Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 519: Placement layout

Ever since the Federal Civilization captured the outer meteorite, and then through the outer meteorite, descended into the different world connected by the outer meteorite, Sun Ming has never heard of any world that can invalidate the'return' function given by the meteorite?

To know.

The physical body that Sun Ming exposed in the Datang World was not a real physical body, but a temporary physical body condensed by the power of a meteorite.

Sun Ming's real body is still in the federal civilization.

As long as Sun Ming is willing, he can completely abandon this temporary physical body, and the soul will instantly return to the federal civilization with the power of the meteorite.

In a way.

People like Sun Ming who descended on other worlds with meteorites have a natural sense of superiority when treating the natives of other worlds.

Even if there are some powerful people in different worlds everywhere, they can't really threaten Sun Ming's life and death.

The worst plan is to abandon all gains and use the'return' function endowed by meteorites to return to the federal civilization.

Therefore, Sun Ming is always invincible in the face of the indigenous people in another world.

Moreover, in addition to the ‘return’ function, the meteorite also gave Sun Ming’s ‘instant practice’ function.

As long as the original source points are sufficient, coupled with the appropriate exercises, Sun Ming is enough to have the power of a **** and devil in a short time.


What Sun Ming never expected was that at this moment, the ‘return’ function that had pinned all his hopes would actually fail?

"Is it caused by the meteorite?"

Sun Ming swallowed, and various thoughts flashed in his mind.

However, this idea was rejected by Sun Ming in an instant.

The meteorite captured by the federal civilization is used by thousands of federal humans every day.

But there has never been a failure of the ‘return’ function.


The Commonwealth Civilization will not open the function of meteorites to civilians.

Sun Ming didn't believe that his luck was so bad that this time coming to another world would make the'return' function invalid.

And, at the same time as the "failure", he met the supreme ruler of the Datang Empire, the Emperor of Datang.

Sun Ming's face was pale, without a trace of blood.

Since it is not a meteorite problem.

Then there is only one possibility.

Someone interfered with the meteorite's ‘return’ function.

As for who this person is

Sun Ming looked at Li Si who was standing with his hands in the distance.

Sun Ming's hands and feet were cold, like falling into the abyss, looking at Li Si as if he saw a ghost.

Sun Ming has thought that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty is very strong.

After all, from the old farmer's mouth, Sun Ming knew that Emperor Datang once made up the sky.


What Sun Ming didn't expect was that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty was strong enough to suppress meteorites.

This is simply unheard of!

What is a meteorite?

That's the incredible existence of the entire federal civilization that doesn't know the principle, but knows roughly how to use it?

It is under the protection of meteorites that ants like Sun Ming dare to compete with the strong in another world.

But now, the meteorite was suppressed by the man in front of him.

Doesn't this mean that the personal height of the Emperor Datang is still above the meteorite outside the sky?

Sun Ming thought a lot between the flashes of light.

But it's useless.

"Do you want to leave?"

Li Si seemed to feel something, looking at Sun Ming with a smile.

At that moment, Li Si felt that a mysterious force wrapped Sun Ming's soul and wanted to leave the Datang world.



At the moment that mysterious power appeared.

Li Si directly used the'Main Temple' to completely isolate Sun Ming from the mysterious power.

"Sure enough it is the fourth natural disaster."

Li Si carefully felt the mysterious power that was essentially comparable to the main temple, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

If before, when there was no direct contact with Sun Ming, even if Li Si was sure in his heart, it was just a guess.

But now, after Li Si personally and indirectly came into contact with that mysterious power, the speculation in his heart suddenly turned into fact.

The main temple traverses the heavens, overlooks the world, and enslaves countless reincarnations. It can be described as infinitely fierce, capable of competing with the main temple, and appears just right on Sun Ming, as well as the various characteristics of Sun Ming.

If this were not for the fourth natural disaster, Li Si himself would not be able to convince himself.


Sun Ming's legs were weak and he looked at Li Si, biting his head and preparing to speak.

In Sun Ming's eyes, with Li Si's strength, it is easy to kill him, but since Li Si hasn't done anything up to now, it is obviously useful to his Sun Ming.

Thinking of this, Sun Ming was shocked.

If he could take this opportunity to hug the thigh of the Emperor of Tang, then he Sun Ming in this world, wouldn't he want the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain?


Sun Ming hasn't said it yet.

I only felt that my eyes were dark, and I was completely in a coma.

Li Si looked at Sun Ming who closed his eyes and was lying on the ground. His eyes flashed and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Immediately after.

Li Si's huge spirit slowly revolved.

A secret technique derived from forty-nine void reliefs was put on display in Li Si's hands.

Soul search.

Although soul search can peek into the memory of the opponent, it is quite restrictive.

