The center of the altar.

   Li Si is now familiar with the surge of power.

   To open up a dynasty, to be able to enshrine officials and to enshrine gods, and everyone is like a dragon. It looks selfless and has the world in mind, but in fact, all this is for the master of dynasty.

   Compared with the benefits obtained by the courtiers and the people, Li Si, as the lord of the dynasty, has gained the blessing of the entire dynasty.

   Before the opening of the dynasty, although Li Si was invincible under the seven heavens, he was still at the level of the sixth heaven.

   is still like a cloud and mud from the real Seventh Heaven Realm.


   At this moment.

   Li Si raised his hands and threw his feet, feeling that the void was fragile like a thin layer of paper, as if with a light poke, the void in front of him would shatter.

  Feng Shen Bang was held by Li Si at will, an inexplicable fluctuation, following the vast national fortune of the Tang Dynasty, spread in all directions.

   Reflect on the heavens!

   After the development of the fortune dynasty, the sacred artifact of the Fengshen Bang finally bloomed with its original brilliance and was born, capable of independently monitoring the various aspects of the Datang Empire!

   The meritorious artifact tripod floats on top of Li Si's head, and the power of the merits is scattered, forming a heavy curtain, guarding Li Si's surroundings.

   Boom! ! !

at this time.

   A weird curse power came, and he wanted to break through the heavy curtain of merit, and attack Li Si's body.

   This cursing power is invisible and innocent. It stands to reason that it can break through any restrictions and directly touch Li Si's body.


   Levitating and spinning around Li Si, the artifact Ding of merit.

Suck! ! !

   I saw the mouth of the kungfu artifact Ding turn around, the power of the merit swept past, and all the power of cursing was sucked into the mouth of Ding.

   There is grey gas flowing in the half-meter-sized tripod, as if it contains a big world.

   After the weird curse power was sucked into the mouth of the tripod, it disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before!

"who is it?"

   Li Si's eyes were cold, and he looked into the depths of the void.

   At the moment when the power of cursing appeared, Li Si summoned the main temple. As long as the power of cursing broke through the curtain formed by the power of merit, he would directly release the main temple body.

   Although the main temple has been severely damaged and its function is dilapidated ninety-nine percent, it can be the most incredible existence in the multiverse, even with its body alone, it can isolate all attacks.

   There is the main temple, unless this curse power can crush the main temple, it can hurt Li Si.


   Smash the main temple?

   Even if it is the source of the fourth natural disaster overlooking the heavens, at most it can only severely damage the main temple, or it is the kind that hurts both sides!

"Got you!!"

   Li Si's gaze was faint, as if piercing through the ages, following the traces of the curse and killing force, he directly determined the position of the faith world.


   With this curse, I didn’t even touch Li Si, but that didn’t mean that Li Si could not be held accountable!

   The existence that released the power of this curse was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, how could Li Si let him go?

   Outside the altar.

   The military officials knelt on the ground with excitement, looking at the Emperor of Tang who stood in the center of the altar.


at this time.

   Hubu Shangshu seemed to have discovered something, and whispered to the Ribu Shangshu next to him, "Have you seen it, your Majesty seems unhappy?"

   Hube Shangshu said with some uncertainty.

   Because of the distance, Hubu Shangshu can only vaguely feel the change in Li Si's expression, but he is not very sure.


   The Book of Religious Affairs frowned.

   Boom! !


   The sky suddenly darkened, and the dark cloud instantly pressed down, and silver-white lightning flashed continuously among the dark clouds.

  When all the court officials saw this scene, they felt that a terrifying pressure strangled their throats, causing their heartbeat to almost stop.

  In the power of opening up the dynasty, Li Si replaced Tianxin with his own heart, and any emotional fluctuations can trigger heaven and earth visions.

   The emperor was angry, and the sky fell apart!

   is in everyone's incredible eyes.

   I saw Li Si lift up his right hand, shook it lightly, and then tore it fiercely!

   Tear! ! !

   The void was torn apart, and an irregular spatial crack was torn open, and appeared in front of Li Si.

   Within the cracks in the space, it is dim and dim, as if connected to another world.


   "I want to know who it is, dare to shoot me!!"

   Li Si's expression was gloomy, and he stepped directly into the cracks in the space.

