Tear open the sky with bare hands

At this moment, all beings in the Datang world felt a panic from the bottom of their hearts.

They never expected that Li Si would tear open the sky directly.

As for the powerhouses of the gods and demons, they felt endless shock and horror.

Tore open the sky with bare hands, how powerful is this

His Majesty's strength, at what level, even the sky above the sky, is reduced to a plaything in His Majesty's hand, which can be torn apart at will.

Some believers who survived on the Western Continent had already collapsed their beliefs, but now they have completely collapsed.

If it was just the Great Tang Empire or even the Black Armored army, they could still resist to the end. The big deal would be death. In the hearts of believers, death is not terrible, but just returning to the Lord's embrace.

It is with this belief that they have been able to contend until now, even if the damage is severe.

But now

First, Emperor Tang entered the world where the Lord was and crushed the Lord completely, and then Emperor Tang was tearing open the sky with his bare hands.

In the face of Emperor Tang's destructive enemies.

What can they resist and how can they resist

The faces of these believers were dead gray, their eyes were blank, and their faces and hearts were filled with despair.

Just when the sentient beings were horrified by Li Si's means to reach the sky.

Some of the gods and demons at the Triple Heaven Peak suddenly felt something, their expressions changed wildly, with a hint of surprise and incredible.


"The shackles of the unparalleled world and earth disappeared"

The narcissus knife in the hands of Tiandao Song Que suddenly fell to the ground, and the true essence of the gods and demons in his body ran wildly, as if it could improve forever.

If it had been before, Song Que dared to operate the Zhenyuan breakthrough like this, he would definitely feel the malice and suppression between heaven and earth.

Keep going and die


At this moment.

Song Que didn't notice the slightest change and suppression at all.

"The firmament that your Majesty tore apart, is it the perfect connection"

Tiandao Song Que did not break through immediately.

Even if there is no repression of the heaven and earth, the realm of the four heavens and the gods and demons can not be entered casually if they want to step into it.

Although Song Que was confident, he didn't think he was much stronger than the amazing gods and demons in history. If he breaks through now and waits for Song Que, he will most likely die.

Town Takeshi.

After Li worshiped Kunlun Mountain and his party.

Zhenwu Si has become the most gathering place for gods and demons in the world.

The changes between heaven and earth are also known to the gods and demons of Jin Wusi.

"The shackles are gone"

Ning Daoqi muttered to himself.

"Unparalleled in the world"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were already desperate, rekindled a flame called hope in their eyes.

If the shackles of the heaven and earth connection really disappeared completely, the probability of the two of them stepping into the Four Heavens Gods and Demons by virtue of the Longevity Art is far greater than that of ordinary Gods and Demons.

As for whether you can catch up with Li Si

At the moment Li Si raised his hand to tear open the sky, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had completely lost the qualification to look up at Li Si.

What Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are pursuing today is nothing more than a further possibility.

It is different from the joy of many gods and demons in the world.

Above Lishan.

But the faces of Qin Shihuang and others showed a strong look of horror

They know what the real function of Jue Tian Di Tong is.

If the world is torn apart, what is waiting for the Tang world will be destroyed

Complete destruction

"Emperor Tang, what exactly will Emperor Tang do?"

Qin Xiangli Si's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

Although he wanted to stop Li Si very much, in fact, whether it was Yingzheng or everyone else, they knew very well that with the power shown by Li Si, their four-fold gods and demons were dead words. .

"Hold on."

"Emperor Tang would certainly not want to see that all living beings are headed for destruction."

After a long time, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng whispered.

Yingzheng was unable to determine the cause of Li Si, but the only thing Yingzheng was sure of was that Emperor Tang must know the consequences of tearing apart Jue Tian Di Tong.

In this case, Emperor Tang still did this, and it must have other purposes.

Therefore, Ying Zheng also figured it out. Since he couldn't stop it, he could only continue to wait.

The worst result anyway, but the world is destroyed.

Above the sky.

As Li Si raised his hand and tore, the sky formed by Jue Tian Di Tong was directly torn apart.

The boundless heaven and earth condensed sky, for other gods and demons, I am afraid that they can't even be touched.

However, in Li Si's eyes, it was easy.

