Faith circles.

   Li Si's eyes are indifferent.

   The Ding, an artifact of merits and virtues, is an artifact of merit refined by Li Si's infinite merits and the power of national destiny.

   To some extent, the Ding, an artifact of merit, is an extension of the Tang world.

   Therefore, even in an illusory world like the world of faith, the world of merit can also reverse the nature of the world of faith in a short time.

   transforms illusion into reality.

   The world of faith is illusory, and there is no entity at all.

   But the space where Li Si is now has been transformed into the real world by the meritorious artifact tripod.

   This is also the reason why Li Si was able to squeeze into the world of faith.


   A short-term twist is not an eternal twist.

   The essence of the world of faith is still illusory, even if it is temporarily reduced to reality under the suppression of the artifact pot of merit, but over time, the essence of the faith world will collide with the artifact of merit.

   If the essence of the faith world overwhelms the merits, everything will become illusory again.


   Behind the Ding, the magical instrument of merit, lies a world that is extremely real and huge.

   The faith community wants to suppress the meritorious artifact tripod, it is tantamount to the ants shaking the sky and overpowering its own capabilities.

   After all, the world of faith is just an illusory space attached to the world of Datang, not even the world.

   In this case, the life and death of the faith world is only between Li Si's thoughts.



  Western Continent.


   "The omnipotent'master', unexpectedly... unexpectedly..."

   A fanatic stared at the top of the sacred mountain blankly, and the picture emerged.

  Between his own eyes and witnesses, the Emperor Datang standing on the nine heavens just waved his hand, and the "Lord" disappeared completely.


   The reason for this mad believer to determine the complete fall of the'Lord' was that at the moment, his heart was empty, as if something extremely important had disappeared.

   Every fanatic can provide a lot of power of faith for the Lord.

  As time accumulates, fanatics can establish a vague connection with the Lord.

   This connection is very weak.

   But it is real.


just now.

   This fanatic felt that the weak connection was completely broken...



"I do not believe!!!"

   All the remaining fanatics tore their hair in pain.

   Since the Great Tang Empire dominated the Western Continent, the terrifying group of black armor suppressed everything and hunted down believers like them everywhere.


   No matter how hard the process is, no matter how hard they are, this group of fanatics will linger, but the faith in their hearts has not changed.

   Then one day, the glory of "Lord" will be scattered on the earth again.

   This group of demons from the East will sooner or later retreat under the glory of the Lord.

  The reason why the fanatics believe so firmly is that their connection with the Lord has never been broken.

   In other words, the "Lord" is still alive.

   Live, there is hope.

   But at the moment.

   The last hope in their hearts...





   All the mad believers collapsed to the ground with a bang, their eyes dull and blankly looking around.

   If even the "Lord" died, what is the meaning of their existence as a group of fanatics?

   "Our ‘Master’..."

   "Illusions are all illusions, all of these must be illusions created by Emperor Tang!"

   "Yes, it's all fake. How could our'Lord' die in the hands of a human emperor?"

   Except for the fanatics, the remaining believers on the Western Continent are falling apart.

   Even the people of the Western mainland who do not have a deep belief in the'Lord', seeing this scene, will inevitably lose their souls.

   was when the entire western continent fell into grief.

   The top of the holy mountain.

   The Emperor of Tang Dynasty, who has been standing on top of nine heavens, seemed to have discovered something, his eyes slowly turned towards the Western Continent.

   When Li Si's eyes fell.

this moment.

   All the people of the Western Continent felt that they were being stared at by a stalwart and incredible existence. Time seemed to stand still, and everyone bowed their heads in horror and trembled.



   嘭嘭嘭! ! !

   The bodies of thousands of fanatics exploded directly.

   These mad believers hide extremely deeply, even if the black armor army is purged one after another, they have not been found out, but at this moment, under Li Si's eyes, all the mad believers have died.

Except for mad believers, others have not received such treatment, but even so, under the gaze of Li Si, these people from the western mainland are deeply aware that since Li Si can regard the'master' as an ant , These people, I am afraid that even the ants are far inferior!


  In the world of faith, Li Si gave a cold snort.

   Just now, after wiping out the'Lord,' Li Si suddenly felt that there was still a trace of faith passed on from the western continent.

  Under the suppression of the Zerg warriors, it is still possible to provide the Lord with such a pure power of faith. I am afraid that only the kind of fanatics can do it.


   Li Si did not hesitate, and directly followed the faith connection passed on, and separated the two worlds, killing these mad believers.

  Since the opening of the dynasty, Li Si has mastered something similar to authority in addition to the power of the seven heavens.

   Replace Tianxin with one's own heart.

   As long as he was within the scope of the Tang Empire and under the power of the dynasty, Li Si didn't speak his words, and he didn't make much difference.

   If happy, the sky is clear.

   Anger is turned upside down.


   "Destroy it!!"

   Li Si turned his eyes to the faith world.

   For such a world of faith that can give birth to illusory Li Si does not need it to continue to exist.

   In the entire Datang Empire, Li Si is enough.

   As for the illusory gods...

   Let's die obediently.

   Li Si's heart moved.


   Slowly floating on the top of Li Si's head, the Ding, the artifact of merit, slid around.

   The power of a large amount of merit is gushing out again, covering the entire faith world.

   Under the coverage of the power of merit, the faith world shook violently, and one after another cracks that penetrated the entire faith world emerged and spread.




   The world of faith that has existed for thousands of years is beginning to go toward destruction.

   As the world of faith continued to collapse, in the depths of the world of faith, a flash of colorful light suddenly flashed past.

   Li Si stared at the entire faith world, the colorful light that suddenly appeared, naturally fell into Li Si's eyes for the first time.

"That is!!!"

   Li Si's pupils shrank, as if he had discovered something incredible.

at the same time.

   has been floating in the sea of ​​Li Si's knowledge, a radiant, magnificent, and useless Qionglou Tiangong, suddenly shining brightly and slowly shaking.

  :. :

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