Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 322: Bai Qi: It only takes 10 days to wipe out Dongying!

"A 14 million army?"

Even if it had been predicted, the food king still took a breath.

This is not an army of one thousand and four hundred.

Nor is it an army of 1.4 million.

This is an army of 14 million! ! !

Such a large army can truly be called a sea of ​​people!

"It's just that, how can the powerful man in the Datang Empire who used his own power to reverse the sun and the moon solve it?"

The Food King sighed quietly.

Of course, the 14 million army may be enough to crush everything even if the quality is not enough.

But no matter how large the army is, if the invincible powerhouse of Datang is not solved, it will still be a big problem.

Although, with the number of 14 million troops, even for that invincible powerhouse, it would be impossible to kill for a while.

However, if this strong man directly abandons the 14 million army and implements the beheading plan to kill the leaders and generals of the countries, the so-called unity, I am afraid, is a joke.

When the country’s lord and generals die, the 14 million army has no leader, and loses command, it’s only a matter of time before they die.

Therefore, the Big Food King realized that if you want to truly resist the Tang Empire, the most important thing is to be able to hold the opponent's top powerhouse.

Only in this way, the alliance of nations can rely on the 14 million army's quantitative advantage to grind the Datang Empire to death.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk and there is no chance of winning.

At best, it can only extend the time of destruction.


Regardless of whether it is a big food, or among the countries, there are many powerful people comparable to the Eastern Gods and Demons.

But it is only comparable to the first heaven and the second heaven gods and demons...

It is extremely rare to match the three-tier gods and demons.

As for the Four Heavens and Demons...

There is no one.

Thinking of this, Da Shi Wang's face was extremely irritable.

He was the first to propose to unite vertically and horizontally to fight against the Tang Dynasty.

But the big food king suddenly discovered that the so-called first-line vitality did not exist.

If it is unable to fight the peak powerhouse of the Datang Empire, the Alliance of Nations will collapse sooner or later!

The King of Food had thought about surrendering to the Tang Empire and keeping his current position.

But as soon as this idea appeared, it was abandoned by the Big Eater.

Are you kidding me? !

With the strength of the Tang Empire, why accept his surrender?

Besides, there is no way to hide the fact that the king of food wants to go together.

When the Great Tang Empire learned that the Great Food King once wanted to unite with other countries to fight against the Great Tang Empire, how could it let go of the Great Food King?

The Big Food King thought for a long time, only to feel that the word ‘death’ was carved on his face...

"Is it possible that the outcome of this king is doomed, there is no other possibility?"

The King of Food has never been so desperate.

Before the King of Food, several princes lined up before him.

But in the end, it was he who became the king of food.

At that time, none of the ministers and people in the food industry had supported the food king.

But even so, the food king's heart is still full of energy and hope.

Because the food king knew that he was not truly in desperation.

But at this moment, the food king felt true despair.

Despair without any hope at all!


Lus hesitated to speak but hesitated, "In the alliance of nations, there is a small country claiming that they have an ancient battlefield that has been passed down thousands of years ago."

"This ancient battle formation can bring the forces of the army together completely, and then besieged the gods and demons."

"According to the records on the battlefield, a battlefield formed by a million army is enough to kill a three-tier **** and demon."

"As for the tens of millions of troops, not to mention that it can kill the four heavens, at least it is no problem to be trapped temporarily."

Luth said cautiously.

When he heard the news, his first reaction was absurd.

Not to mention seeing a battle formation that can involve tens of millions of army levels, Luth has never even heard of it.

But after all assurances from the small country's lord, Luz was half-believing and reported the matter to the big food king.


Hearing this, the king of food was shocked.

"The minister doesn't know." Lus said truthfully.

"Whether it is true or not, this battle formation is the key to being able to fight the Datang Empire."

"It is also the only hope of the alliance of nations."

The King of Food murmured to himself.

If the battle is really as Lus said, the alliance of nations may not necessarily lose.

In the eyes of the Big Food King, even if the battle formation is fake, he can only bite the bullet and go.

Because the food country has no choice!



The next day.

Hall of Eternal Life.

The two princesses of Korea walked out shyly and reluctantly returned to Korea Pavilion.

For them, last night was an unforgettable night in their lives.

Two hours later.

Li Si slowly opened his eyes and stretched his lower arms.

For Li Si, under the conditions of the Tang Dynasty, he did not need to sleep at all.

The reason why I slept last night was nothing more than personal habit.

"Not bad."

A smile appeared on Li Si's face, recalling the taste of the Korean sisters.

After a while.

The maid brought the breakfast carefully prepared by the royal kitchen.

When Li Si finished his breakfast, he was about to continue reading the memorial.

"Bai Qi is back?"

Li Si was taken aback for a moment and looked outside the Hall of Longevity.

Just now, Li Si felt a cold murderous intent and appeared in the palace.

This murderous intent is like a panic, destroying everything.

In the whole world, only Bai Qi can possess such a murderous person.

Wu'an Hou Baiqi!


Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si cast a glance at Bai.

Before the first battle between Datang and Tubo, Bai Qi had already stepped into the realm of the Second Heaven God and Demon.

But now, the breath that Bai Qi exudes has once again greatly improved.

"How is the situation in Tubo now?"

Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair and asked casually.

Upon hearing this, Bai Qi replied: "Most of the Tubo cities have fallen."

"After the minister came back, only three cities still resisted."

"At the latest tomorrow, the territory of Tubo will be completely transformed into the territory of the Tang Dynasty."

Bai Qi's voice is very like an iceberg that never melts.

But Li Si was very satisfied.

Once Tubo fell across the territory and was classified as the territory of the Datang Empire, it would inevitably lead to a sharp rise in the fortune of the Datang Empire.

This will promote the emperor's refining technique!

Li Si looked at Bai Qi, his eyes suddenly cold: "With your strength, if you add a hundred thousand army, how long do you think it will take the whole Dongying clan to be extinct?"

Li Si summoned Bai Qi to come back, just to let Bai Qi solve Dongying.

With Bai Qi's Killing God Realm and the special characteristics of the Killing God Jue, not only would it not be difficult to slaughter the entire Dongying Island, but it might also allow Bai Qi to step into the Triple Heaven God and Demon.

Regardless of whether it is the God Killing Technique or the Killing God Domain, it is based on killing. The more you kill, the faster your strength will increase.

When Bai Qi heard the emperor's question, he was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "Return to your Majesty, in ten days, the minister can destroy Dongying!"

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