As early as when Li Si entered the second stage of the emperor's refining technique, he was sure to consume the fortune of the country and break through the world.

Not to mention now


The sky formed by the boundless sky and earth spread out.

Under everyone's incredible gaze, the real sky appears in the eyes of all beings.

I saw a huge crack traversing the sky, and deep in the crack, there was a faint grey gas flowing, exuding a palpitating aura of destruction.

But at the edge of the crack, the small cracks continue to spread and spread. According to this trend, within a few years, this crack will completely penetrate the sky.

Until then.

The world will be completely divided into two parts

"The world is going to be destroyed"

"Impossible, these are all illusions, all false."

"Father, hit me, I don't want to have this nightmare"

Countless people in the Datang World trembled and trembled again and again.

It's not just ordinary people.

Even the strong of the gods and demons.

Under the crack that almost penetrates the sky, it is not much better than ordinary people.

"what is this"

"It turns out, is this thing behind Jue Tian Di Tong?"

"The culprit who suppressed our gods and demons is actually protecting us"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling only felt that they had heard a big joke.

At this moment, they also realized what the real purpose of Jue Tian Di Tong was.

Jue Tian Di Tong certainly cut off the path of the gods and demons under heaven, but if there was no Ju Tian Di Tong, the world would have been destroyed thousands of years ago.

"His Majesty."

There was a trace of worry in Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes.

The hideous crack that almost penetrated the entire firmament gave Yan Lingji a feeling of shock.

Once the gray gas in the cracks completely descended into the Datang world, I am afraid that apart from Li Si, the coercive existence of ancient and modern, other creatures, including Heiyan, a beast with dragon blood, will have to die.

Under the sky.

Li Si had already expected it.

What turbulence will be caused when he tears open the connection between heaven and earth and exposes the truth of the world to all beings.


Li Si still did this.

Because this is Li Si, this is a problem that the Tang Empire had to face.

Even if you don't tear open the heaven and earth, after a few years, when the cracks penetrate the sky completely, the world will still be destroyed to welcome them.

That being the case.

Why not let Li Si do it yourself


The reason why Li Si directly tore the connection between heaven and earth was naturally because he found a solution to this crack.

The power of origin.

Li Si's heart moved.

Dingding's mouth, which had been constantly rising and falling above his head, suddenly swallowed a colorful light.

The power of origin is the foundation of the world.

As long as the power of the source is sufficient, it can even open up a world.

And the power of this origin that emerged in the world of faith is naturally far from reaching the amount of opening up a world.

But if it is to repair a crack, relying on the mystery of the source of power, coupled with the cooperation of the power of transport, there is no problem at all.

after all.

To open up a world is to start from nothing.

Repairing a crack is based on the existing world.

The difficulty of the two is not the same.

Li Si's eyes were calm, looking at the colorful rays of light.

This source of power is quite tasteless to Li Si.

That being the case.

It would be better to use it in Datang World.

Anyway, after opening up the fortune, Li Si has replaced the will of heaven and became the master of the Tang world.

It is also very worthwhile to consume the power of this chicken rib to solve a hidden danger for Li Si.

Thought of this.

Li Si's heart moved.

"go with"


The colorful rays of light turned into a colorful rainbow, and flew towards the crack that almost penetrated the sky.


The power of the source is directly integrated into this huge crack.

In an instant.

The cracks that had spread and expanded suddenly came to an abrupt end.

On the edge of the crack, faintly gleaming colorful light, exuding a breath of intoxication.

It is by virtue of these colorful lights to contain the expansion of the cracks.


"It's time to fix it."

Li Si looked solemnly.

It is obviously unrealistic to completely solve the cracks by relying solely on the power of this source.

It's not that the power of the source cannot do it.

But because the power of this source is too small.

There is not even one ten thousandth of the normal Hengsha world.

Therefore, in order to repair this huge crack, in addition to the power of the original source, Li Si's cooperation is needed.

"what is that"

At this moment, someone noticed Li Si's actions.

They suddenly discovered that the huge crack that had been expanding had stopped unexpectedly, as if suppressed by some kind of force.


Li Si raised his right hand again, and pointed towards the huge crack.