   Before the opening of the dynasty, Li Si could not enter even if he knew the position of the faith world.

   Because strictly speaking, the world of faith does not exist in the Tang world.

   It is a subsidiary space belonging to the depths of the void.


   At this time, as the lord of the fortune, Li Si, with his hands and feet, can match or even suppress the seven heavens and demons, tearing the space, and entering the world of faith is naturally within one thought.

   faith circles.

   Inside the hall.

   The Lord of Water Spirit sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, and most of his own power was consumed, releasing the Lord of Curse to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.


   The Lord looked at the Lord of Water Spirits expectantly.

   Several other illusory gods also watched nervously.

  If the curse is successful, it means that Emperor Tang is dead, and when Emperor Tang dies, the Tang Empire will be in chaos. At that time, these illusory gods can once again intervene in the world and spread the faith.

   噗嗤! ! !

   Under the gazes of several illusory gods, the Lord of the Water Spirit suddenly opened his eyes, and his expression burst into deep fear!

"Do not!!!"

   A terrifying counter-attack force rushed directly into the body of the water spirit.

   The spell-killing technique ignores everything, and can even be cast across two realms. Such a terrifying secret technique is naturally impossible without any defects.

The flaw of    cursive killing technique is backlash.

   If the curse is successful, everything is fine.

   But if the curse fails, the backlash generated will be enough to make the caster soulless.

   rumbling! !

   The terrifying backlash power surged within the main body of the water spirit, and in an instant, most of the body of the water spirit's original illusory body suddenly collapsed.


   "The curse failed?"

   An incredible color appeared on the main face.

  The Lord never expected that the curse of the Lord of Water Spirit would fail?

   "There is only one reason why the curse failed. The Lord of the Water Spirit lost to Emperor Tang in the essential match."

   An illusory **** beside him calmly analyzed.

   "Is Emperor Tang an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years?"

   asked the third phantom **** in doubt.

   "Impossible, there will be no mistakes in the information of the believers. Maybe the Emperor Tang has a strange treasure to protect him, so he blocked the curse?"

   The fourth Void God shook his head and said.

   The lord looked indifferent, glanced at the remaining illusory spirits in his eyes, and said: "Well, no matter what the reason, since the curse fails, I will wait honestly."

   Regardless of whether it is the Lord or several other illusory gods, after realizing that the curse had failed, although disappointed, it was nothing more.

   After all, even if the curse fails, it has no effect on them.

   Is it possible that Emperor Tang could cross the two realms and come to the faith world to hunt them down?

   For these gods of faith, it is a big deal to fall into a deep sleep and wait for hundreds of thousands of years to wake up.

   By then, will Emperor Tang still be alive?


   Just when the Lord was waiting for a few phantom gods to talk.

   Tear! ! !

   A fierce space crack appeared above the hall.


   A stalwart figure crossed the crack and entered the world of faith.

   rumbling! ! !

  As this stalwart figure stepped in, the whole faith world began to roar, as if it could not bear this stalwart figure.

   "It's just a few of you bugs, dare to attack me behind?"

   The voice of Li Si resounded in every place in the faith world, and the artifacts of merits floated on top of Li Si's head, lowering the power of all merits, and transforming the faith community around Li Si into the real world.

   The essence of the world of faith is an illusory world, which cannot contain any entities.

   But relying on the meritorious artifact, Li Si forcibly squeezed into the world of faith.

   Inside the hall.

   The moment Li Si stepped into the world of faith, a horrible pressure permeated the entire world of faith.

  Whether it is the Lord or the other illusory gods, they only feel like a couch, causing their illusory bodies to begin to collapse and disperse.

"you are?!!"

   The lord raised his head with difficulty and looked over the hall.

   I saw a stalwart figure standing above the nine heavens with a negative hand, appearing under the Lord's sight.

"It's you!!!"

   The main expression changed wildly.

   Although the Lord did not clearly see the appearance of this stalwart figure, but relying on the breath, the Lord recognized Li Si.



   The faith world slowly began to collapse, one after another terrifying space cracks were torn apart, Li Si forcibly squeezed into the faith world, causing irreversible damage to the faith world, and it began to end.

   "It turned out to be you little bug."

