Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 503: Li Si's plan!


   Li Si's eyes were extremely dignified, and he directly pressed down the main temple that was shaking in the sea of ​​knowledge, raised his right hand, and turned towards the colorful light in the depths of the faith world.

   hum! ! !

   The pottery pot, an artifact of meritorious virtue, instantly expanded hundreds of times, and the huge pot body exuded the taste of immortality.

   The power of countless merits came out from the mouth, suppressing the colorful rays of light deep in the world of faith.

   Li Si moved extremely fast.

   At the moment that the colorful light appeared, he had already shot.

  The power of merit like a mountain like a sea roared past, flooding the entire faith world.

   The colorful rays of light emerging from the depths of the faith world seem to possess spirituality. After getting rid of the shackles of the faith world, they want to escape.


   At this moment.

   The colorful rays of light have been surrounded by endless power of merit.


   The colorful rays of light pierced hundreds of miles in an instant, and even the power that can destroy the merits of the faith world, in the face of this colorful rays of light, it seems stretched.


   The power of merit is too much.

   In addition, the colorful rays only slightly outperform the power of merit in terms of quality, and did not form a crushing tendency. Therefore, under the siege of quantity, they quickly entered a desperate situation and were about to be suppressed.

"did not expect!"

   "I didn't expect such a thing to exist in a mere illusory world?!!!"

   Li Si looked at the colorful light that was still struggling, with a rare shock on his face.

   This colorful ray of light, even if it is the eighth heaven and the nineth heaven and devil, I am afraid I don’t know its origin.

   But Li Si, who has browsed the time and space memory of the ‘Lord God’, knows this colorful light very well.

   In the time and space memory of the'Lord God', Colorful Light also has a name.

   The power of origin!


   The power of the origin is the origin of a world.

   A complete world, with all laws and rules, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and time and space form a perfect whole.

What does    rely on?

   is the power of origin!

   To some extent, the power of the source is the most precious thing in the world.

   As long as the source of power is sufficient, it is entirely possible to open up a new world.

  The main temple is above the heavens, overlooking the world, enslaving countless reincarnations, and ordering it to conquer the multiverse endlessly, for what?

   Harvest the power of the world's origin.

   The source of the fourth natural disaster controls a creature named ‘player’, constantly going around one world after another. What’s the reason?

   is also the power to harvest the origin of the world.

   Even for the main temple and the source of the fourth natural disaster, the power of the original source is extremely important, and it is even related to whether one can go further and the key to surpassing the heavens and the world.

   The source of power is extremely complicated.

   It is not to say that when a world is destroyed, the power of the origin will emerge.

   In order to gain the power of the source, you must completely control the world. According to the ‘players’ controlled by the fourth natural disaster, you must thoroughly conquer a world before you can harvest the power of the world to the greatest extent.


   "The faith community is completely attached to the Datang world, and it is a subsidiary world of the Datang world. My opening up the fortune in the Datang world and replacing the will of the Datang world is equivalent to completely controlling the Datang world."

   "So, the world of faith is naturally under my control?"

   "Before this premise, once the world of faith is destroyed, its inherent power will emerge?"

   Between the electric light and the flint, Li Si quickly wanted to understand why the original power appeared in the faith world.

of course.

   Because of the nature of the world.

   The power of the source of faith is extremely scarce, even less than one ten thousandth of the entire Datang world.


   This is also the power of origin!

  Things that even the main temple and the source of the fourth natural disaster are extremely longing.

   hum! ! !

   Surrounded by the boundless power of merit, that colorful light gradually fell into a decline, and was finally suppressed firmly and fell into Li Si's hands.

   "The power of the source..."

   This colorful light shines on Li Siwang's hands.

   The colorful rays of light seem to be illusory, exuding a fascinating light. Vaguely, Li Si sees the birth and death of the world and the reincarnation of the heavens from the inside of this colorful light.

   Boom! ! !

   The main temple shone again, awakening Li Si.

   "It is indeed the power of the origin."

   "Even I am lost for an instant."

   Li Si stared at the colorful light in awe.

   "It's just..."

   "This source of power seems to have no effect on me?"

   Li Si suddenly found himself in a very embarrassing situation.

   He couldn't swallow this original power.

   To put it simply, the power of the source is too high-end.

   Today's Li Si can't consume the power of this origin at all.

of course.

   Li Si can also retain this original power and use it later.

   However, if you really wait until Li Si has the strength to absorb the power of this origin in the future, I am afraid that he has already conquered dozens of hundreds of worlds and turned it into the territory of the Tang Empire.

   At that time, with so many worlds, Li Si still lacks the power of this origin?

   After all, the power of this origin only comes from an illusory world, not even one ten thousandth of the power of the normal world of Hengsha.

of course.

   Li Si has another choice.

   Let the main temple swallow this original power.

   Li Si felt the main temple that was slightly restless in the sea of ​​knowledge, and shook his head.

   Compared with the ‘mass’ of the main temple, this original power is still too small.

   is only a trivial function for repairing and perfecting the main temple.

   For example, will the immeasurable time and space in the main temple expand a bit?

   or some other extremely unimportant functions.

   As for the important functions such as ‘Exchange List’, ‘Slavery’, and ‘Erase’, you don’t have to think about it.

   These main functions, even if Li Si emptied the source of a great world, it is estimated that it is far from enough.

   "So, this source of power is a tasteless one?"

   Li Si's thoughts fluctuated, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.


   "Using the power of this source to completely solve my worries?"

   Li Si's eyes flashed, and he raised his head slightly, looking towards the sky.

   The sky curtain that Li Si looked towards is naturally not the sky curtain in the faith world, but the sky curtain in the Datang world.

next moment.

   Li Si takes one step forward.

   appeared high above Datang World.

After    appeared, Li Si slightly used the power of fortune to pass the scene of himself to the eyes of all the creatures.


"what is that?"

   "Emperor Tang came out?"

   "It's over, did Emperor Tang come to us for liquidation?"

   Many of the people of the Western Continent were anxious and looked up at the stalwart figure standing high in the sky.

   Imperial Palace.

   Baiyu Square.

   "Your Majesty."

   Yan Lingji raised her head to look at Li Si, a trace of puzzlement appeared on her pretty face.

   Not only Yan Ling Ji, but also the many courtiers in the palace, after seeing Li Si appear, they were relieved and doubts arose again...

   Your Majesty, what is this going to do?

  :. :

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