Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 514: The fourth natural disaster!

"Listen to your Majesty."

"The concubines seem to be innate peaks too."

Mu Mu listened to the side, blinking his eyes wide, and couldn't help saying.

At the beginning, Mu Mu thought that she had felt wrong, so she did not dare to mention it to His Majesty.

But Song Xian'er had said so, and Mu Mu naturally said the ‘abnormal’ in himself.

"His Majesty."

"Could it be that all these are the gods given by your majesty?"

Song Xian'er glanced at Mu Mu, and finally looked at Li Si, shocked.

Song Xian'er never expected that the **** position given by Li Si would have such a heaven-defying effect?

Li Si smiled when he heard the words, without explaining anything.

Regarding the position of God, even if Li Si said it, Song Xian'er might not understand it.


"I heard that Song Que has come to Chang'an City."

Li Si suddenly thought of something and said something casually.

"Song Que?"

When Song Xian'er heard this, she was slightly taken aback, "Who is Song Que?"

"Sister Xian'er, it's like a certain ancestor of the Song family in Lingnan, named Song Que." Mu Mu tugged Song Xian'er's clothes next to him, and whispered.

During the period of becoming a concubine, Mu Mu often watched some historical stories to pass the time.

In this way, in the future, when your Majesty talks to her about this matter, Mu Mu won't be ignorant.

"It's Song Zu"

Song Xian'er immediately realized something and her pretty face blushed.

When she was in the Song family in Lingnan, she was a lawless little princess, how can she remember that there was such an ancestor in the Song family.

"Do you want to meet Song Que?"

Naturally, Li Si and Song Xian'er would not call Song Que the Song Zu.

Song Que is certainly Song Xian'er's elder, but in the royal family, seniority is not so calculated.

Say it again.

Even if Li Si called Song Zu, Song Que would not accept it.

"See Song Zu?"

Song Xian'er hesitated for a while, and finally bowed and said, "Your Majesty, now the concubine is the concubine of the harem. If you rush to see outsiders, the influence will probably be bad."

The "influence" in Song Xian'er's mouth was naturally the court's attitude towards the Song family.

If Song Xian'er went to see Song Que so directly and fell into the eyes of outsiders, wouldn't it mean that your Majesty favored Lingnan Song Family?

In this way, above the court, the Song family can more or less get some convenience.

This will affect His Majesty's judgment on the Song family.

Although Song Xian'er came from the Song family.

But Song Xian'er also knew.

She is now the concubine of the harem, the woman of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Everything she did must be viewed in the interest of the royal family.

And to see Song Que rashly, not to mention that it is completely against the interests of the royal family, but there must be some bad influence.

Since ancient times, Song Xian'er didn't know the hidden dangers of the imperial relatives' relations.

Although your Majesty’s merits are now overwhelming forever, Song Xian'er does not want to embarrass your Majesty in this regard.

"You decide."

Li Si got along with Song Xian'er Mumu again, and then returned directly to the Hall of Longevity.

Since the opening of the dynasty and the canonization of officials, Li Si has become more relaxed in state affairs and government affairs than before.

Most things are decided by the cabinet and ministers.

On the contrary, there are not many political affairs that Li Si really needs to deal with.

Li Si naturally accepted this.

The Datang Empire issued so many salaries every year, Li Si opened up the fortune, and canonized so many gods, naturally it is not meaningless.

Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair.

"The Maya can slow down for a while."

Li Si tapped on Long An with his right hand, thinking.

Li Si's mission to the Maya tribe was to build a void warship that could cross the void, in order to prepare for a retreat when the Tang world was destroyed.


Now the crisis of world destruction has been resolved by Li Si.

The Maya did not have to be so eager to build the void battleship.

at the same time.

One place in Jiangnan.

Within a humble village.

Hum! !

A white light flashed.

Then, a young man with a handsome face appeared outside the village.

"This is the new world?"

The handsome man looked around expectantly.

"It looks like it should be the ancient world?" A smile appeared on the handsome man's face.

"Yes, yes, I like ancient beauties the most. They are pure and attractive. They are many times stronger than those artificially made by the Federation." The handsome man looked around his eyes and thought with excitement.

The handsome man is named Sun Ming, from the technological universe of federal civilization.

A hundred years ago.

The federal civilization captured an unknown meteorite from outer space.

Any creature that touches a meteorite will have its consciousness transmitted to another world.

At the beginning.

The senior leaders of the alliance civilization thought that the world they transmitted was all illusion.

But soon after, an unthinkable discovery spread throughout the entire federal civilization.

Some people have brought substantial benefits from the different world connected by meteorites.


The different world communicated by meteorites is not just one.

At least Sun Ming knows that there are hundreds of worlds connected by meteorites.

Every year, meteorites communicate with a whole new world.

And this year, the world Sun Ming is in is a whole new world connected by meteorites.

Sun Ming paid a great price and became the first group to explore the new world.

after all.

Although the new world represents unknowns and risks, there are also great gains.

According to Sun Ming's knowledge, the first few people who came into contact with the meteorite have already become the big figures in the federal civilization by this time, and they have not known much benefit from the meteorite.

Sun Ming, on the other hand, is determined to catch up with that group of people and become a prominent figure in the federal civilization.

"Every time I enter a new world, my strength is cleared and I need to practice again." Sun Ming clenched his fists and shook his head.

"But with root points, isn't it a matter of suggesting strength?" Sun Ming glanced at his character attribute board.

Name Sun Ming.

Race human race.

The repair is nothing.

Origin points 920 points

Sun Ming's gaze fell directly at the end, and a trace of heat appeared in his gaze on the column of origin points.

These 920 source points are the last possessions that Sun Ming has saved through untold hardships.

With these 920 origin points, as long as Sun Ming obtains the cultivation method of this world, he can quickly improve without the slightest bottleneck.

"The new world means a lot of origin points."

"As long as I change the course of the, I can gain countless origin points in a short time. By then, the entire Federation will be stepped on by me!!"

Sun Ming took a deep breath and walked towards the village in front of him.

Now, the most important thing is to figure out the details of this world in order to plan the next.


What Sun Ming didn't know was.

Since he appeared.

Everything has been shown on the list of conferred gods.

Hall of Eternal Life.

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan looked at the picture of'Sun Ming' that emerged from the Conferred God List, with a solemn expression on his face.

"A visitor from another world, or the fourth natural disaster?"

Li Si murmured in a low voice, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in his tone.

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