If Li Si casts the soul search technique on a Seventh Heaven God and Demon, there is a high probability that he will fail.


Sun Ming is not a Seventh Heaven God and Demon.

In front of Li Si, Sun Ming was not as good as the dust on the ground, it was impossible to resist Li Si's soul-searching technique.


Scenes from the memories of Sun Ming were revealed in front of Li Si.

"Federal Civilization?"

"Outer meteorite?"

"Connected to dozens or hundreds of different worlds?"

"The mecha master who stuns the stars?"

Li Si seemed to see another world.

This world is very similar to the world deep in Li Si's memory, and both are technological civilizations.


The world where Sun Ming lives is far more technologically advanced than the world in Li Si's memory.

Humans have explored beyond the home planet and colonized hundreds of planets.

Moreover, in addition to technology, the federal civilization also created a brand new profession.

Mecha division.

With their mechas, the mecha divisions can do everything in the starry sky.


To control the huge mecha, the mecha division must be strong enough.

Otherwise, if the strength is not up to the standard, the strength of the mecha cannot be used at all, and the federal resources will only be wasted.

Before the federal civilization captured the alien meteorite, there was only one legendary mecha division in the entire federal civilization.

As for the mecha divisions under the legendary machine, they are equally pitiful.

Therefore, although the mecha divisions have a powerful force, they have no right to speak in the federal civilization because of the small number.

But this situation was changed after the Federal Civilization captured the outer meteorite.

The outer meteorite connects another world.

Ordinary humans can descend into another world through contact with meteorites outside the sky, and bring things from the other world back to federal civilization.

The most important of these is the individual cultivation system.

Relying on the individual cultivation system, the strength of a small number of people in the federal civilization skyrocketed.

Immediately after.

Soon after.

Some experts proposed to combine the individual training system with the path of the mecha division.


Only in the past few years.

The number of mecha divisions in the federal civilization skyrocketed.

The legendary mecha division rose from one to hundreds.

Even the mythical mecha division far surpassed the legendary mecha division was born.

And, the mythical mecha division reached ten terrifying ranks.

Li Si kept watching Sun Ming's memory.

Among them, Li Si focused most of his attention on the outer meteorite captured by the federal civilization.

"Outer meteorite?"

"Is this the source of the fourth natural disaster?"

Li Si was frightened and uncertain.

"How could the source of the fourth natural disaster be captured by a technological civilization?"

Li Si frowned slightly, unbelievable.

In any case, the source of the fourth natural disaster is also an existence that hurts both sides of the main temple. No matter what, it will not fall into a situation of being captured?


"Perhaps, this was deliberate by the source of the fourth natural disaster?"

"The entire federal civilization is just a **** at the source of the fourth natural disaster?"

Li Si's thoughts fluctuated, and he faintly felt that he had come into contact with the truth.

At that time, when Li Si included the main temple, the main temple also showed some strength. If it were not for Li Si's system to be far above the main temple, it would be included directly, I am afraid the entire Datang world would be leaked by the main temple. The power is destroyed.

The source of the fourth natural disaster gained the upper hand in the fight with the main temple. Logically speaking, the situation is better than the main temple.

If the source of the fourth natural disaster is unwilling, the federal civilization wants to carry out the so-called capture, it is tantamount to a dream.


There is only one possibility.

The source of the fourth natural disaster was deliberate.

As for the reason for doing this, Li Si can probably think of it.

The source of the fourth natural disaster is obviously intended to power the federal civilization, and even the source of the fourth natural disaster has secretly controlled the high-level of the federal civilization, letting the entire federal civilization work for it.

This also explains why the Commonwealth Civilization will suddenly open to all civilians the function of meteorites coming from the outer world.

Countless humans of the federal civilization came to another world through meteorites day and night, constantly changing the general situation of the other world, and the source of the fourth natural disaster took the opportunity to search for the power of the source and repair the injury.

"It's a good calculation."

"But it's a pity that the more you do this, the more explanatory."

A coldness appeared on Li Si's face, and he said softly, "The injury you have suffered is more severe than If the source of the fourth natural disaster retains some of its strength, even if it is only one part per billion, it is enough. To completely enslave the entire federal civilization, there is no need for such a move.

There is only one reason for the fourth natural disaster.

He didn't even have the strength to enslave the federal civilization. In other words, enslaving the federal civilization was very difficult for the source of the fourth natural disaster at this moment and required a huge price.

"In that case."

"I am going to move forward."

An inexplicable flash of Li Si's eyes, looking at Sun Ming lying on the ground, his thoughts moved.


The soul search technique covering Sun Ming slowly dispersed.

Losing the influence of Li Si, Sun Ming slowly opened his eyes and looked around his eyes in confusion.

"Where is this?"

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