Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 496: Replace Tianxin with one's own heart!

The Fengshen Bang floats above Li Si's head.

   One after another golden rays of light shrouded, as if forming a golden ocean, boundless!

   "This is the artifact of our Datang Sheji."

   Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair and said slowly.

  Since Li Si was planning to open up a fortune dynasty, he did not hide the meaning of these courtiers from the court.

   hum! !

   The golden ocean slightly stirred up a layer of ripples, exuding a breathtaking breath.

  The power of national luck is mysterious and mysterious.

   Even if it manifests in the Sacred Artifact Conferred God List, it is far from being able to look directly at it for a long time!

   But for Li Si, a moment is enough.

   "What is this this?"

   "My God, the artifact of Saji?"

   "And this golden ocean, why does it make me feel like I can't look directly at it?"

   Except for a few ministers such as Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, who were able to stabilize their minds a little bit, the other ministers had already knelt down on the ground one by one when they saw the mighty and endless golden ocean, and kept kowtow.

Upon seeing this scene, Li Si looked calm, and said with majesty: "This is the power of our national destiny. If you wait for the fortune to open up, you and others will be protected by the force of the national destiny, avoid all evils, and avoid all diseases. "

The essence of   yun dynasty is the high-level use of the power of national fortune.

   If it is said that before the establishment of the Yun Dynasty, only Li Si was able to use the power of the national fortune, then after the establishment of the Yun Dynasty, the civil and military officials in the court can borrow part of the power of the country.

of course.

   The power of the national destiny borrowed by the court and officials was approved by Li Si.

   Moreover, Li Si could completely withdraw this kind of authority from his courtiers within a single thought.

after all.

   Relative to the power of national transport.

   Li Si is the master, and the courtiers are the borrowers.

  The power of the nation’s fortunes circulates endlessly. Even if it is borrowed by the civil and military officials, it will recover in a blink of an eye and will not have any impact on Li Si at all.

   At that time, even if the ministers of the Central Government who have not even entered the acquired realm, as long as the official rank is high enough, with the insignificant power of national destiny, they can also compete with the gods and demons, and even suppress them!

   "The power of national luck?"

   The many courtiers in the Tai Chi Hall were full of excitement and excitement.

   Although I don’t know why your Majesty can do this, everything in front of you is obvious. Everything that your Majesty just said is true?

   And they, after the Yun Dynasty is opened, are they most likely to be the first batch of officials to be entrusted to the gods?

   "This is all true!"

   "I didn't dream!!!"

   There are several straightforward veterans who kept kowtow, and blood oozes out of their foreheads, but they didn't care at all. The pain from the wounds told them that all this was true!

   Their Great Tang will accomplish the great achievement that all emperors of the past dynasties have been able to achieve! ! !

  The country is forever!

   Immortal forever!

"All right."

   "Get up all the time."

   Li Si looked at the performance of the ministers in the court, especially some of the old ministers, their faces flushed, and they were extremely excited. Li Si was really worried that the other party would just fall on this Tai Chi Hall.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   The spirit of the court and the officials was shocked, and said respectfully.

   "Go down all the time."

   "The matter of moving the dynasty is spread all over the world by the Ministry of Rites."

   "As for the opening of the dynasty, it will be three days later."

   Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair and said lightly.

   "Comply with the purpose."

   "The ministers wait for the decree."

   Civil and military officials immediately arched their hands.

   "In that case."


   Li Si flicked his sleeves and walked straight out of the Tai Chi Hall.

   After Li Si left completely.

   The courtiers in the Tai Chi Hall dared to get up.


  Shang Shu of the Ministry of rites slapped himself fiercely, and then left excitedly.

   Other courtiers also more or less self-mutilated, proving that everything they just experienced was not a dream illusion.



   After the morning.

   The emperor's desire to open up a fortune was spread like a twelfth hurricane.

   The world is shaking.

  Lingnan Songjia.

   "Your Majesty wants to establish a fortune?"

   Tiandao Song Que put down the narcissus knife in his hand, frowning slightly.

   "Apart from this news, what else did the court say?" Song Que asked the Song family's children who had passed the letter.

   Since Song Kun went to the New World, all matters concerning the entire Song family have returned to Song Que.

   "Enlighten Song Zu."

"only these."

   The Song family's children replied tremblingly.

   "Open up fortune dynasty and open up fortune dynasty?"

   "What exactly is the Fortune Dynasty, is it worth your Majesty to open it up personally?"

   Song Que stroked the narcissus blade and muttered in a low voice.

   Vaguely, Song Que realized that His Majesty's desire to open a fortune dynasty would be an unprecedented event, enough to affect thousands of years.

   "We are going to the library."

   "Unless the Song family is dead or alive, it will be handled by the elders, don't bother me."

   Song Que got up directly and walked towards the library of the Song family.

   The library of the Song family is all-encompassing. Maybe there are clues about the "Fortune Dynasty"?



   Qin Shihuang Yingzheng and others have not yet gone far, they heard about Li Si's desire to open up a fortune.

   "Fortune Chao?"

   "How do I feel from where I heard it?"

   Meng Tian frowned, thinking hard.

   Others such as Wang Jian, Li Si and others also fell into deep thought.

   "Fortune Chao?!"

   "Emperor Tang actually wants to open up a fortune?!!!"

   Only Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's pupils shrank, and a strong shock and horror appeared on his face.

   As the founding emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, Yingzheng has read many books. Although he does not understand the Yun Dynasty, he is not ignorant.

   "Your Majesty knows fortune?"

   Mengtian's eyes lit up, looking at Ying Zhengdao.

   Ying Zheng heard the words and remained silent. After a long time, Ying Zheng sighed and said in a low voice: "Fortune is complicated, and I will not be able to explain it for a while."

   "But you all know the heaven in myths and legends."

   Heavenly Court?

   Meng Tian's heart was violent.

   Regarding the supreme heaven in myths and legends, he naturally hasn’t heard of it.

   Now Ying Zheng mentioned Heaven...

   Is there any connection between the fortune dynasty that the Emperor of Tang wants to establish and Tianting?

   The rest of the people also thought of this, and under the shock of their hearts, they looked at Qin Shihuang Yingzheng in disbelief, and wanted to hear the thoughts of his own guess from Yingzheng's mouth.

   "Not bad."

   "The essence of Yunchao should be the same as heaven."

   After a long time, Ying Zheng said slowly.

   Yingzheng's voice just fell.

   Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian and others' minds roared, and there was a storm in their hearts.

   They never imagined that Emperor Tang had such great ambitions that he wanted to imitate the heavenly court in myths and legends and create a fortune?

so horrible.

What is    Heavenly Court?

   Lifted high above the thirty-three heavens, a behemoth dominating all immortals.

   A human emperor in the Tang Emperor District, how dare he think so?

   "Your Majesty, does Emperor Tang really want to..."

   Wang Jiang couldn't help asking.

   "I'm afraid it is true."

   Ying Zheng nodded slightly and said: "I look at Emperor Tang, he is very talented, and since he has heard the news, he should be really sure of opening up a fortune."

   Ying Zheng said this.

   Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jiang and others turned pale, and they never dared to raise any questions.

  :. :

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