Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 325: Cao Zhengchun: Next one!

Inside the longevity hall.

Li Si looked at another piece of information above the Long Case.

This information was sent by Cao Zhengchun last night. The information said that a rumor had appeared in Chang'an City recently.

The fall of the Datang Empire is imminent.

The Datang Empire has already angered the sky.

Soon, there will be tens of thousands of troops breaking the gates of the Datang Empire, allowing the Datang Empire to personally experience the taste of being destroyed.

This rumor just started to panic the people of Chang'an City.

But not long after the rumors spread, Cao Zhengchun realized that something was wrong and immediately mobilized the East Factory forces to directly suppress the rumors.

It was also a routine matter for Cao Zhengchun to submit this matter to the emperor.

After all, the rumors have been suppressed, and there is no point in entanglement.

As the Datang Empire grows stronger, in the future such rumors will be self-defeating without the East Factory.


At this moment.

Li Si looked at the secret report sent by King Liang from Tubo, combined with this rumor, and immediately discovered the problem.

Thousands of troops broke through the gates of the Datang Empire?

Ten thousand army?

Shortly after?

How did the rumors know the specific number of ‘ten thousand troops’?

Was it a pure coincidence, or was it the rumor that came from the hands of various countries and was used to shake the rear stability of the Tang Empire?

If it is the latter, what means did the countries use to spread this rumor under the nose of Dongchang?

Li Si looked calm, but his eyes were cold.


The next **** Zhao Gonggong stood respectfully outside the Hall of Longevity, with his head lowered, not daring to look around.

Inside the palace walls, the rules were strict, even if the emperor's immediate presence like Zhao Gonggong did not dare to overstep it.

The longer you live, the more you realize that the emperor's heart is like an abyss, and it is unfathomable!

"Hmph, a court lady in the embroidery workshop dared to take a peek at your Majesty, she didn't know whether to live or die."

"Your Majesty's Tianyan can also be peeped by these lowly servants?"

The attendant **** sneered.

At that time, after he learned about this, he directly expelled the court lady from the palace, even if the other party begged, the **** would not be accommodating.

This is because the emperor is kind.

Otherwise, the lady of the court would be beaten to death on the spot.

Within the palace walls, there are differences in status and inferior status. A word or a glance may be overwhelming.

Without the permission of your majesty, even if you are close to the eunuch, you would never dare to look directly at the face of the sky, let alone a group of palace ladies?

Just when the eunuch's mind was rising and falling.

An indifferent voice came to his ears clearly from the Hall of Longevity.

"Let Cao Zhengchun come over."

The attendant **** suddenly felt aroused, and immediately reverently said: "According to the order."


Cao Zhengchun received the emperor's decree and hurriedly hurried to face the holy priest.

"See Your Majesty."

"Get up."

Li Si waved his hand and threw the secret report sent by King Liang on the Long Case to Cao Zhengchun: "You have a look."

Cao Zhengchun felt like a heart, and immediately began to read the secret report.

"All nations join hands, waving thousands of troops?"

Cao Zhengchun immediately thought of a rumor that he had just suppressed.

"His Majesty......"

Cao Zhengchun's face was extremely ugly.

If the two are really related, it means that in Chang'an City, there are dark chess of various countries.

Only in this way can this rumor flow out in advance.

And the dark chess of various countries...

When Cao Zhengchun suppressed this rumor, he did not personally investigate it, but handed it over to his guards.

After all, the East Factory needs to deal with too many things every day. If everything is personally seen, even a **** and demon like Cao Zhengchun will be ineffective.

But even so, Cao Zhengchun knew that when he thoroughly investigated this rumor, he did not find anything related to the enemy's dark chess.

In other words, the root cause of this incident was the ineffectiveness of the East Factory.

The inability of the East Factory to do things is his incompetence of Cao Zhengchun!

"His Majesty!"

Cao Zhengchun knelt on the ground with a thump, cold sweat quickly came out.

For Cao Zhengchun, life and death are trivial matters, but if the emperor thinks Cao Zhengchun is useless, it is a big deal.

"For half a day, I want to know the result."

Li Si said lightly on the throne of the dragon chair.

"According to the purpose." Cao Zhengchun breathed a sigh of relief.


Fortunately, His Majesty is willing to give him a chance.

After Cao Zhengchun exited the palace with a panic expression, his face was full of anger.

Cao Zhengchun wanted to see how the dark chess of various countries escaped Dongchang's investigation.


The city of Chang'an was turbulent again.

The people in Dongchang are like crazy dogs and begin to take over the entire Chang'an City.

The guard who was responsible for suppressing the rumor at that time was directly slapped to death by Cao Zhengchun.


Cao Zhengchun began to personally investigate the whole story of the rumors.

All the people who came into contact with the rumors, their identities, their backgrounds, and where they had been in the past six months were all placed in front of Cao Zhengchun.

These people are very complicated, ranging from the relatives of the emperor to the merchants and pawns, covering almost half of Chang'an City.

"All people, more or less, are related to Wangyue Tower?"

Cao Zhengchun narrowed his eyes, keenly aware of a certain key point.

Wangyue Tower is the largest brothel in Chang'an City.

The oiran in Mochizuki Tower is known as the most beautiful in the world.

I don't know how many princes and children come here every day.



The more Cao Zhengchun thought about it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the Moon Tower.

Because the place where the rumor first appeared was Mochizuki Tower.

At that time, the East Factory also inspected the Wangyue Tower, but it didn't find anything, so it stopped.

"Come here."

"With the miscellaneous family, go to Wangyue Tower!"

Cao Zhengchun got up directly, led his guards, and hurried towards Wangyue Tower.

After half an hour.

The entire Mochizuki Tower has been blocked by the East Factory.

Over the years, Wangyuelou has also accumulated some contacts in the city of Chang'an, and has met many senior officials in the DPRK.

However, after discovering that Dongchang had made the move, these North Korean officials evaded like snakes and scorpions and did not dare to intervene.

Are you kidding me? !

Dongchang is the eyes and ears of the emperor.

If they dare to obstruct, they are going against your majesty.

Inside the Mochizuki Tower.

Cao Zhengchun's eyes were gloomy.

In front of Cao Zhengchun, there stood a large group of people with a panic look.

"We don't have much time for family ~ You only have half time for incense sticks."

Cao Zhengchun glanced across everyone and said gloomily.

The emperor only gave him three hours, and now almost one hour has passed.

"Whose rumors about the'Ten Thousand Army' came from among you that day?"

Cao Zhengchun looked gloomy, looking at everyone like a poisonous snake.

Cao Zhengchun's voice just fell.

A beautifully dressed, poor Chu Chu woman said timidly: "Report to the Supervisor, we really don't know, Wangyuelou people come and go every day..."

The chuchu poor woman has not finished.

Cao Zhengchun gently raised her hand, and her whole body exploded, and the blood mist filled the surrounding area...

Under everyone's horrified gaze, Cao Zhengchun wiped his right hand, his tone was as cold as coming from Jiuyou: "Next."

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