Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 508: Appointment official and god!

Ten thousand years ago.

   No one can do it.

   Qin Shihuang Yingzheng's evaluation of Li Si is too high.

   You must know that those who are astonishing and brilliant can dominate an era.

   Such as Ying Zheng, or some other four heavenly gods and demons.


   Invincible in an era is easy.

   But if you want to be invincible for 10,000 years, it is simply impossible.

   Wen has no first place.

   Wu has no second.

   Without a clear fight, no one dared to confirm that he would win.

   In the past ten thousand years, how many gods and demons have been born, I am afraid it is impossible to count.

   In this situation, there is no **** or devil who is so arrogant that he feels that his strength has been invincible in the past ten thousand years.


   At this moment.

   Ying Zheng felt very sure that Li Si's strength had already reached a level beyond all beings.



   Imperial Palace.

   is in the eager hope of the Manchu civilization.

   Li Si's figure appeared again in the center of the altar.

   "My emperor will be immortal forever, longevity is the same as the sky!!!"

   Upon seeing this, the court officials kowtowed and shouted again.

   The scene of Li Si just now saving the world and replenishing the sky deeply shocked these courtiers.

   But after the shock, there was a cheering voice, whether it was a first-grade senior or a fourth-grade official, all of them were full of joy.

   As your majesty’s courtiers, they share the same honor and disgrace. The more powerful your majesty is, for them, there is only good and no harm.

   To be able to follow such a majesty, the ministers have nothing but pride in their hearts.

"All right."

   "Be quiet."

   Li Si stood in the middle of the altar, looked at the officials, and said.

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   Inside the palace, he fell into absolute silence. The ministers even slowed down their breathing a lot, fearing to disturb the emperor.

   "I opened the fortune dynasty and established the eternal and immortal prosperous age. Now that the fortune dynasty has been established, you, as my courtier, naturally enjoy the protection of the fortune dynasty."

   Li Si's heart moved.


   A golden scroll rose out of thin air, exuding a breathtaking breath.

   "I ask you again, are you willing to live and die with me? Are you willing to protect my Tang country and live forever? Are you willing to go through the waters and fire for me and stay there?"

   Li Si's voice resounded like thunder, resounding in everyone's ears.

   "The ministers are willing to wait!"

   Tobe Shangshu knelt down again and said loudly.

  As a courtier of the Datang, since he can stand here, he will naturally go through a lot of screening, and regard the glory of the Datang Empire more than life.

   "The minister is also willing."

   After the Hubu Shangshu, many other ministers knelt down on the ground and shouted.

   Although they don’t know what your Majesty is asking about at this time, it’s enough to show your loyalty regardless of the reason.

   "In that case."

   "I give you the opportunity to wait for the true spirit to be placed in the list of conferred gods."

   Speaking of this, Li Si glanced at the suspended enfeoffment list.

   In an instant.

  Fengshenbang golden light.

   An inexplicable wave enveloped the entire palace.

   I saw a little true spirit in the court and the officials, and fell into the list of conferred gods.

   The ministers only felt that something extremely important left their bodies and entered a very warm place.

   "True spirit sustenance, you will be with the Datang Empire, immortal and immortal, and will live forever."

   Li Si's voice spread throughout the palace.


   When all the courtiers heard this, their eyes almost stared.



   this this this...

   The ministers were unbelievable.

   They originally thought that after your Majesty opened up the fortune, their ministers would get a little benefit at most, such as prolonging their lives for several years.

   But never thought that it would last forever?

   Li Si looked at the shocked expressions of his courtiers without paying attention.

   After the true spirit is placed on the list of enshrined gods, it is tantamount to hanging up on Li Si's side. Even if the ministers accidentally fall in the future, they can rely on that true spirit to resurrect themselves from the list of enshrined gods.

   Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Li Si's immortality.

   Of course, the immortality here depends entirely on Li Si's thoughts.

   is like the world of conferred gods. Once you enter the conferred gods, you cannot help yourself.

   If Li Si is willing to make his courtiers immortal, they are immortal.

   If Li Si wants to kill them, even if these courtiers are comparable to the saints of the great world, they will die.

of course.

In general.

   To entrust the true spirit to the enshrined **** list, for these courtiers in the palace, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

   "The minister waits to thank God."

   Many of the courtiers looked excited, especially some elderly veterans. If they hadn't pinned their true spirits on the list, they would probably die of old age in a few years.

   Now that there are endless life spans out of thin air, how can we not be grateful?

   "Get up."

   "I hope you don't let me down."

   Li Si waved his hand and said meaningfully.

   Li Si's voice just fell.

   Manchu Wenwu suddenly felt tight.

   They suddenly thought that your Majesty could grant them immortality, wouldn't he be able to knock them down?

Until then.

  Once things are not done properly, and what mistakes are made, what awaits them is probably endless torture and punishment.

   At this point, the courtiers became more determined to serve their Majesty and Tang.

   "Zhang Juzheng."

   At this moment, Li Si's eyes turned and fell on Zhang Juzheng.

   "The minister is here."

