Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 320: The emperor's confidence!

Inside the longevity hall.

Whether it was Yang Qinglin, the cabinet's second assistant, or the two Shangshu books of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Households, they all felt that the emperor wanted to exterminate the heart of Dongying.

"The minister is going to prepare food and supplies for the 100,000 army." Hubu Shangshu said with a bow.

Since His Majesty has decided to subdue Dongying's country and clan, Hubu Shangshu will of course only support it.

If the Japanese pirates in a small island country dared to provoke the Heavenly Kingdom, they should pay the price of blood.

After Hubu Shangshu retired, Libu Shangshu and his second assistant Yang Qinglin both left the Hall of Longevity respectfully.

"You ask someone to go to Tubo and let Bai Qi come back."

Li Si sat on the throne of the dragon chair and looked at Cao Zhengchun.

During the battle between Datang and Tubo, Li Si ordered Bai Qi to follow.

After the Lord of the Moon Worshiping Lord came back, Yan Ling Ji, Dugu Sword Demon, and Bai Qi still stayed with King Liang, sitting in the capital of Tubo.

Today, Li Si wants to exterminate the Dongying island nation, and Bai Qi is definitely a very suitable candidate.

If it talks about killing, even Yan Ling Ji is not as white as a white.

Under the shroud of the Killing God Realm, there is no resistance at all without the God Demon Realm.

As for the accompanying army of 100,000, its more function is to garrison Dongying Island.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of effort if Li Si wiped out the entire Dongying without sending someone to occupy it?

"According to the purpose."

Cao Zhengchun led the order to leave.

Cao Zhengchun withdrew from the Hall of Longevity.

"Dong Ying."

Li Si glanced at the Dongying Guoshu that was thrown on the Dragon Case, and a sneer appeared on his face.

next moment.

This Dongying credential is directly turned into powder.




In the palace.

The contemporary emperor of Dongying sat on the throne, and a gleam of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

"My lord, today you summoned me to wait, what's the matter?" Several short men asked respectfully.

"You are my confidant."

A strong enthusiasm appeared on the Emperor's face: "In a while, I will definitely end the troubled times and achieve unprecedented unification!"

The emperor's words left a few people on the court confused for a long time.

End troubled times?

An unprecedented unification?

What does it mean?

In today's Toyo, although the various daimyos are fighting over and under, they have cooperated with each other to raise the emperor.

The emperor appears to be the supreme leader of Toyo, but in fact, the emperor controls only a thousand warriors.

There are only a thousand warriors.

What is this concept?

A slightly stronger daimyo is stronger than the emperor.

In this situation.

Not to mention the chaos after all.

Even self-protection is difficult.

The Emperor looked at the suspicious expressions of several confidants, and said with satisfaction: "A few days ago, I have sent a letter of credence to the Tang Empire."

Next, the emperor explained the contents of the credential.

The emperor's voice just fell.

Several confidantes suddenly sweated in fright.

"My lord, this is absolutely impossible."

"The Great Tang Empire is as prestigious as it is today, and the king sent such a letter of credence, I am afraid that Dongying may be destroyed..."

Several confidants were shocked.

They all felt that the king was impulsive.

The Datang Empire had just stepped down on Tubo, and its prestige was overwhelming. At this time, Dongying sent such a letter of credence, didn't it mean he was seeking his own way?

"rest assured."

"I have a plan in my heart!"

Seeing the anxious expression of his henchmen, the emperor became more and more proud.

"Although the Datang Empire seems to be invincible now, it is not far from extinction." The Emperor's tone was filled with strong confidence.

The emperor's words stunned several people on the court.

The Tang Empire?

Not far from extinction?

These two words that are impossible to have a relationship have been uttered by the Emperor?

Seeing several confidants, the emperor still didn't understand, he couldn't help but patiently explained: "The Tang Empire destroyed Tubo in half a month. It looks like a beautiful scenery, but Tubo was destroyed, what do other countries think?"

"Before, the reason why everyone is in peace is because even if there is a gap in national strength, no one can completely destroy another country."

"But now, this balance is broken."

When the emperor said this, he paused for a moment and then swept towards a few people.

"The balance is broken..."

The emperor's confidants murmured to themselves.

One of them changed his expression even more, as if thinking of something.

"The balance is broken, what will happen?"

The emperor’s words came faintly: “The remaining countries will inevitably join hands to resist the Tang Empire.”

"As far as I know, besides Tubo, there are several powerful countries around the Tang Empire, such as Da Shi, Tianzhu, Persia, etc."

"Counting all the small countries, there are thirty or forty."

"Once these countries join forces, what will happen to the Datang Empire?"

The emperor's words were like a sharp sword, piercing into the minds of several confidants.

"Therefore, the Datang Empire needs an ally!"

"And I, Dongying, happen to be able to play such a role!"

"Only in this way, the Datang Empire will not be isolated and helpless, and will not be defeated by the enemy!"

A confident expression appeared on the Emperor's face: "In order to win me Dongying, the Tang Empire might be willing to pay all the price."

"With the help of the Tang Empire, our Dongying can naturally end up in troubled times in a short time!"

The emperor finally said all the plans in his heart.

When several confidants heard the words of the emperor, they were suddenly silent.

They even felt that what the emperor said seemed to make sense.

The nations united against the Tang Empire.

The Tang Empire needed an ally, and Dongying offered to form an alliance with the Tang Empire.

Dongying helped the Datang Empire in the snow. How could the Datang Empire reject those requirements mentioned in the credential?

"It's just that if I really form an alliance with the Datang Empire, if the Datang Empire is defeated by all nations in the future, I will..."

A confidant who began to speak raised his concerns.

An alliance with Datang can indeed gain great benefits.

But you also need to take risks...

"Don't worry, I have already considered this."

The Emperor shook his head slightly, as if he was holding everything in his hands: "It's just a sheet of confederation. When you get enough benefits from the Tang Empire, you can just tear it up!"

The emperor said without caring.

The emperor's words completely convinced several confidants.

"The king's plan is to go deep into the deep sea. I am waiting for it."

"Yes, my subordinates congratulate the king in advance, to unify Dongying and achieve the great cause in my chest!"

"If the king has anything we need to do, I will wait to finish it!"

A few confidants expressed their deepest The Emperor saw this scene and looked proudly!

Whether it is the Emperor or a few confidantes, they have never thought about what to do if the nations join forces and are still crushed by the Tang Empire.




The top of the Holy See.

The pope knelt on the ground, holding a golden scepter in his hand, his expression filled with deep piety.


at this time!

Hum! ! !

A wave of fluctuations slowly spread from the void above the Pope!

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