Federal civilization.

The mecha divisions are above everything else.

The weakest mecha division can single out a warship unit.

As for the stronger mecha division, the power displayed has reached an incredible level.

Among the mecha divisions, the legendary mecha divisions have almost stood at the top.

In addition to the federal civilization, the top ten mythical mecha divisions that have long been invincible, the legendary mecha divisions are enough to sit on the side.

In Sun Ming's impression, even the legendary mecha divisions, if they don't wear mechas, their physical strength alone is at most similar to him.

In other words.

Sun Ming's strength at the moment already has the qualification to apply to become a legendary mecha division.

And once Sun Ming becomes a mecha division and wears the legendary mecha, the combat power he exerts is enough to be a hundred times more powerful than him at this time.

Most of the combat power of mecha divisions comes from mechas.

However, if you want to wear the mech, you must be strong enough, otherwise, you will not be able to control the mech perfectly.

Even the weakest mecha division needs a strong one to apply.

Once a Tier 1 strong man wears a mecha and becomes a mecha master, it is enough to sweep the Tier 2 and Tier 3 powerhouses.

And at the moment.

Sun Ming suddenly discovered that his strength seems to have been able to apply to become a legendary mecha division.

of course.

Application is application.

Whether it can succeed is another matter.

Every pair of legendary mechas are extremely precious, and I don't know how much resources it takes to cast them.

If Sun Ming wants to become a legendary mecha division, I am afraid that he has to devote himself to a big force, and it will be possible for him to work for hundreds of years.

Above the sky.

Li Si carried his hands on his back and saw all Sun Ming's actions in his eyes.

That bloodthirsty Dafa was deliberately dropped by Li Si to test Sun Ming.

"Is it another instant learning?"

Li Si looked at Sun Ming, his thoughts fluctuating.

Just now, Sun Ming learned the Farmer's Three Forms in an instant. Although Li Si looked at it again, he didn't think much about it.

after all.

The three styles of farmers are the most basic martial arts.

Even a farmer who doesn't know can still draw a scoop.

If Sun Ming's martial arts aptitude is against the sky, there is indeed a situation where you can get started at a glance.

But bloodthirsty Dafa

Bloodthirsty Dafa is a congenital level exercise.

It was the foundation technique of the evil martial artist who was erased by Li Si just now.

It can be said that bloodthirsty Dafa is already considered profound.

No matter how talented the gods are, it is impossible to learn directly at a glance.

But this Sun Ming did it.

"This is the confidence of the fourth natural disaster"

Li Si muttered to himself.

In the memory of the Lord God's time and space, the fourth natural disaster grew rapidly. When it invaded a world, it was inconspicuous at the beginning, but after a period of time, the fourth natural disaster was enough to grow to an incredible state.


Li Si still has doubts about this.

Grow fast

How quickly

But at this time, after seeing Sun Mingjian's innate-level exercises in an instant to achieve great success, Li Si finally understood the rapid growth here and what it was.

of course.

Li Si also discovered that Sun Ming's instant cultivation inevitably required a certain price.


When Sun Ming got the bloodthirsty Dafa, he would probably practice it for the first time instead of showing such a hesitant and entangled expression.

But even so.

It is also terrifying.

"Things that should be tested have already been tested, and I need to verify my thoughts next."

Li Si's eyes condensed, and he took a step forward and disappeared above the sky.

at the same time.

After Sun Ming waved happily with the strength he had just gained, he was ready to take a rest.

"How do I feel"

Sun Ming licked his lips.

For some reason, Sun Ming suddenly longed for blood.

"Damn it."

"It must be a side effect of Bloodthirsty Dafa."

Sun Ming settled down and suppressed the desire in his heart.


at this time.

A figure walked leisurely.

"who is it"

Sun Ming's heart tightened and he looked up.

I saw an extremely young man, with his hands on his back, slowly approaching Sun Ming.

The man wore a uniform, full of spirits like jade, and breath like a deep sea.

Even Sun Ming was shocked when he first saw the man.

Compared with this man, the politicians and prime ministers of the federal civilization are simply a bunch of rubbish.

"Your Excellency is from this village"

Sun Ming looked at the man cautiously and asked.

Because of the strength of the innate late stage, Sun Ming's tone at this time was quite hard.


The man took a look at Sun Ming and shook his head slightly.

This man is Li Si.

After secret testing and observation, Li Si was finally ready to verify the last step.


Sun Ming was slightly taken aback.

"I don't know what your Excellency's name is." Sun Ming learned the behavior of the ancients, holding his fist towards Li Si.

"first name"

Li Si's eyes flashed with a strange light, as if he was cherishing something.

"Li Si."

Li Si said softly.

"Li Si"

Sun Ming was stunned again.

"I heard that the royal surname of the Datang Empire is Li," Sun Ming asked with interest.

In the conversation with the old farmer just now, Sun Ming overheard this and wrote it down in his heart.

"is it"

Li Si's eyes were calm.

If Sun Ming knew that the man standing in front of him was today's supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he would be frightened directly.

"Since you are not from this village, what are you doing here" Sun Ming couldn't help asking.

"What to do"

A smile appeared on Li Si's face: "I'm here for you."

"for me"

Sun Ming suddenly reacted, with a vigilant expression on his face: "What do you mean for me, what is special about me?"

Faced with Sun Ming’s question, Li Si did not answer, and instead asked: "How is this world different from your hometown?"

Li Si's voice just fell.

Sun Ming's scalp exploded instantly.


Sun Ming stared at Li Si, the bloodthirsty Dafa's internal force in his body was running wildly, ready to do it at any time.

Sun Ming never expected that the young man in front of him could see his origin at first sight



"How did the surroundings change."

Sun Ming suddenly discovered that he was no longer where he was, but was born on a high mountain.

Li Si shouldered his hands, looked at Sun Ming, and said faintly: "I came from afar, if I didn't personally entertain, wouldn't it be a violation of hospitality"


"You are the Emperor of Tang Dynasty"

Sun Ming's face was as pale as paper, scared to death.

All over the world.

Only the emperor dared to call himself me~www.ltnovel.com~ That is to say, the young man in front of him is the current ruler of the Datang Empire, the Emperor of Datang.

Thinking of this, Sun Ming did not hesitate to call up the screen, dragged it directly to the bottom, ready to click the back button.


At this time, he returned forcibly and everything he had gained would disappear, but Sun Ming still chose this way.

Because in front of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Sun Ming didn't have any luck in his heart.


Wait until Sun Ming sees the bottom of the screen.

It was surprisingly discovered that the back button had already turned gray and could not be used.


Suddenly, Sun Ming raised his head and looked at Li Si, with uncontrollable fear and shock.

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