Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 321: The top of the holy mountain, the glory of the Lord!

Since the fall of the Holy Envoy, the entire Holy See has been in panic.

You know, the emissary came from another world and carried part of the power of the ‘Lord’. Whether it was the pope or the archbishop in red, he never thought that the emissary would fall...

But this news came from the front wing bird, and the Holy See has repeatedly confirmed afterwards, it is still correct...

In this case, even if you deceive yourself, you will realize that this is indeed the case.

In order to appease the emotions of the bishop and the saint, the pope immediately decided to communicate with the ‘Lord’ again on the top of the sacred mountain.

In the Holy See, both the pope and the saints belong to the mad believers of the'Lord'.

Usually, these fanatics are firm and unshakable.

But when they begin to doubt their beliefs, they will be devastated.

From the repair to the plunge, the other is to blew on the spot.

Fanatic believers place everything on the Lord, and believe that the power of the Lord is invincible. When this is suspected, it is when the faith collapses.

And the fall of the envoy directly proved this point.

When the Holy See confirmed that the fall of the Holy See was true, at least three of the Holy Sees blew themselves up on the spot due to backlash.

The Pope's eager communication with the "Lord" is to restore the situation in the Holy See.

Otherwise, if this news is allowed to ferment, the entire Holy See may be greatly injured!

The top of the holy mountain.

The pope knelt on the ground with a pious face.


Void fluctuations began to rise.

The holy and terrifying breath radiated from the void.

Below the sacred mountain.

All people under the breath have a warm feeling, as if bathing in the sun.

"It's the Lord."

"'Lord' has begun to perform miracles again?"

"I am'Lord' eternal, and may the glory of'Lord' be spread all over the world."

Countless people of the Holy See knelt on the ground, their eyes full of fanaticism.

And those saints of the Holy See, as well as the archbishop in red, under the aura of the Lord, immediately felt the boiling holy power in their bodies begin to calm down.

The horror and fear caused in their hearts because of the death of the emissary suddenly disappeared.

After a few hours.

The fluctuations slowly subsided.

The saint and the cardinal archbishop were shocked to find that in this short period of time, they not only solved the worries of backlash, but also the saint power in their bodies soared.

Even some envoys of the first heaven, with the help of this miracle, directly broke through the bottleneck and stepped into the second heaven!

After a while.

In the Holy See.

Holding a golden scepter, the leader sits on the main seat, a faint breath of holiness enveloped all over his body.

The cardinal and the saints sit below.

"Mianxia, ​​I don't know what the'Lord' has to order?" a red archbishop asked in a low voice.

When the others heard this, their expressions suddenly tightened.

This time the miracle of the'Lord' lasted for several hours, which was unique in the past.

Everyone wants to know what exactly the ‘Lord’ and the Pope have said within these few hours.

The pope looked around and whispered: "The plans for the Crusades remain unchanged."

The pope's voice just fell.

The faces of everyone on the court changed slightly.

Although the miracle descended from the Lord eliminated the backlash in their bodies, it did not erase the relevant memories.

Whether it is the archbishop in red or the saints, they remember that the envoy fell to the east.

Under this circumstance, in the eyes of everyone, Dongfang said it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Longtan Tiger Den.

Therefore, many saints were surprised when they heard that the Pope was still preparing to start the Crusade as scheduled.

Even the ‘Holy Envoy’ is dead, let alone them?

"rest assured."

The pope seemed to see through everyone's thoughts, and calmly said: "The Lord has turned his gaze to the east, the Crusades, my Holy See will win!"

The words of the pope made everyone on the court breathe slightly.

Now that the'Lord' has decided, these believers can only obey.


Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, reading the memorials at will.

In the first battle between Datang and Tubo, Datang really won a big victory, but there are still many problems following the war.

Most of these issues are handled by the Ministry of War and the Cabinet, and Li Si needs to personally check the remaining small parts.

After a while.

Li Si closed the memorial.

Li Si glanced at the sky and hit the Halong case at will.

The attendant overheard too, and immediately approached respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty."

"I remember, there are two Korean princesses living in the Korean Pavilion?" Li Si asked slightly, leaning on the throne of the dragon chair.

"Return to your Majesty, that's exactly what happened."

"The first Goryeo princess is now the ninth daughter of King Goryeo. She was sent to Chang'an six months ago."

"The second Princess Goryeo is the seventh daughter of King Goryeo. She just arrived in Chang'an yesterday and is resting in the Goryeo Pavilion."

The servant **** respectfully said.

As the emperor’s immediate person, the **** had no official position, but even the relatives of the emperor, the princes and generals, had to call him ‘father-in-law’ when he saw him.

In the eyes of outsiders, the attendant eunuchs have infinite beauty, which can be said to be more than ten thousand people.

But in fact, the attendant **** lacked the knowledge that everything he had came from his majesty.

Therefore, what your Majesty wants to ask, his attendant **** must give the answer immediately.

Only in this way can your majesty feel that the **** is useful.

"Bring them two sisters."

Li Si pondered for a moment, then waved his hand.

"According to the purpose."

The servant **** bowed and retired, went to the Korean Pavilion, and conveyed his majesty's will to the nine princesses and seven princesses of Korea.

After a while.

The two beautifully dressed up, with vaguely similar alien beauties between their eyebrows, walked slowly into the Palace of Longevity.




The Great Eater sat on the throne, frowning.

In the main hall, Luce stood there respectfully, reporting the progress of reunification to the food king.

"Your Majesty, almost all countries have the same plan of cohesion."

"Willing to dedicate all the national to jointly resist the Tang Empire."

While talking, Lu Si looked at the Big Food King: "The Great Tang Empire has brought down Tubo, which has caused a heavy threat to all countries."

"Therefore, the minister only briefly explained the pros and cons, and these country owners naturally know how to choose."

Hearing this, the King of Foodie furrowed his brows, and said bluntly: "What the king wants to know is, with my Foodie, how many troops can all countries put together?"

For the Big Food King, the most important thing is to calculate whether the nations have the strength to fight against the Tang Empire.

"My lord, my five major countries, including Da Shi, Tianzhu, and Persia, can each put out one million troops, and together, it is an army of five million."

"As for the remaining thirty-five small countries, eight million troops can be pooled."

"The nations are united and connected, and 14 million troops can be gathered!"

Lus pondered for a while, then bowed and said.

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