protects the young lady." The son of the Song family bowed and said.

   "Elder Zishuang."

   Song Kun nodded slightly.

   Although Song Zishuang is not the most senior elder of the Song family, she can rank in the top five in strength among the Song family.

   Song Zishuang's own strength is in the realm of half-step gods and demons.

   is only a short distance away from the real gods and monsters.

   If the Song family secret method is used, almost no one can defeat Song Zishuang in the Divine Realm.

   In addition, Song Zishuang is a female again, so she can protect Song Xian'er.

   As for whether you will encounter gods and monsters...

   Under the The gods and demons are just that.

   It is too difficult to meet a **** and demon.

   Say it again.

   Even if you really meet a certain **** and demon, who has the prestige of the Song family, that **** and demon will not dare to mess around.

   Two hundred years ago, there was more than one **** and demon who fell under the Song family's "Heavenly Sword".

   The gods and demons in the world always had faces and faces, and they would not embarrass a junior like Song Xian'er.


   "Xian'er goes all the way north..."

   Song Kun narrowed his eyes.

   According to Song Kun, the north is very unsafe.

   Now, as the Emperor of Tang Dynasty successively conquered Shuofang and Hexi.

   The world is tempted to move around...

  The war may break out at any time.

   Song Kun certainly believed that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was talented and roughly, but it would take a lot of time to completely quell all the Jade Envoys.

   "Forget it, maybe I think too much."

   "How easy is a war to break out?"

   "Xian'er should just want to go to the north to play again."

   "With the protection of Elder Zishuang, even if a war breaks out, protecting Xian'er and returning to Lingnan should not be a big problem."

   Song Kun thought silently in his heart.

   As long as Song Xian'er does not die, breaks into Chang'an City and provokes the Emperor of Tang, Song Kun thinks that nothing will go wrong. .

   In the past two hundred years, the Song family of Lingnan, although not famous, is still one of the top warlords in the world.

   Except for the unfathomable Emperor of Tang Dynasty, even if Song Xianer provokes a certain Jidu Envoy, nothing will happen.

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