Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si nodded slightly when he heard the words.

Bai Qi was only a two-tier **** and demon in the realm, but Bai Qi's real combat power was enough to sweep an ordinary three-tier **** and demon.

Coupled with the 100,000 armies of the Datang Empire, it was no effort to destroy Dongying.


"In that case, I will leave the task of destroying Dongying in your hands." Li Si looked at Bai Qi with a serious expression: "After destroying Dongying, let the 100,000 Great Tang soldiers be stationed in it."

"I don't just want to destroy Dongying, I also need to completely control the island of Dongying."

"Among them, there can be no accidents."

"have you understood."

Li Si said every word.

Li Si's voice just fell.

Bai Qi bowed deeply towards Li Si: "The minister abides by the edict."

"All right."

"Go down."

"Let's leave tomorrow."

Li Si waved his hand and said.

"According to the purpose."


Bai Qi left the Hall of Longevity and went directly to the Ministry of War.

His Majesty ordered him to go to Dongying with an army of one hundred thousand, and the army of one hundred thousand was naturally dispatched by the Ministry of War in advance.


"Look up for a long time."

The Bingbu Shangshu heard that Bai Qi had arrived, and was slightly surprised, and immediately went to greet him.

You know, Bai Qi is Wu'an Hou, who is personally canonized by His Majesty!

Such a holy grace shows Bai Qi's position in His Majesty's heart.

In addition, after the several wars in the Tang Dynasty, the lives of Bai Qi's hands were probably nearly a million people, and they were known as killing gods, so the Ministry of War Shangshu did not take it seriously.

"Wu'anhou, the army of one hundred thousand is ready and ready to go anytime. This officer also selected a deputy for Wu'anhou. If Wu'anhou has no time to command the army, this deputy can do it for him."

The lieutenant mentioned by Shang Shukou of the Ministry of War was placed elsewhere, at least as a commander-in-chief and the like, leading the victory or defeat of a war.

But in front of the killing **** Bai Qi, he can only act as a lieutenant.

Even the position of lieutenant was won by the opponent in every possible way.

As long as you are in the army, from the generals to the unknown soldiers, who doesn't want to see Wu Anhou, the **** of death?

"Thank you."

Bai Qi nodded slightly.

Although Bai Qi looked indifferent, it didn't make people feel too murderous.

This made the other officials passing by of the Ministry of War slightly curious.

The world-famous Wu'an Hou Baiqi did not seem to be as terrifying as they thought.

At least Bai Qi's breath now is no different from normal people.

These officials shuddered as soon as this thought arose in their hearts.

No different from normal people?

Are you kidding me?

Desperately kill the gods, do you tell me the same as ordinary people?

You know, in the battle between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks, most of the Turkic’s 300,000 cavalry died in the hands of Bai Qi, and then went deep into the Turkic grasslands and the war between the Tang Empire and the Tubo. It is not an exaggeration to have millions of lives.

Millions of lives...

Even if a million pigs line up for them to kill, they can't kill them, let alone people?

These officials trembled in their hearts.

Especially when they secretly looked at Bai Qi, when Bai Qi Ruoyuowu turned their eyes on them, they felt the coldness deep into their bones, making these officials almost sat on the ground with fright.

It wasn't until this time that they realized that the image Bai Qi was presenting was just to blend in with ordinary people.

But this does not mean that Bai Qi is an ordinary person.

"You all go down."

Shangshu of the Ministry of War frowned, glanced at the few officials who remained there, and immediately knew what had happened.

I'm afraid it was these little bunnies who wanted to look at Bai Qi secretly, but turned out to be so scared by Bai Qi's gaze...

After thinking of this, Bingbu Shangshu became more and more amazed at Bai Qi.

You know, the Ministry of War is no better than the other five.

The officials of the Ministry of Defense, not to mention that everyone has been on the battlefield, at least are not ordinary people.

But even so, under Bai Qi's casual look, he was shocked like this...

The name of killing gods really deserves its reputation.

Shangshu of the Ministry of War is in his heart.

"I don't know when Wu'anhou will leave?" Shangshu of the Ministry of War asked cautiously.

Although the emperor had notified him that he was preparing to destroy Dongying with an army of one hundred thousand, the Ministry of War still did not know exactly when.

Bai Qi glanced at Shang Shu of the Ministry of War, and said lightly: "Tomorrow."


"I am going to prepare for Wu'anhou's expedition."

"This official wishes Wu'anhou again and triumphantly at an early date."

The Bingbu Shangshu never considered what problems would arise when going to Dongying.

In the view of Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

Dongying was nothing more than a Japanese country, and the Datang Empire wanted to destroy Dongying without any accident.

Under the majesty of the Great Tang Empire, Dongying, what can I resist?


Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair with a pensive expression.

Since the Jiangnan aristocratic family was bloodbathed, and other aristocratic families in the world realized that the situation was invincible and took the initiative to hand over their own land, the situation in the Datang Empire has no longer worry about chaos.

Jiedu caused the system to be abolished.

The imperial examination system was also reformed, adding other aspects of recruiting talents.

With the demise of Cihang Jingzhai, the martial arts of the rivers and lakes has been firmly in the hands of the male tyrant and is completely used by Li Si.

In addition, the land has been nationalized.

It can be said that most of the shortcomings belonging to the feudal dynasty have been resolved in Li Si's hands.

Next, it was time to start the Datang Empire's conquest of the world.

Li Si thought slightly.

The Turkic steppe is now under control.

Dongying is about to be completely destroyed by the Datang Empire.

Tubo has been incorporated into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

As long as the Tang Empire sweeps down the surrounding countries, it can focus on the West.

"However, what should those people in the world do?" Li Si suddenly thought.

Inside the Dongchang Dungeon, there is a **** and demon named Xu Kaishan.

There are also Ning Daoqi and Liang Su who actively surrendered.

And, this is just the beginning.

Li Si believed that with the passage of time, when the Datang Empire showed sufficient foundation, many gods and demons would come to surrender.

How to deal with these gods and demons is indeed a problem.

"Why not set up a Zhenwu Division to specifically house the gods and demons in the martial arts of the rivers and lakes, and make full use of these gods and demons?"

Li Si touched his chin, thoughtful in his Although, in the martial arts, there is a world that will manage.

However, if the territory of Datang continues to expand, the world may be unable to do so.

As a result, the imperial court established the Jinwu Division, and the gods and demons of Jinwu Division patrolled the world and took charge of crimes by the gods and demons.

One Zhenwu Division, one World Association, the two cooperated with each other to solve most problems in the world.

Of course, the person in charge of Jinwu Si must be someone Li Si absolutely trusts.

Just when Li Si was thinking about it.


Hum! !

Datang's vast national fortune fluctuates slowly.

At the same time.

Li Si's body slowly moved, as if the never-ending emperor's qi refining technique began to vibrate...

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