Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 504: Li Si: tear open the cruelest truth in the world

Datang World.

   The edge of the sky.

   Li Si carried his hands on his back, and his stalwart figure fell into the eyes of all the creatures in the Datang world under the reflection of the power of the fortune.

   "Your Majesty!"

   "I have seen your Majesty!"

   "Your Majesty Saint Ann!"

  Countless people in the Great Tang Empire didn't even figure out what was going on. When they saw His Majesty standing on top of the sky, they knelt on the ground subconsciously, speaking loudly from the bottom of their hearts.

   Before Li Si ascended the throne, the Great Tang Empire was in dire straits, and the people were displaced. Not to mention eating enough, to survive is a problem.

   After Li Si ascended the throne, in just one year, although the methods were fierce and many people were killed, the people actually felt that they finally had the hope of living.

  A series of decrees such as the reform of the commercial tax, the abolition of the land system, and the abolition of the decree, did not make the people's lives a huge improvement?

  Dongchang is like a knife hanging on the necks of officials in the world, and the cabinet is to restrain the behavior of officials in the world. The officials of the Datang Empire are healed and clear. No official dare to disobey the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

   The world is prosperous and prosperous, like cooking oil on fire.

   Ten thousand years have passed since ancient times, and there is no more prosperous age today.

   In addition, Li Si is also the world's military, popularizing the three basic martial arts, so that the people of the world have a strong body.

Although the common people are not as good as the ministers who learned the rich and the five chariots in the court, they would flatter Li Si, but if a person who never flattered, suddenly began to respect someone like a god, then it must be that the person really did something beneficial to the future. Behavior.

  The people in the world are very simple, they never conceal their worship and awe, just like now, after seeing your majesty's stalwart figure, the people don't hesitate to bow down and salute.


   "Your Majesty's strength is even more unfathomable."

  Lingnan Song Family, Tiandao Song Que held the Narcissus Knife tightly and looked up at Li Si's stalwart figure, only feeling that his mind was constantly trembling.

   In Song Que's eyes, even though Li Si was standing there, the breath radiating from his gestures seemed to be stepped on by him.


   "What realm is this on earth?"

   Tiandao Song Que set off a stormy sea in his heart.

   Although Song Que did not enter the Four Heavens and Demons, there are many records of the Four Heavens and Demons in the ancient books collected by the Song family.

   The four heavenly gods and demons began to control the power of the heavens and the earth, and in every move, they ran the power of the heavens and the earth. Even the most common martial arts, in the hands of the four heavenly gods and demons, can sweep everything.

   As for the four heavenly gods and demons, the five heavenly gods and demons and the sixth heavenly gods and demons are far more powerful than the four heavenly gods and demons, but there is no essential change between the two.

   is also the power to control the world.

   is nothing more than the use of the power to control the world and the depth.

   But this time.

   The feeling that Li Si gave to Song Que was no longer the power to control the world.

   but will...

  The power of heaven and earth stepped on your feet! ! !

   Jin Takeshi.

   Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling glanced at each other, a trace of bitterness flashed across their faces.

   As the son of the trend two hundred years ago, whether it is Kou Zhong or Xu Ziling, the arrogance in his bones can be imagined.


   At the top of Kunlun Mountain that day, Li Si directly drove them into the abyss, letting Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling understand a truth, what kind of son of the general trend, what kind of plan, in the face of absolute strength, even the dust on the ground can not be counted.

   Even so.

   Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, after a period of depression, still recovered their fighting spirit.

   There is still a trace of delusion in their hearts, and the power displayed by the Emperor of Tang that day may not be insurmountable.

   As long as the two of them can break through the shackles and enter the fourth heaven.


   After seeing Li Si's power over the world at this moment, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling realized how ridiculous their thoughts were.

   Sit on the well and watch the sky, arrogant.

   This kind of scene that can only happen to ordinary people, but it appears to them like the proud of heaven.



   Qin Shihuang Yingzheng raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes fell on the stalwart figure.

   "Your Majesty, what exactly does Emperor Tang want to do?"

   The words of General Meng Tian spoke the aspirations of other people.

   Everyone reluctantly retreated from the fact that Emperor Tang was about to open up a fortune. Then, Emperor Tang disappeared from the palace and appeared above the Western Sovereign.

   Although Ying Zheng and others don’t know what Emperor Tang did during his trip to the West, it is obvious that it is not a good thing for the Western mainland.



   After dealing with the Western Continent, the Emperor Tang not only did not return to the palace, but instead stood on the edge of the sky.

   "Emperor Tang..."

   Qin Shihuang's ambitions for Yingzheng have changed.

  With the strength of Emperor Tang, he would definitely not do anything meaningless.

  Especially, Emperor Tang used some means to reflect the sight of him in everyone's eyes.

   "Could it be..."

   Between the electric light and the flint, an unbelievable idea appeared in Ying Zheng's mind.

"not good!!!"

   Yingzheng's face changed drastically.



   "Is this the essence of Jue Tian Di Tong?"

   Li Si's eyes were calm, looking at the shackles that enveloped the entire Datang world.

   For thousands of years, the sky in front of me has actually been transformed by the world.

   The real sky is hidden behind the world, almost penetrated by that huge, hideous crack!

   After opening up the fortune dynasty, Li Si replaced Tianxin with his own heart. He was able to clearly feel the laws of the world, and more and more, felt the connection between Jue Tian Di Tong and the Tang world.

   From a certain perspective, a thousand years ago, it was not so much Qin Shihuang who laid the ground, but the world’s heaven and earth.

Without the permission of heaven, with the help of a few four-fold gods and demons, to complete such a mighty layout is tantamount to idiotic You know, after Li Si obtained the Temple of War, from the 49 void reliefs , Got all the inheritance in the Temple of War God, including the law of Jue Tian Di Tong.

   And in the records of the Temple of War, the method of unparalleled access to heaven and earth requires at least nine gods and devils in the seven heavens, and even one eight gods and devils in order to hopefully deploy successfully.

   Li Si's thoughts turned, his gaze looked at all the creatures in the Datang world, the meritorious artifact cauldron slowly rose and fell, and the power of ten thousand merits fell.

   "I open up a fortune dynasty, I hope that the people of Tang Dynasty, everyone is like a dragon, of course, the world is lacking, it is really regrettable!!!"

   The magnificent voice of Li Si resonated in the ears of all the people of the Tang Dynasty, following the power of luck.

   "What is your Majesty talking about?"

   "Yes, what world is lacking?"

   "My Datang is now prosperous and prosperous, it hasn't been in 10,000 years!"

   Countless people of the Tang Dynasty were puzzled and puzzled.

   Many gods and demons are also frowning, wondering what the "deficiency" of your majesty is.

  Only Qin Shihuang won the government. At the moment of hearing the words, it seemed that he had confirmed what he was thinking, and there was a deep look of fear in his eyes.

   just when everyone is waiting for your majesty's next words.

   The next moment, Li Si, with his hands on his back, slowly raised his right hand and tore it towards the sky!


   Under everyone's shocking gaze, the clear sky was torn apart by Li Si's hand!

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