Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 507: Invincible ancient and modern 10,000 years

Above the sky.

   Li Si carried his hands on his back, looked at the cracks in his eyes that had completely healed, and nodded with satisfaction.

   This crack has always been a hidden danger of the Tang Empire. A little carelessness may cause unimaginable losses.


   Li Si simply does not do two things, even if he pays some price, he must completely solve it.

   Say it again.


   Li Si did not pay much.

   The power of the original source is very tasteless to Li Si. It is useless to keep it, but it is a pity to discard it. It is just right to use it.

  The power of national destiny is endless, and no matter how much it is consumed, it can quickly recover.

   As for the power of merit, Li Si doesn't believe it. After saving the world, will Tiandi not give him any feedback?


   "Your Majesty..."

   Inside the palace, many ministers were shocked to the extreme. Although they had long regarded Li Si as a god, they did not expect that Li Si would be able to repair the sky with one hand!

   Since ancient times, Huaxia has been able to mend the sky, and only the female snails of the mythical age.

   And who is the female snail?

  According to legend, the female snail is the ancestor of mankind, fabricated people and created the human race.

   It is not surprising that the female snail can repair the sky.

   After all, the mighty power of the mythical age, such as the female snail, is born stalwart, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

but now.

   Li Si imitated the female snail, repairing the sky above the sky to save the world. Doesn't it mean that Li Si is comparable to the female snail to some extent?

   How can the civil and military officials not be shocked?

   Within this short hour, they have experienced great joy, great downfall, despair of extinction, and Li Si's hope of saving the world.

   Li Si naturally didn't know, but in the hearts of the ministers, he had risen to a level comparable to a female sage.

   Maybe, even if Li Si knew it, he would smile indifferently and wouldn't take it seriously.

   What kind of existence the female sage is, Li Si can't be more clear, even in the great world where gods and Buddhas are everywhere, the female sage is standing on the 33rd heaven, overlooking all beings.

  In the future, Li Si will be comparable to the female sage, and even surpass the female sage, but now, Li Si is just the lord of the world of Hengsha.

  Perhaps in terms of combat power, Li Si can crush the ordinary seven-layer gods and demons, but compared with the immortal saints...

   Li Si can only laugh without talking.

   "It's almost completely over."

   Li Si's eyes were deep, and he scanned the sky again, and after making sure that there was nothing missing, he looked back.

   Just when Li Si was about to return to the palace.

   Suddenly, relying on the feedback from the power of luck, Li Si actually noticed a hint of resentment.

   "It's also interesting."

   Li Si looked calm, bowed his head slightly, and looked towards Lishan.


   Li Si takes one step forward.

   disappeared above the sky.



   Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng and others remained silent.

  Especially Wang Jian, Meng Tian and other four heavenly gods and demons, there is a feeling of inexplicability in their expressions.

   The female snail patching sky in the era of mythology has been extolled by hundreds of millions of creatures.

   And now, Emperor Tang has also managed to repair the sky with one hand. What is the meaning of this?

  Is Emperor Tang's pure strength reaching the sky, or does it represent some kind of destiny?

   Whether it is Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian, or the other four heavenly gods and demons, they dare not continue thinking about it.

   Because no matter what kind of possibility it is, it is far from what they can continue to speculate.


at this time.

   A voice suddenly sounded, as if coming from the nine days.

   "Shihuang, how are you doing?"

   I saw Li Si strolling through the void, as if stepping on a ladder, before Qin Shihuang Yingzheng and others.

   "I have seen Emperor Tang."

   Yingzheng was slightly surprised, and immediately bowed his hands.

   "I have seen Emperor Tang."

   Wang Jian, Meng Tian and other four gods and demons also bowed deeply to Li Si.

   This bow is from the heart, without any hypocrisy.

   Regardless of the impact Li Si will make up the sky, Li Si's rescue of all living beings deserves everyone's awe.

   If there is no Li Si, the crack in the sky will spread through the sky after a few years at most.

   At that time, even a hundred unparalleled connections will not prevent the destruction of the world.

   "I came here because I wanted to be alone with Shi Huang."

   Li Si said slowly, as if the neighbors were dragging their parents, very casual.

   But only Ying Zheng and others felt the indisputable smell in Li Si's words.

   "Tang Emperor, please say."

   Yingzheng smiled bitterly.

   Although he didn't know who Li Si wanted, Ying Zheng knew that he couldn't refuse.

   Li Si's majesty is too heavy.

   Yingzheng has no choice at all.

   Li Si's eyes were faint, and finally fell on a Taoist aunt who looked sad and pitiful.


   Yingzheng's expression changed.

   Yingzheng never expected that the person Tang Emperor wanted was actually Dini.

   "Some time ago, Cihang Jingzhai intended to rebel. I ordered Cihang Jingzhai to be destroyed. You should know about this, right?"

   Li Si looked at Dini with a smile.

   As the founder of Cihang Jingzhai, the first thing Dini did after waking up was to return to Cihang Jingzhai.


   After waiting for Dini to bring the emperor to the peak, all he found was a ruin.

   The entire Ci Hang Jing Zhai has been completely destroyed.

   And the reason why Ci Hang Jingzhai destroyed the door is no secret.

