Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 502: The world collapses!

Faith circles.

On Li Si's head, the sacred instrument of merit kept rising and falling, bursting out the power of merit like a mountain like a sea.

Under the coverage of the power of merit, every inch of space in the world of faith is transformed.

From illusion to reality.


The essence of the world of faith is illusion.

Forcibly transform it into real consequences...

The world collapses!


"Who are you?!"

The'Master' looked up at Li Si and roared in disbelief.

Even if it is the ‘Master’, at this moment, he is completely out of state.

The Lord originally pinned all his hopes on Li Si not daring to destroy the faith world. However, with the power that Li Si is currently showing, let alone the collapse of a single faith community, that is, the collapse of ten or a hundred faith communities, it will not affect at all. To Li Si.

"In just a few months, how can you be so strong?!!!"

The'Master' looked at Li Si straightforwardly, and roared in a low voice.

A few months ago, Li Si Yujia personally conquered and fought against the ‘Lord’ who descended to the world.

At that time, although Li Si was strong, far better than the "Lord", but the "Lord" could at least escape from Li Si's hands.

Furthermore, Li Si could not forcefully enter the world of faith.


Just a few months.

Li Si's strength has skyrocketed to such an extent.

Even the faith community, the birthplace of the Lord, could not stop Li Si.

As for the ‘Master’.....

At this time, the'master' was inferior to the ants on the roadside in front of Li Si.

"Do you want to know?"

Li Si looked at the faith world that was shrouded by the power of merit, and said casually: "Unfortunately, I am not interested in telling you."

"So, go to hell!!"

Li Si looked calm, bowed his head and looked down at the'Master' standing in the hall, saying indifferently.

"Want me to die?"

"Even if I die, don't be better, Emperor Tang!!"

At this moment, the Lord was completely crazy, and countless sacred power burst out from the Lord's body, like the last glory.

After learning of his own situation, the "Lord" directly detonated the power of faith that he had stored for thousands of years.

The surging power rises from the body of "Lord", giving "Lord" the qualification to look up slightly at Li Si.

"I was born out of faith."

"Faith eventually perishes because of me!!!"

The'Master' stared at Li Si, raised his right hand with difficulty, and pressed it slowly in all directions.

After detonating all the power of faith, the ‘Lord’ did not foolishly act on Li Si.

Because the Lord knew in his heart that even at this time, he detonated everything and gained unprecedented power, but in front of Li Si, he was only a little bit bigger. The only difference from the previous one was the power of one blow.

If the force of this blow were to blast towards Li Si, I am afraid that even the barrier condensed by the strength of the merits around Li Si would not be able to blast.

The'master' did not wishfully think that this blow could hurt Li Si.


The ‘Lord’ directly focuses attention on the world of faith.

The world of faith is the birthplace of "Lord" and has an inexplicable connection with "Lord". "Lord" directly releases the power of the last faith, provokes the entire world of faith, burns it, and then drags Li Si into destruction.

The collapse of the world did not affect Li Si.

Because the world collapsed and the world itself was completely destroyed, Li Si had 10,000 ways to get away.

But burning the world and condensing the power of the entire world is not comparable to the collapse of the world.

The ‘master’ believed that even if Li Si did not die, he would suffer severe damage when the world was burning.

Hum! ! !

The world of faith instantly became gloomy.

At the edge of the world, a trace of illusory destruction began to spread.

"Burning the world?"

Li Si carried his hands on his back and glanced across the entire faith world, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth.

If the "Lord" burned the Hengsha world like Datang World, Li Si would definitely turn around and leave.

As a complete world in the Tang Dynasty, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, time and space are all rules and regulations. Once these start to burn, the bursting power of destruction may even be overwhelmed by the eighth heavens and the nine heavens.


What the Lord burns is only an illusory world.

Even the world of faith is not even counted as a world, at most it can only be counted as a subsidiary space of the World of Tang Dynasty.

What is in such a world?

What's the use even if you burn as much as you want? Can it affect Li Si?

As soon as the sacred instrument of merit comes out, it suppresses the five elements and forbids all the magic, and allows you to suppress all the magic.

If the ‘master’ thinks that a mere illusory world is burning, he wants to hurt Li Si, he is simply dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Period.

"Let's destroy it together!!!"

Looking at the illusory and devastating aura spreading from the edge of the world, the ‘Lord’ expression was full of excitement.

"Emperor Tang!!"

The'master' turned his eyes and looked up at Li Si again.


In the vision of the'Master', Li Si didn't even move, and the magical merit artifact on top of his head dropped again to measure the power of merit.

Endless power of merit is spread all over the edge of the world.

All the newly born illusory and devastating auras, under the collision of the power of merit, are quickly suppressed like a vast ocean encountered by a fire.

"Do not!!!"

"Destroy the world!!!"

Seeing this scene, the "Lord" saw this scene, his eyes were splitting, roaring again and again, a lot of power of faith was burned by the "Lord" again, and he wanted to continue burning the world, dragging Li Si to destroy it together!


No matter how the ‘Master’ burns, all the illusory and devastating auras just appeared, they were suppressed by the power of merit, without a trace of surprise.

Just when the'Lord' was about to desperately release the power of faith again, a cold voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"It's over."

Only nine days later, Li Si looked down at the struggling'Lord', suddenly felt bored for a while, and directly stretched out his right hand and slightly touched the'Lord'.

Hum! ! !

A slight noise came, the moment Li Si wiped it away.

The entire hall, the "Master" in the hall, and even the void in which the hall is located, disappeared, as if it was abruptly erased by the Creator.


Li Si snorted contemptuously, like the emperor of heaven, who was above the 33rd heaven, crushed an ant to death, so he was too lazy to take a look.

When Li Si was in the second stage of the emperor's qi refining technique, he was able to crush the illusory spirit of "Lord". What's more, now Li Si has entered the third stage of the emperor's qi refining technique?

Moreover, after blessing the power of moving the dynasty, Li Si's combat power once again soared, and he directly entered the level of the seventh heaven **** and demon.


"It's your turn!"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly, looking towards the entire faith world.

At this time, the entire faith community, due to Li Si's forcibly squeezing in, was already on the verge of collapse. If there was no suppression by the merits and artifacts, I am afraid it would have collapsed long ago and ceased to exist!

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