   Li Si's eyes were cold, and he looked down at the lord who looked up at the sky in the hall, and said without any ups and downs.

   Li Si had a fight with the master during the Yujia's personal conquest. At that time, the master escaped from Li Si's hands by virtue of the indelible nature of the illusory god.

   Li Si was about to forget the Lord, after all, after the opening of the fortune dynasty, the Datang Empire will be immortal forever, and an illusory god, after losing his faith, will eventually die.

   But what Li Si didn't expect was that the Lord's heart was not dead, and he tried to take action against Li Si in the faith world?

   "I originally thought that you would know the gap with me."

   Li Si said softly.

   Every time Li Si uttered a word, the pressure that enveloped the world of faith became heavy, and the Lord's body also fell apart.

   When Li Si finished speaking, above the hall, only the Lord was reluctantly resisting. As for the other illusory gods, they could not bear the pressure of Li Si long ago and completely collapsed.

   The entire faith world, in front of Li Si, is crumbling!

"Do not!"

   "You are the emperor of the world, this is the world of faith, the kingdom of God, not a place where you can enter!!!"

   The lord summoned his last courage and roared towards Li Si.


   The pressure that Li Si brought to the Lord and the entire faith community made the Lord lose the confidence to fight against Li Si.

   At this moment, the only hope of the Lord is that Li Si dare not destroy the faith world.

  Once the world of faith is destroyed, it will also have a certain impact on the Tang world.

"is it?"

   "The kingdom of God?"

   "Only you, dare to call yourself a god?"

   Li Si carried his hands on his back, a trace of contempt appeared on his face.

   The essence of the Lord is illusion. He was born from faith. When the power of faith is sufficient, the power of nature is unlimited, but when the power of faith is lacking, it is like being thrown into the dust, and will never be restored.

   The existence of this kind of restraint and faith has never been seen by Li Si at all.

   For the Lord, the power of faith must be above Him.

   After all, even if there is no Lord, as long as the power of faith is sufficient, a second Void God and a third Void God can still be born.

   To some extent, the Lord is nothing but a poor creature controlled by the power of faith.

   "Emperor Tang!"

   "Don't go too far!!"

   "I don't believe it, you dare to destroy the world of faith!!!"

   The Lord raised his head with great difficulty and looked up at Li Si, who was above the nine heavens.

   For the Lord, even looking up at Li Si is extremely difficult, let alone hands-on.

   Under Li Si's random power, the main body couldn't even move.

   It’s just that I want the Lord to kneel and beg for mercy

  If Li Si can bypass the Lord, the Lord wouldn't mind doing so. After all, compared with living, the so-called dignity is a joke at all.


   The Lord never saw the possibility of bypassing Li Si from Li Si.

   In this case, the Lord is very hard-hearted.

   After all, under the premise that it is useless to beg for mercy, one hard-hearted one might have unexpected gains.

   "Don't be too much?"

   "Dare to destroy the world of faith?"

   Li Si froze first, then raised the corners of his mouth and laughed wildly with his hands behind him: "You don't really think that the backlash of a mere illusory world, what can I do?"

   The faith world is just an illusory world attached to the Datang Even, in Li Si's view, the faith world is not even the world, at most it can only be counted as a subsidiary space.

  The destruction of the faith world reflects the world of Datang, which may cause turbulence in the world of Datang, and natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes will occur.

   If Li Si would take care of it before opening up a fortune.


   At this time, Li Si, as the lord of the fortune, replaced Tianxin with his own heart. A single thought of Li Si can trigger a vision of heaven and earth. Some natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes would threaten the world of the Tang Dynasty.

   rumbling! ! !

   While Li Si laughed wildly, the sacred kung fu cauldron on top of his head suddenly became generous and bright, and the power of the merits dropped one after another, as if endless, spreading and spreading in all directions.

   Where the power of merit passes, illusory space is transformed into real space.

   blink time.

   There is a small part of the faith world shrouded by the power of merit.

   Inside the hall, the Lord saw this scene as if he had seen some kind of terrifying horror.

   This ability to easily transform the world's attributes has exceeded the limit that the Lord can imagine. Even if the Lord is given more power of faith, the Lord cannot achieve Li Si.

   Transforming the world has involved the authority of creation.



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