   Dini knew right away that Emperor Tang had ordered it.


   Even if he knew who the murderer was, he didn't dare to act rashly.

   The strength of Emperor Tang shook the ancient and the modern, and even Shi Huang was far from an opponent, let alone her denim?

   Therefore, Dini can only bury his resentment towards Emperor Tang in his heart.

   Ke Di Niwan never expected that everything she did would be seen by Emperor Tang?

   "Cihang Jingzhai is your painstaking effort, destroyed by me, I am afraid that resentment is in my heart?"

   Although Li Si's words were light, they pierced Dini's heart like a sharp blade.

"Do not!"

   Dini's face was as pale as paper.

   "I have never resented Emperor Tang."

   "The door of Cihang Jingzhai was destroyed, it was because they took the blame for themselves, it has nothing to do with me!" Dini looked at Ying Zheng and hurriedly explained.

   But if someone looked at her carefully, they would find that under Dini's horrified expression, a hint of resentment flashed through his pupils.

   "Dini, is what Tang Emperor said is true?"

   Ying Zheng looked dignified, looked at Dini, and said in a deep voice.

   Dini heard the words and quickly explained: "The Emperor Tang wants to kill me and wrong me..."

   Dini said this.

   Yingzheng's expression changed.

   He didn't care whether Dini was really wronged.

  Ying Zheng is concerned about whether the tone of Dini makes the Emperor Tang unhappy?


   hasn't waited for Ying Zheng to speak.


   Li Si's face showed contempt.

   "If I want to kill you."

   "Why should I wrong you?"

   In an instant.

   The world suddenly became dim.

   A terrifying pressure radiated from Li Si's body.

   As if Tian Gong was furious, at this moment, whether it was Ying Zheng or Wang Jian Mengtian, they felt that the connection between themselves and heaven and earth was completely cut off.

   The four gods and demons master the power of heaven and earth.

   can keep in touch with the outside world at all times.

   And this moment.

   This connection was directly taken away by Li Si.


   Regardless of Qin Shihuang’s victory or Wang Jian Mengtian, they are all anxious.

   In the sky and on the earth, I alone dominate.

   Li Si carried his hands on his back, like the emperor of the mythical age, looking at Dini with disdain: "I am the lord of the fortune dynasty, the world is supreme, you are also worthy to let me wrong you?"

  嘭! ! !

   Dini exploded directly, blood spilling.

   Dini died.

   Heaven and earth began to recover slowly.

   The sun is shining, shining on the earth.

   Ying Zheng and others also clearly felt that the connection between themselves and the outside world was restored.

   If it were not for the faint smell of blood in the air.

   Meng Tian and others probably still feel that nothing happened just now.


   "Tang Emperor laughed."

   Qin Shihuang Yingzheng reacted in the first place, and slightly arched his hand towards Li Si, apologizing with a full face.

  Even if Li Si killed the general ‘Dini’ in front of him, Ying Zheng did not feel a trace of revenge.

   Yingzheng is very clear in his heart.

   As long as he dared to have resentment in his heart, it would be no different from the fate of ‘Dini’.

   Although Ying Zheng, as the former Great Qin Shi Huang, was far more powerful than the ‘Dini’, in front of Emperor Tang, he was only a slightly stronger ant.

   Li Si smiled, and had a panoramic view of Ying Zheng's expression.

   is not only Ying Zheng, but the four heavenly gods and demons, including Meng Tian and Wang Jian, have no intention of avenging ‘Dini’.

   This point, Li Si has already confirmed it again through the power of luck.

   To open up the power of fortune, Li Si, as the master of fortune, replaced Tianxin with his own heart, and had a deeper understanding of the emotions of all living beings.

  , for example, "Dini", only a trace of resentment towards Li Si in his heart, was detected by the power of movement, and let Li Si know.

of course.

   This is also because ‘Dini’ is strong enough.

Although in front of Li Si,'Dini' is like an ant, but from the perspective of the world, a four-fold **** and demon is an out-and-out strong and such a strong man , It is naturally at the end of the power of fortune to focus on the object.

   Therefore, Li Si was able to discover the resentment in the heart of'Dini' for the first time.

   "Shi Huang doesn't mind."

   A smile appeared on Li Si's face and said calmly.

do not mind?

   Yingzheng's face became stiff, and she also forced a smile.

   Does he mind?

"All right."

   "I should go back now."

   "If the first emperor is interested in moving the dynasty, you can come to Chang'an to have a look, maybe you will be surprised."

   Li Si glanced at Ying Zheng, and said if he had a deep meaning.

   After confirming that Ying Zheng had no thoughts that he shouldn't have, Li Si did not embarrass the other party, but said something casually.

   "Thanks to Emperor Tang for the reminder."

   Yingzheng's expression was shocked and immediately replied.

   After a while.

   Ying Zheng didn't hear Li Si recovering, and bit his head and raised his head, only to find that Li Si was nowhere to be seen.

   Wang Jian and Meng Tian also discovered this scene, and they were greatly relieved.

   "Ten thousand years from ancient times to the present, the Tang Emperor's strength, I am afraid that no one can surpass it."

   Yingzheng sighed deeply.

   Wang Jian, Mengtian and others looked at each other, silent in their hearts.

  :. :

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