   "You are the chief minister of the cabinet, commanding the civil servants, and ruling the world for me, and you have contributed a lot." Li Si didn't say a word, and the golden light on the list of gods was a big one.

   "Today, I bestow you with the first-grade gods, add to your national destiny, and improve your physique. With the first-grade gods, you can mobilize the first-rank national luck once a year to suppress all the six gods and demons under the heavens."

   First Grade God Position, is the effect that only has after the development of fortune.

The lord of the dynasty can entrust officials to the gods by relying on the gods. Each **** is the aggregation of a trace of the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty. With the permission of the lord of the dynasty, the master of the gods can use a little bit of the national fortune. .

   This can be regarded as giving the officials in the court to protect themselves.

   After all, today's Datang officials are generally not high in strength. Not to mention the civilian officials, even those generals are at best innate.

   Under this situation, it was almost impossible to keep up with the pace of the Datang Empire.

   "Follow the purpose!"

   "Thank your Majesty Longen!!"

   Even Zhang Juzheng, who has always been calm and composed, has a hint of excitement on his face.

   Although he didn't know what the first-grade gods were, but with the ability to mobilize a national fortune and suppress the gods and demons under the sixth heaven, it was enough to make Zhang Juzheng incredible.

To know.

   Zhang Juzheng is just a **** and devil.

The gap between    and the six heavenly gods and demons is simply the difference between clouds and mud.

   But this time.

   By virtue of the first-grade **** position, he was able to suppress the gods and demons under the sixth heaven with his palm. If this was passed out, it would be enough to make a group of people's jaws fall in shock.

   Although there is only one opportunity to mobilize the national fortune, Zhang Juzheng, as the minister of the court, usually does not have many chances, and once a year is more than enough.

   Just when Zhang Juzheng was excited.

   hum! !

   I saw the power of national destiny in the Fengshen list.

   This power of national destiny was integrated into Zhang Juzheng's body. In an instant, Zhang Juzheng felt that he was connected to the vast national destiny of the Tang Empire.

   This kind of connection is only a one-way connection, and Zhang Juzheng can't feel the other end of the connection at all.

   In the dark, Zhang Juzheng has a feeling that as long as he is willing, he can summon the national destiny to add his body. At that time, I am afraid that he will be able to "suppress all the gods and demons under the six heavens".

   The civil and military officials all looked at Zhang Juzheng with envy.

  Especially those generals, their eyes are red.

   By virtue of the first-grade **** status, it can suppress the gods and demons under the six heavens.

The concept of    was so clear to the generals on the field.

   "Wuan Wang Baiqi."

   Li Si's voice sounded again.

   "The end will be."

   Bai got up, put on silver armor, and walked out of the dark.

   "You have merit in destroying Turks, Tubo, Dongying and other places. I will give you a first-grade god, increase your national destiny, and improve your physique. With the first-grade god, you can mobilize your first-rank national luck once a year to suppress all gods and demons under the six heavens."



"Hube Shangshu, you are the head of the Huhu Department. You have contributed to the society. I bestow you with the three-rank gods, add to your national destiny, and improve your physique. With the third-rank gods, you can adjust the third-rank national destiny once every three years to suppress all the four heavens. Gods and demons."

   "The Book of Etiquette..."

   "The Ministry of Industry Shangshu..."


  The fortune dynasty was opened, and the Tang Empire was immortal forever.

   Li Si Longyan was joyful, entrusted officials and appointed gods. As long as the credit was enough, Li Si would not hesitate to reward him and directly enshrine the gods.

   For Li Si.

   Even if it is a first-grade god, the national fortune consumed is not worth mentioning compared to the vast national fortune of the Tang Empire as a whole.

  The national fortune is constantly running, and a few breaths can be restored.

   But in the eyes of the courtiers in the court, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Under the national fortune plus body, not only can you strengthen your body, but you can also jump up and suppress the high gods and demons between your hands and Although this kind of opportunity only occurs once a year or even a few years, it is enough. Excited the courtiers.

   The ministers could almost imagine that in the future, if any gods and demons dared to ignore the court, they could be suppressed by any minister.

of course.

   Although the gods are given, it will not consume much national luck.

   But Li Si didn't give it indiscriminately, and was able to obtain the canonization of gods and guards. Most of them were court officials.

   As for the local officials, as long as they have merit, Li Si will also bestow a Ninth-Rank god.

   Compared to the first-grade gods, the nine-rank gods do not even have the authority to use the national fortune.

   The greatest effect of the Nine Pin National Fortune is to improve physical fitness, thereby achieving longevity and so on.

   And the local officials, but they are not qualified to put the true spirit on the list of conferred gods.

   Therefore, it is a great gift to them to improve their physical fitness and extend their longevity.

At last.

   Li Si also issued a decree. Anyone who has made great contributions can get the canonization of the **** position. As long as the contribution is large enough, the first-grade **** position is not a luxury!

   As for those who have now attained the position of God, once they make a big mistake, they also face the punishment of being taken back.

   The position of God is not static.

   Ordinary people have the possibility to obtain first-grade **** status.

   First-grade gods are also at risk of being deprived of their gods.

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