Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 497: Success! Good luck!

Faith circles.

   Inside the hall.

   The Lord of Water Spirit suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of fatigue appeared in his expression.

"how is it?"

   "Can the spell of killing be implemented smoothly?"

   ‘Lord’’s eyes flashed, and he immediately asked.

  Although, the Lord of the Water Spirit vowed to swear, claiming that he only needs a breath of the subject to perform a curse.

   But the ‘Master’ still dare not believe it all.

   The horrible thing about Li Si, the ‘Master’ has personally experienced.

   That kind of terrifying power that the world collapses in every gesture, the Lord does not want to experience it for the second time in his life.


   "You only need to wait three days after the connection is completely established, then you can curse and kill."

   The figure of the Lord of the Water Spirit is vaguely illusory.

   Obviously, using this kind of curse and killing technique that crosses the two realms is also a huge consumption for him.

   "Is it possible for Emperor Tang to resist the curse?"

   The ‘Master’ was silent for a moment, and continued to ask.


   "Unless the information you provide is wrong, Emperor Tang didn't only live twenty or so, but an old monster that has existed for thousands of years, otherwise the spell killing technique will never fail.

   The Lord of Water Spirit firmly said.

   The Lord of Cursed Killing is the confrontation of the ‘essence’.

   And the ‘essence’ is only related to the time experienced.

   Generally speaking, the longer the existence, the stronger the strength, and the spell killing technique has no effect on this.

   After all, the other party lived long enough.

   But Li Si is different.

  According to the information provided by believers in the world, the Emperor of Tang Dynasty is definitely not very old, up to twenty.


   In the eyes of the Lord of Water Spirit, if he casts the curse himself, Emperor Tang will definitely die.

   Say it again.

   even if it fails.

What can    do?

   Can Emperor Tang tear open the space and enter the world of faith to hunt them down?


   It doesn't matter how the Lord of Water Spirit thinks, he thinks he is invincible.

   The ‘Master’ obviously thought of this too, and did not continue to ask.

   after a moment.

   The Lord of Water Spirit closed his eyes again and began to continue preparing for the spell killing technique.



   Three days passed in a flash.

   Datang, the imperial capital Chang'an City!

   A majestic tall altar stands quietly on the Baiyu Square.

   One hundred thousand imperial palace soldiers stood on the edge of the altar, guarding the altar from being disturbed by anyone.

   In addition to the one hundred thousand forbidden army, the four heavenly gods and demons, including the worship master, the flame fairy, and Bai Qi, also hid in the dark, looking at everything around them coldly.

   They received Li Si's order that anyone who breaks into the altar without permission will be killed!

   Outside the imperial palace and inside the city of Chang'an, the guards of the East Factory were like crazy dogs. They monitored everything in Chang'an city and suppressed all hidden dangers.

  The opening of the Fortune Dynasty is imminent, and Cao Zhengchun does not allow any accidents under his nose.

   As far as the Changan city.

   mobilized at least a million innate and extreme Zerg warriors.

   These millions of Zerg warriors have blocked the entire siege of Chang'an.

   The aura swept in all directions, deterring any gods and demons who wanted to approach Chang'an City.

   Mother Empress Irina stood above the clouds, her beautiful face showing a trace of caution.

   In order to open up a fortune without fail, Li Si not only asked Irina to create a million Zerg warriors again, but even the Zerg eyes of Irina were mobilized.

at the same time.

   Within the palace.

   Baiyu Square.

   before the huge altar.

   Li Si wears a twelve diadem on his head and a wide robe. He is extremely majestic, like the emperor of the nine heavens descending on the earth.

   Behind Li Si, the civil and military officials stood respectfully, not daring to go beyond anything.

   This time, your majesty's opening of the fortune is related to the generations of the Tang Empire. If they are affected by them, these courtiers will be to blame even if they die.

at this time.

   Li Si took a step slowly.



  咚咚咚! ! !

   White Jade Square was all around, four huge battle drums rang loudly, and the sound waves rolled and spread in all directions.

  Opening up a dynasty is tantamount to concentrating the power of heaven and earth to the emperor in a disguised form.

   Therefore, the prerequisite for opening up a fortune is to sacrifice to the heaven and the earth, and take back the authority that belongs to the lord of the fortune.

   Li Si is very slow.

   walked towards the altar step by step.

   hum! ! !

   Li Si takes a step every time.

   There is a bit of pressure between heaven and earth covering Li Si.

   If you want to regain the power of heaven and earth, you have to go through the test of heaven and earth.


   No matter how the world exerts pressure, Li Si still looks indifferent, as if the breeze is blowing, and walks toward the center of the altar without rush.

   after a moment.

   Li Si stands in the center of the altar.

   In front of Li Si, there was nothing but a book case.

   On top of the book case, a golden scroll is quietly placed on it.

  Feng Shen Bang!

"let's start."

   Li Si's eyes were calm, but the voice spread to everyone around him.

   "The good time has come."

   The attendant **** heard the words and immediately said loudly.

   "Sacrifice to the world!!"

   The voice of approaching the **** spread everywhere.

   rumbling! ! !

   Over the palace.

  The golden dragon of national luck that has been closed seems to have taken some tonic, and the huge dragon body soars into the sky.

   In an instant.

   Between heaven and earth.

   suddenly overcast.

  The great horror from the depths of heaven and earth flocked to the Golden Dragon of National Fortune, wanting to crush it.


  With the support of the national fortune of the Datang Empire, the golden dragon of national fortune was not hindered at all. It directly penetrated through the clouds and skyrocketed for ninety thousand miles.


   Within the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

   Endless crowds of vitality gathered, constantly rolling up and down over the palace.

   "This is the time."

   In the center of the altar, Li Si's eyes flashed.

   "An artifact of merit."

   Li Si's heart moved.

   The remaining forty-nine void reliefs flew out.

   Under the burning of the fortune of the country, these forty-nine void reliefs melted again.

   this time.

   Li Si was not refined separately.

   Instead, the remaining forty-nine void reliefs continued to integrate the luck of the people and the traces of heaven and earth's merits.

   "What should the artifact of merit be cast into?"

   Li Si looked up at the sky, lost in thought.

The    Sheji artifact Li Si refers to the appointing **** list of the world.

   And the artifact of merit...

  Gongde Artifact is different from Sheji The function of merit Artifact is not so many.

   Its only function is suppression.

   Suppress the national destiny, suppress the dragon vein, suppress the five elements, suppress the ten thousand laws.




   Li Si thought up and down, but he was not very satisfied.

   Li Si's eyes lit up between the electric light and flint.

   Li Si thought about what to cast the artifact of merit.


   both ears!


   In Li Si's memory, the tripod has a very special meaning, representing a certain ancient and incredible.

   Wouldn’t it be perfect if the artifact of merit was cast into the shape of a tripod?

   I read this.

   Li Si once again looked at the high altitude, forty-nine void reliefs that were constantly deforming.

   is under Li Si's control.

   A small tripod slowly formed.

   both ears!

   Four feet!

  The ancient and terrifying atmosphere began to permeate.

   Within the mouth of the tripod, there is a greyish breath circulating, as if it contains a big world.

   "Artifact of merit, success!!!"

   Li Si looked satisfied and nodded slightly.

  :. :

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