The Yun Dynasty was opened and Vientiane was reborn.

Just after Li Sice was appointed to the gods, the officials of the world were protected by the gods, and if they were reborn, they would focus more on government affairs.

With the popularization of martial arts, more and more people are entering the acquired realm.

If in the past dynasties, so many people have gained such great power in a short time, they will definitely be ready to move and no longer be willing to plow the land.

With a weapon in mind, the killing will start from the beginning.

And in the world, what weapon is more ‘sharp’ than the cultivation base of the Hou Tian Realm?


Under the surveillance of the Fengshen Bang, these people often just came up with this idea and were preparing to implement it. Before it caused any impact, people from the court came and took them to a special department, which lasted several months. Up to one year of'education'.

This is still Li Si's kindness, Nian Zai, who has made a great determination today, disdain to recreate killing.

Otherwise, in the past dynasties, these people may be labeled as a disorderly and mob.

In addition.

The Datang Empire improved its military system and abolished the ‘general soldiers’ and admirals that had originally replaced the Jidu envoys and replaced them with military districts.

After all, the current Datang Empire dominates the world without guarding the frontiers.

Like today, there are ninety-nine military regions including the eastern and western continents and the American continent on the other side of the ocean.

The establishment of the military region naturally needs more Datang soldiers.

Soon after, the imperial court handed down a decree to recruit troops.

Any citizens of the Tang Dynasty who meet the conditions can join the military region and serve the Tang Empire.

Just started.

Some ministers felt unnecessary.

Because now the Datang Empire has already swept the world, there are no foreign enemies.

Under such circumstances, wanton conscription does not make any sense except for consuming the treasury.


This little opinion of the courtiers was directly blocked by Li Si.

"I will use it later."

Li Si's eyes were calm and he settled the matter directly.

The gate of the world that runs through other worlds is being built.

When the casting of the World Gate is completed, it will be the time for the Tang Empire to conquer the worlds.

Until then.

Naturally, a steady stream of troops is needed to be dispatched by the Tang Empire.

As for the Empress Irina

Now Li Si has asked him to give up creating the ultimate Zerg warrior.

Instead, the mother-emperor Irina was to train the gods and demons-level Zerg warriors.

The only thing that makes Li Si more regrettable is that.

Compared to the horrible speed of creating the ultimate Zerg warrior of 5 million in one month

It is much slower to train God and Demon-level Zerg warriors.

And, I have to consume a little bit of Irina's origin.

However, Li Si changed his mind and found that this was also quite normal.

If the Zerg mother emperor is able to create Zerg warriors of any level without restriction, the world of "Starry Sky" may have been captured by the mother emperor and become the back garden of the Zerg.

Where are the other five pinnacle races?

of course.

After the opening of the Yun Dynasty, the commerce of the Datang Empire also developed unprecedentedly.

In addition to the support of the court, it is also because of the faint rise of a new field in business.

Tourism field.

If it were in other dynasties, no matter how prosperous the age, the restriction of transportation means that most people were destined to go to the farthest place is the nearby county.

As far as

No need to think about it at all.

However, in the Datang Empire, with the construction of the academy of sciences to all parts of the world, the people can choose more places.

"Have you heard? The track laid by the court is coming to us?"

"Orbit? What is an orbit?"

"You don't even know the track? It's really ignorance!"

"It is said that there is a kind of'car' that can drive on the track, and it can be done easily in a day."

"Hey! Thousands of miles in a day? I'm afraid only those rich and powerful can afford to sit?"

"The powerful?"

"I tell you, you only need ten cents of silver to ride this kind of car. This is specially built by your majesty for people like us. I hope we can take a look and see the great mountains and rivers."

The hundreds of people in the Datang Empire talked about it.

At the beginning, after hearing the effect of the orbit, the first reaction of most people was that it had nothing to do with them.

after all.

A ‘car’ that can travel a thousand miles in a single ride would probably cost more than a hundred taels of silver. Is it something that ordinary people like them can afford?

Even though the Datang Empire is now in its prime, the huge sum of a hundred taels of silver is not something that every citizen can come up with.


When the people heard that only ten pennies were needed, they were immediately moved.

They can't afford a hundred taels of silver.

But ten Wenzi

As long as you save a few days, you can still get it together.

The smart people at the center even thought of transporting their own ‘special products’ thousands of miles away to make a fortune?

Things are precious.

Here, there are so many things that look like stones on the ground. If they are placed thousands of miles away, maybe they are some kind of scarce items?

Say it again.

Even if you didn't make any money.

Went thousands of miles away for a trip, which is also extremely cost-effective.

At least when chatting with friends before, there is no shortage of information.

Anyway, it's just ten penny silver.

It hurt at most for a day or two, but in exchange for a chance to gain a lot of eyesight.

Royal palace.

Royal garden.

"Your Majesty, my concubine felt she was kicking me."

Mu Mu touched her belly and said with happiness.

"Kick you?"

Li Si smiled slightly, took a sip of the wine in the palace, and looked at the flowers in the imperial garden in full bloom.

"How does it feel after adding the godhead?"

Li Si asked casually.

After entrusting officials to enshrine the gods, Li Si came to the harem and enshrined the gods according to the level of concubines.

"Your Majesty, the concubines seem to be the pinnacle of innateness." Song Xian'er opened her beautiful eyes, her face full of incredible.

Before the canonization of the gods, Song Xian'er was just a newbie.

Song Xian'er also knew her aptitude, her innate realm cultivation base was completely piled up by Lingnan Song household resources.

It is almost difficult to go further.

Therefore, after becoming the concubine of the harem, Song Xianer's energy was not placed on cultivation.

Originally Song Xian'er thought that she would be in the early innate period in her entire life.

Suddenly found out that he was innate peak.

It's only one step away from the high gods and demons realm.

Song Xian'er realized for the first time that this should be the influence of her majesty's canonization of her "God Position".

With the addition of the gods, Song Xian'er felt that drinking water was increasing his cultivation.

It's totally unreasonable.

"It's so good."

Li Si nodded slightly.

The divine status of the Tang Empire, to some extent, represents the general trend of the world.

Even the weakest Ninth-Rank God Position is in compliance with the general trend.

And what is the result of following the general trend?

Two hundred years ago, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were the sons of the general trend, soared into the sky in a short time and entered the realm of the gods and demons. This was in line with the general trend.


For Song Xian'er, even crossing several small realms and reaching the peak of his innateness within a short period of time, Li Si was not surprised at all.

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