North Court.

   Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong and the other four Jieds negotiate some details of rebellion, and the confidence in his heart grew more and more.

   Zhao Gong and the other four Jedu envoys agreed that after ten days, the five Jeddah envoys would raise their troops together, and an army of one and a half million troops was approaching Chang'an.

   Zhao Gong knew that there were gods and demons under the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

   But so what?

   Although the gods and demons are strong, they are only one person after all.

   Facing the mighty one and a half million army, if the gods and demons do not retreat, they will also be consumed.

   Zhao Gong holds the winning ticket and is ambitious.

   The only thing that puzzled Zhao Gong was that the Emperor of Tang was still quiet.

   Ever since the Emperor Datang gave a cup of poisoned wine, he has not paid attention to him at all.

   This puzzled Zhao Gong.

   Generally speaking, when the emperor gave poisonous wine, didn't it mean that the minister who escorted the poisoned wine would leave after seeing the poisoned wine being drunk by the person who gave it?

   But the **** who came to Beiting just dropped the poisoned wine and went directly back to Chang'an?

   This does not meet the process.

  In Zhao Gong's opinion.

   As if the emperor deliberately made him rebel...

   Zhao Yu frowned, pacing back and forth.

   Zhao Gong has thought that the emperor will have a follow-up.

   If Zhao Gong refuses to drink the poisoned wine, Chang'an City will immediately send troops, like Pingding Shuofang, and calm him down...

   But it’s been so long.

   There was still no movement in Chang'an City.

   Quiet and terrible...

   "General, is there a fraud in it?"

   Zhao Gong's confidant whispered.

   "A fraud?"

   "Huh! What can be fried?"

   "After ten days, 1.5 million troops will come to Chang'an City!"

   "Let his emperor use all kinds of tricks, the 1.5 million army can crush everything!"

   Zhao Gong snorted, and secretly cheered: "The emperor of Tang Dynasty, I want to see, after ten days, can you still dare to give me a glass of poisonous wine."

   In Zhao Gong's view, today there are indeed quite a few means.

   But no matter how many methods are used, in front of the 1.5 million army, after all, it will be beautiful in the mirror.

   "The King Shufang is still too anxious."

   "If King Shuofang was like me, and gathered the power of the five great knots, how could he be defeated so easily by King Liang?"

   Beiting Jidu made Zhao Gong's mind ups and downs.

   At this moment, Beiting Jiedu made Zhao Gong only feel that the opportunity to establish the foundation of the eternal world was in sight.

   As long as he Zhao Gong can seize the opportunity, he will definitely not end in a bleak way like King Shuofang...


  Eternal Life Hall.

   Li Si flipped through the memorial presented by Dongchang.

   The memorials are all the links between Beiting Jidushi Zhao Gong and other Jidushi.

   From beginning to end, all the movements of the Beiting Jiedu Shi were under Li Si's control.

   Li Si knew exactly which Jiedu ambassadors contacted and which Jiedu ambassadors refused.

   Beiting Jiedu made all of Zhao Gong's plans destined to be empty.

   From the beginning, Li Si has been invincible.

  A mere ward, is Li Si's opponent?

   If it wasn't for Li Si who wanted to use Zhao Gong to attract other Jidu Envoys to start, how could Zhao Gong live to the present?

   "Lingnan, Anxi, and Shuofang Jiedu did not agree?"

   Li Si flipped through the memorial, slightly disappointed on his face.

   Li Si initially felt that the remaining eight Jeddah envoys would take action together, so that Li Si could solve the world Jeddah envoy in one fell swoop, and everyone was very happy.

   But now it seems obviously impossible.

   "But it doesn't matter anymore."

   "The situation in Datang has basically been settled after the five major missionaries including Beiting have been resolved."

   "The remaining three jundus, even if they want to make trouble, they won't make waves."

   Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair, thinking silently in his heart.

   Since the beginning of the establishment of the Great Tang, the mountain that has been on the heads of all emperors will finally be completely resolved by Li Si.

   Li Si was excited.

  Jiedu made the system abolished, and the power in Datang that could hinder Li Si would be completely wiped out by Li Si.

   From then on, the power in the hands of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty will be unprecedentedly concentrated.

  The status of imperial power will truly override all living beings.

   In this way, the various thoughts in Li Si's heart can be implemented unimpeded in the Tang Empire.

   such as taking back the land under heaven...

   Li Si believes that by then, no one will be able to stop...



   The world will meet.

   Xiongba looked down on Jingyue, a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai.

"who are you?"

"Do you know who I am?"

   Jingyue was slightly startled, and looked up at Xiongba.

   Xiongba looked indifferent: "Really stupid!"

   In the eyes of Xiongba, this disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, until now, everyone feels that the world is afraid of Cihang Jingzhai.

   "Forget it."

   "The old man has no time to continue talking nonsense with you."

   Xiongba stepped out, and the whole person appeared silently in front of Jingyue.

   The three auras of heaven, earth and man are circulating on the surface of the hero, which is breathtaking.

"this is?!"

   Jingyue's pupils shrink.

   In Xiongba's body, she felt an aura that was more terrifying than the Lord of the Song family.

   "God and devil?!"

   "Are you the lord of the world?"

   Jingyue exclaimed between the electric light and flint.

   Cihang Jingzhai is overwhelming the martial arts, and ordinary gods and demons dare not capture the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai.

   But there is one exception.

   That is the World Meeting.

   Nangongqing, the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, will disappear in the world.

   If it weren't for Cihangjingzhai's fear of the gods and demons in the world meeting, he would have already taken action to smooth the world.

   "Not bad."

   "It's still smart."

   "It's just that it's too late."

   Xiongba looked cold, and slowly raised his right hand.

   hum! ! !

   I saw Xiong Ba on his right hand three airs of heaven, earth and man collided and condensed into an incredible ball of light.


   Jingyue's face was filled with unprecedented fear.

   If it is other gods and demons, she can also use the name of Ci Hang Jing Zhai to deter each other.

   But the hero is different.

  Nangongqing will disappear in the world, it must be the world will do it.

   The world will dare to act on the descendants of Cihang Jingzhai, and have long been immortal with Cihang Jingzhai.

   She Jingyue falls in the hands of the world, and the other party will not be afraid of her identity.

   "Stop it!"

   "What do you want to know?!"

   "I said, I said it all!"

   Jingyue looked at the terrifying light ball in Xiongba's hand with horror, and said with a trembling voice.

   "Say it all?"

   Xiongba stopped his right hand and looked at Jingyue.

   Although, with the tyrant's means, Jingyue can be forcibly controlled and let the other party answer his questions.

   But that kind of method, the information obtained may appear incomplete.

   The best way for a male bully is to let the other party take the initiative to say everything he knows.

   "Say it all."

   "I said it all!"

   Jingyue's face was pale, without the slightest blood.

   Under the crisis of life and death, Ci Hang Jing Zhai had long been left behind by her.

   Now, Jingyue just wants to live...

   "In that case, the first question.".

   A smile appeared on Xiongba's face, and he slowly said:

   "How many gods and demons are there in Cihang Jingzhai now?"

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