Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 324: Li Si's killing intent!

Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si's expression changed slightly.

The vast national fortune of the Tang Dynasty fluctuated.

The emperor's refining technique is gradually boiling.

The two faintly echo each other, as if eternal.

"this is?"

Li Si closed his eyes and felt for a while.

Just at this moment.

Datang's vast national fortune, unexpectedly soared.

As a result, the emperor's qi refining technique also made great progress.

This progress is comparable to the improvement brought about by swallowing two Zhao Yuen Long.

You know, Zhao Yuanlang is the grandfather of the Song Dynasty.

The potential luck in him, even if it is far less than Li Si, is far more than ordinary people imagine.

but now.

The national fortunes of the Tang empire soared, is actually equivalent to two Zhao Yuenlang?

"Did Tubo all fall?"

Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

Together with the national destiny, it is mysterious and mysterious, involving all aspects.

But the actual situation is the size of the territory.

The larger the territory, the greater the national fortune.

Of course, the territory here must completely belong to the Tang Empire.

No matter in name or in actual sense, it needs to be owned by the Datang Empire.

King Liang set foot on the Tubo capital, but he did not bring much fortune to the Tang Empire.

Because the capital of Tubo cannot be said to have completely conquered Tubo.

Only when King Liang led the army and controlled all the Tubo cities in his hands, could it be considered that the Tubo kingdom was completely included in the territory of the Tang Empire.

When Bai Qi returned, he once told Li Si that now there are still three cities in Tubo who are stubbornly resisting and will not surrender.

But at the moment.

Judging by the sharp increase in the national fortune.

These three cities should have already fallen.




The Big Eater sat on the throne, his expression calm, but a trace of tension flashed deep in his eyes.


"I have eaten an army of 1.2 million and have already begun to set off. The same is true for other countries, such as Tianzhu and Persia."

Luth arched his hands slightly.

Even for Da Shi, the 1.2 million army is the power of the country. If this battle fails to achieve results, even if the Tang Empire does not take action, Da Shi will inevitably fall into civil strife.

It's not just a big eclipse, but the same is true for other countries.

The monarchs of the various countries knew that they had only this opportunity for the Tianwei of the Tang Empire opposite.

If it fails...

Wait for the country to be destroyed...

"It's so good!"

The food king nodded slightly.

The soldiers are extremely fast, and the monarchs of the other countries are so cooperative, so that the King of Food has a little bit of confidence.

Perhaps, in this battle, they will not only be able to defeat the Datang Empire, but they will also be able to severely damage or even destroy the Datang Empire?

After all, the sum of the armies of all countries is 14 million.

Such a huge amount, even if it is consumed, can consume the Datang Empire to death, right?

"My lord, before the war, I also used dark chess buried in the Tang Empire. Although these dark chess cannot shake the foundation of the Tang Empire, they can also cause some trouble for it."

Lus whispered.

"Dark chess?" A strange light appeared in the eyes of the big food king, and he asked: "What is the trend of the monarchs of the other countries?"

"Your Majesty, the monarchs of the various countries are all in their respective armies, ready to go to the battlefield in person, and fight to the death of the Tang Empire!" Lu Si immediately replied.

"it is good!"


The Great Food King suddenly stood up: "If this is the case, this king also has to personally take a look at the Datang Empire, which can destroy Tubo in half a month, what is it capable of!"




King Liang looked at the city that had been completely breached.

This city is in the territory of Tubo, the last city still barely resisting the Datang Empire.

But in the eyes of King Liang, the so-called resistance is completely meaningless.

At the time when the Lord of the Moon worshipped the Lord, the outcome of Tubo was doomed.

The rest is nothing but stubborn resistance.

A smile appeared on Wang Liang's face.

After today, there is no more Tubo country in the world.

The conquest of Tubo by the Datang Empire was not similar to the conquest of the subordinate countries by the suzerain state, but was conquered thoroughly.

Dependent countries at least have their own country names.

But Tubo is gone.

Just when King Liang was thinking about when to return to Chang'an and return to the emperor.


"Urgent report!!!"

A rapid voice sounded.

I saw a scout riding a war horse and hurried over.


"what's up?"

Wang Liang frowned, feeling faintly uneasy.

Now that the entire territory of Tubo has been suppressed by the army of the Datang Empire, the overall situation has been determined. How could there be an emergency?


"Tianzhu, Dashi, and other countries have seen large-scale military dispatches. In addition, more than 30 small neighboring countries have also sent large troops."

When Liang Wang heard this, his expression changed wildly: "How many troops are there? In which direction are they moving?"

The anxiety in King Liang's heart became more intense.

What do countries want to mobilize their troops at this point in time?

"Including more than 30 countries including Tianzhu and Dashi, there are at least ten million troops."

"These tens of millions of troops are now coming to Tubo."

The scout's voice just fell.

Wang Liang's face is extremely ugly!


Sure enough!


King Liang had only one thought in his mind.

There is only one purpose for such a tacit cooperation between countries.

Want to deal with the Datang Empire!

Although the territory of Tubo has gathered one million troops of the Tang Empire.

But at least half of these millions of troops need a place to sit and cannot be used.

The remaining hundreds of thousands face the tens of thousands of coalition forces from all countries...

Although Wang Liang thinks he has some talents, he can only think of powerlessness when the gap is as large as tens of times or hundreds of times.

Thousands of calculations, all kinds of plans, in this kind of war in which the number is hundreds of times different, it has no effect at all.

As for Yan Ling Ji and other gods and demons...

Since the nations dared to join forces to initiate wars, it shows that there are more or less ways to deal with the gods and demons of the Tang Dynasty.

Otherwise, knowing that there are such strong people in the Datang Empire, how can all countries dare to join forces?

"No way."

"This matter must be reported to your Majesty!"

King Liang took a deep breath, took out a blank secret report, wrote it quickly, and sent it to Chang'an quickly.



Royal palace.

Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looking at the secret report on the dragon case.

" is also interesting."

Li Si's expression was calm, and a chill flashed across his eyes.

The secret report was sent by King Liang, who was far away in Tubo, and the content was about the fact that all countries joined forces and wielded thousands of troops to initiate war against the Datang Empire.

Li Si was not surprised but rather happy about this.

Li Si had no fear at all when the countries came to the door.

Even if the countries did not join forces, Li Si would take action against them after a while.

It is impossible for the Tang Empire to stop after conquering Tubo.

But now, by taking advantage of the cooperation of the nations, the Datang Empire directly wiped out the nations, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?


Li Si looked at another piece of information presented by Cao Zhengchun placed on the dragon case, and a faint murder intent appeared in his heart!

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