Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 501: Fear and tremor!


Holy mountain.

Since the Great Tang Empire unified the West, this place of belief in the entire West in the past has been abandoned.

After suppressing the Western countries, Li Si's first decree was to block all kinds of beliefs.

The Holy Mountain, once the lair of the Western Holy See and the center of faith in the entire Western continent, has naturally been swept over and over again by the Zerg warriors.

The sacred mountain that used to shine throughout the western continent has now become a forbidden zone!

And just as Li Si tore the void and squeezed into the world of faith, the void on the top of the holy mountain trembled suddenly.

The top of the holy mountain is originally the space node between the world of humanity and the world of faith.

Only below this point, the Pope of the Holy See can barely communicate with the ‘Lord’.

Moreover, whether it is a ‘sage envoy’ or a ‘lord’, they come to the world through this space node.

To some extent, this spatial node on the summit of the holy mountain connects the world of faith and the world.

As a result, when the world of faith is about to collapse, the picture in the world of faith follows this node and manifests in the world.

I saw a huge picture emerging from the top of the sacred mountain.

"what is that?"

"It's the Lord, and it's the Lord that is casting miracles!"

"My God, didn't the'Lord' fall into the hands of Emperor Datang?"

"Shut up! The'Lord' is invincible. How can the emperor of the Tang Dynasty be able to "Lord"?"

Countless people from the Western Continent looked up at the sky, looking in the direction of the sacred mountain, their eyes fell on the vast picture of the top of the sacred mountain.

In the picture, the palace is towering, and a tall figure stands inside the palace.

This tall figure is exactly the same as the image of the "Lord" promoted by the Holy See, so it was recognized by the people of the Western mainland.

"It's the Lord, and the Lord has finally come to save us."

"'Lord,' please beg us lambs who are lost."

"The Datang Empire is too cruel. I beg the Lord to take action to destroy the Datang Empire."

Some of the fanatics who were hiding in the dark and lingering in the dark suddenly burst into tears with excitement.

Since the Tang Empire suppressed the Western Continent, their former fanatics have received a fatal blow.

Under the slaughter of countless Zerg warriors, they were almost like defenseless babies, unable to resist even.

If it continues, within a year, there will probably be no so-called fanatics.

Because all the fanatics were cleaned up by the Tang Empire on the spot.

Therefore, during this period of time, the lives of these mad believers can be imagined.

but now!

The fanatics saw hope.

Because after a few months, the'Lord' once again performed miracles.

On the top of the sacred mountain, that vast picture, it is the Lord beckoning to them.

For a time.

The western continent shakes.

Countless people in the western continent are excited.


"Have you noticed that the Lord is also looking at the sky."

"Yes, why does the Lord look at the sky? Is there something in the sky?"

At this moment, some people from the Western Mainland found strange things and looked surprised.

Because, in the picture revealed on the top of the sacred mountain, the "Lord" seems to be looking up at the sky?

And, at this moment, the body of the'Lord' seems to be trembling?

Countless people in the western mainland were filled with doubts and followed the eyes of the Lord.

However, in this look, they saw a scene they will never forget.

I saw a stalwart figure standing proudly on the nine heavens that the Lord looked up.

On top of the stalwart figure, a half-meter-high small cauldron slowly sinks and rises, sprinkling the power of virtue.

Even if separated from the screen and two realms, the people of the Western Mainland felt a surge of pressure coming upon seeing this stalwart figure, making them breathless.

It seems that this stalwart figure standing on the nine heavens is the void, the world, and everything.

Under this stalwart figure, even the ‘Lord’ they believe in is like an ant.

"That is!!!"

At this time, the people of the Western Continent finally discovered the scene they had been neglecting just now.

In the scene where the top of the sacred mountain is manifested, although the "Lord" is in it, in other parts of the picture, there is a scene that blows everyone's heads.

A series of huge, as if the cracks in the sky continue to emerge, and the world is about to be destroyed.

And the source of all this seems to be the stalwart figure standing on the nine heavens?

Even if it is the ‘Master’, in this desperate situation, like a ship traveling under a storm, it may be swept away by a wave at any time.


The picture manifested on the top of the holy mountain is not the miracle that the Lord descended to lead them to hope.

It is the final struggle of the ‘Lord’ who is about to be destroyed.


Under the incredible figure of that stalwart, even the struggle of the Lord has become a luxury.

"Do not!!!"

"'Lord' is invincible!!"

"Who is it! Who is it!"

Countless people from the western mainland collapsed to the ground.

When they saw the omnipotent ‘Master’ they believed in, and was as fragile as they faced the Datang Empire, these believers only felt that a certain myth in their hearts was broken.

"The clothes this person is wearing should be the dragon robe of the Tang Empire?"

Someone discovered in the picture that the costume worn by the stalwart figure standing above the nine heavens seemed to be the dragon robe worn only by the emperor in the Datang Empire?

In other words.

That stalwart figure that broke into the world where the'Lord' is, stood there quietly, and let the world step into destruction, was it the Emperor of Tang Dynasty?

For a time.

The originally excited citizens of the Western Mainland were shuddered as if struck by lightning, and they dared not breathe too loudly, fearing that they would attract the attention of the Emperor Tang.

Even the aloof'Lord' shivered in front of the Emperor of Tang, let alone them?



Royal palace.

Baiyu Square.

Since Li Si shredded the void and disappeared in the center of the altar, the entire palace was shaken.


Bai got up and wore silver armor, walked out of the dark, looking at the restless people in the palace.

"Your Majesty has something to do, leave for a while."

Bai Qi's voice was extremely brief, but it calmed everyone's hearts a bit.

After all, Wang Wu'an Bai Qi is the confidant of His Majesty, and coupled with Bai Qi's outstanding military exploits, no one dared to question Bai Qi.


Above the high altitude There is a faint flame burning on the surface of Yan Ling Ji.

With the help of Li Si, after stepping into the realm of the four heavenly gods and demons, Yan Lingji has directly controlled the power of the fire attribute world.

Although I can't burn the mountains and cook the sea in a single thought, it's not much different.

"His Majesty."

Yan Lingji turned her beautiful eyes and looked to the west.

The fluctuations emanating from the summit of the sacred mountain shocked Yan Lingji's heart.

"Broken Void, 10,000 miles in an instant!"

"Your Majesty's strength is no longer weaker than the ancient gods."

Yan Lingji thought silently.

In the world of "Skywalk" in Yan Lingji's hometown, only those ancient gods can achieve the scene shown by Li Si.

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