The endless strength of the nation’s fortunes has gathered and is constantly pouring into the cracks.

In addition, the meritorious artifact tripod spewed out hundreds of millions of merits, also mixed with the power of national destiny, poured into the cracks.

Under the gaze of all the creatures in the Datang world, the huge crack that almost pierced the real sky, at this moment, is slowly shrinking.

"too slow."

Li Si frowned slightly.

If we follow this speed and wait until the cracks are completely repaired, it is estimated that we will have to wait decades later.


Li Si's expression was neither happy nor sad, and he took a gentle step.



A golden scroll rose to the sky.

Countless powers of national destiny spread.

Under everyone's incredible eyes, the huge crack that almost penetrates the real sky shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"this is"

Qin Shihuang's pupils shrank in disbelief.

Thousands of years ago, when this crack was discovered, Ying Zheng tried every means to stop the crack.

You can't even suppress it.

For Ying Zheng, the power in this crack completely transcended to another level.

It is simply not something that creatures in their world can stop.


At this moment.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng saw that in Li Si's hands, the crack that was far beyond his imagination was shrinking and shrinking.



Ying Zheng, Meng Tian and others swallowed fiercely.

It's incredible.


Ying Zheng also thought that Li Si's tearing apart the heaven and earth was to set up a better barrier to resist the invasion of the cracks.

but now

They directly intend to solve this crack once and for all

Above the sky.

As Li Si continued to instill the power of national destiny, coupled with the consumption of the power of merit, and the effect of the original power, the huge crack shrank rapidly.

"The methods involved in the world level are really expensive."

Li Si felt the consumption of the next national fortune and shook his head slightly.

In this short instant, the national fortune of the Tang Empire, which ruled a world, was abruptly consumed 10%.

According to Li Si's estimation, it would take at least 30% of the national fortune of the Tang Empire to completely repair this crack.


Li Si is not worried about the loss of the national fortune.

As long as the Datang Empire exists for one day, the nation’s fortunes will continue.

Not to mention the consumption of 30% of the national fortune, even if it consumes 90% of the national fortune, it will quickly recover.

As for the power of merit

Most of the power of merit that Li Si now possesses is derived from the power of merit that was cast down by the heavens and the earth during the opening of the dynasty.

And once this crack is successfully repaired, the merits of heaven and earth will probably far exceed the merits of opening up a fortune.

After all, this crack will destroy the world.

And Li Si repaired this crack, which was tantamount to saving the world indirectly.

No matter where you are in the world, even in those worlds that will last forever, Li Si's actions like this can be considered a great merit.


Li Si repaired this crack only with a source of power that was extremely tasteless and could not be used in a short time.

However, the ability to reap a stable rear is far beyond the previous merits.

Time passed slowly.

Under everyone's shocking gaze, the huge crack that almost penetrated the sky shrank rapidly, and the gray gas in the depth of the crack slowly receded into the depth of the crack.

After half an hour.

The crack disappeared completely.

Everyone stared blankly at the cloudless sky, unable to imagine that just half an hour ago, there was a huge crack that almost penetrated the sky and destroyed the world.

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live"

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live"

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live"

From the east and west continents, the African continent, the American continent, and all the territories within Datang, the people suddenly burst into loud voices, and the mighty public opinion gathered, constantly pouring into the list of the gods and gods of Ingrain, being transformed into incalculable national destiny. Power.

To know.

Li Si's actions have saved all living beings.

Even the people on the western continent, at this moment, UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com is also a respect from the heart.

"It's safe"

"We don't have to die"

General Meng Tian said subconsciously.

Wang Jian, Li Si and others were silent, still with shock and shock on their faces.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng looked responsible, looked at the stalwart figure standing above the sky, and finally sighed deeply.

"A new era has begun."

The voice of Yingzheng contains the deepest complexity.

Under the whole world, I am afraid that only he can feel how prosperous the Datang world will usher in after losing the pressure of the crack that runs through the sky.


Inside the palace.

The historians settled down, suppressed the shock in their hearts, picked up the wolf's pen, and recorded with their fingers trembling slightly:

In October of the first year of Tianqi, the emperor fills the sky above the sky

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