Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 509: Heavenly merit!

Inside the palace.

Li Si looked at the exhilarating Manchu civil and military.

After the gods were sealed one by one, the courtiers in the court had long been eager to prove themselves.

Li Si just smiled indifferently.

The essence of the so-called godship is that Li Si dedicate a trace of his own authority to his courtiers.

It sounds like Li Si is paying.

But in fact, Li Si did not lose much at all.

The power of the nation's fortune is running endlessly and endlessly. With the power of the Tang Empire now ruling a world, it doesn't care about this loss at all.

Say it again.

If Li Si finds something wrong, he can stop it at any time.

Appointing officials and conferring gods is a more important function in the casting of heaven.

It involves the operation of the country, manipulation, etc. Li Si doesn't need to worry about hidden dangers.

"It's just that after the opening of the dynasty, I faintly felt that the world seemed to have changed?"

Li Si's eyes were deep, his expression showing thoughtfulness.

In fact, Li Si was aware of this just after he opened up the fortune.

That is Li Si vaguely perceives that his own will has replaced the providence.

Replace Tianxin with one's own heart.

As long as he was within the scope of the Datang Empire, Li Si was the sole master, controlling everything and controlling everything.

Calling the wind to call the rain, reversing the sun and the moon, etc., for Li Si, it was just a matter of thought.

of course.

Li Si's calling for wind and rain, and reversing the sun and the moon are not like opening the horns or worshiping the moon cult leader, but only a certain range, or some kind of illusion caused by the strong power of heaven and earth.

If Li Si wants to call the wind and call the rain, it is the call to the wind and rain that covers the entire Datang world.

If Li Si were to reverse the sun and the moon, the big sun above the sky would fall, and the lunar sky would rise.

This kind of scene involving rules and regulations, for Li Si, the master of dynasty, couldn't be more normal.


Under the premise that Li Si replaced the will of heaven, the Datang Empire would be the only orthodox.

Anyone who wants to secretly target the Datang Empire, although it will not die immediately, will suffer a lot of luck and bad luck.

To put it simply, the opponent may be caught in walking, choking in drinking water, and may become confused when practicing.


"It's just the providence of Datang World."

Li Si's thoughts were ups and downs, and he sighed slightly.

Although Li Si was shocked by his authority as the master of dynasty, he was not completely obsessed with power.

From beginning to end.

Li Si knew very well that what he replaced was nothing more than the providence of the Hengsha world of Datang World.

As for the world of Datang, there is a world of trillions of Hengsha.

Above the world of Hengsha, there are the small world, the medium world, and even the eternal and immortal world.

In the Tang world, Li Si is invincible, even if all the gods and demons in the world are together, it is not enough for Li Si to slap him.

But if in other worlds

Even with the special features of the emperor’s Qi refining technique, even if he is in another world, Li Si can also be able to move his life, but if he wants to be like the Tang world, he can use his own heart instead. Tianxin, then Li Si needs to completely conquer this world.

Then the power of fortune is covered, and Li Si can replace the will of the world.

"The World of Tang Dynasty is now unified."

"It's time to get through the world coordinates recorded in the time-space memory of the'Lord God'."

Li Si suddenly had a plan in his heart.

Whether it is the Datang Empire or Li Si himself, if he wants to go further, he must come into contact with other worlds, plunder and conquer another world, and make up for himself.

Regarding this, Li Si had no resistance.

The strong is respected.

This is also one of the eternal norms in the heavens and all realms.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get everything you want.

As for the weak

Sorry, the weak have no right to speak.

If Li Si didn't want the Datang Empire to be reduced to meat on someone else's cutting board in the future, he could only choose to keep getting stronger.

"There is also the fourth source of natural disasters"

Li Si's expression sank, his brows furrowed.

Since acquiring the main temple, the source of the fourth natural disaster has always been Li Si's confidant.

Especially after determining that the source of the fourth natural disaster had appeared in the world around Datang World, Li Si was even more worried.

"do not care."

"Even if the Fourth Natural Disaster really invades the Datang World, I am not without countermeasures."

Li Si loosened his brows.

Even in the heyday of the fourth natural disaster, the invasion of the world is from weak to strong, step by step, often waiting for the world's high-level power to discover, the fourth natural disaster has been completely formed and cannot be stopped.

But at the beginning of the invasion, the fourth natural disaster was not powerful.

It can even be said to be extremely weak.

The most terrifying aspect of the fourth natural disaster lies in its growth and immortality.

But now Li Si has opened up a fortune in the Tang world, replacing Tianxin with his own heart, and he can completely choke the fourth natural disaster at the beginning of the invasion.


If it is possible, Li Si can be surprised and directly include the source of the fourth natural disaster as if he included the ‘Lord God’.


Just when Li Si was thinking about it.

Suddenly a roar resounded.

I saw at the end of the sky, suddenly a burst of glow came out and went straight to the palace.


"The merit of patching the sky has arrived?"

When Li Si saw this scene, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The power of merit is the same as the power of national destiny. It is mysterious and mysterious, and ordinary people cannot feel it, but it is real.

But unlike the power of national destiny, the power of merit comes from heaven and earth.

As long as you make a move that is beneficial to the world, there will be merits.

Before Li Si, he opened up the fortune dynasty and established the first fortune dynasty in the Datang world.

After that, Li Si patched up the sky, logically speaking, the same merit was lowered.

Rumble! ! !

Xiaguang filled the sky.

Actually dyed the entire sky golden.

From this point of view, the merits that came down this time were at least dozens or hundreds of times the merits that Li Si had gained in opening up the dynasty.

In fact, it is true.

Li Si opened up the fortune and unified the world, but for heaven and earth, it was one thing and nothing at all.

But make up the sky

If Li Si hadn't repaired the sky, the world would probably perish in a few In this case, the world would naturally give Li Si enough ‘feedback’.

At the very least, merit will not be less than half a point.

"Not bad."

Li Si nodded slightly, his heart moved.


The meritorious artifact tripod rose to the sky.

The body of the tripod continued to skyrocket, and Ding Yao made a circle, and the mouth of the tripod moved in the direction where the merit came down.

Hum! ! !


Countless power of merit is poured into the pot of merit artifacts.

With the continuous influx of the power of merit, complex lines faintly appeared on the surface of the magical merit pot.

The lines are extremely mysterious, and as soon as they are formed, there is a faint sound of sacrificial celestial sounds, as if from the ancient times.

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