Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 525: Gate of the World


"Where does Sky Blue Star have a lot of blood?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes, thinking silently in his heart.

The easiest way to gain endless vitality is to kill.


This idea was directly rejected by Li Si.

First, because the federal civilization and technology are extremely advanced, if there is a sudden shortage of a large number of people in any place, it will definitely attract the attention of the federal high-level people in the first place.

Until then.

It is very likely that the manicurist will intervene.

The ordinary mecha division Li Si is not afraid.

But if those legendary mecha divisions and even mythical mecha divisions are brought in, Li Si at this moment will probably have a headache.


In Li Si's estimation.

Even the mythical mecha division ranked number one, the strength should not surpass that of the Sixth Heaven God and Demon.

It is not enough for Li Si to slap it in the Datang world.

But now, Li Si can step into the innate state, if he rashly confronts the mythical mecha division

"Slow down for a while."

"Looking for blood, don't worry for now."

Li Si suddenly thought of something, his expression slightly solemn.

Regardless of whether he can enter the realm of gods and demons, Li Si's ultimate goal is not a mecha division, nor a federal civilization.

It was the source of the fourth natural disaster.

"Let me see what you are."

Li Si turned his eyes, and landed on a table and chair not far away.

An irregular stone was placed on the table and chairs, revealing an inexplicable breath.

The original Sun Ming came to the world of Datang through contact with this irregular stone.

According to the Federal Civilization, this irregular stone is part of the outer meteorite.

After the Federal Civilization captured the outer meteorite and discovered the secret of the outer meteorite, it cut the outer meteorite into hundreds of millions and sent it to every federal citizen.

Federal citizens can integrate their consciousness into the alien world connected by the meteorite through contact with the meteorite.

Li Si slowly approached, and carefully looked at the irregular stones.

"Just a very ordinary meteorite."

"Except for the inexplicable aura inside, there is nothing strange."

Li Si shook his head, his face showing the color he had expected.


These irregular stones are only a trace of the breath of the source of the fourth natural disaster, not the source of the fourth natural disaster.

In other words.

Citizens of the Federal Civilization obtained these stones that are connected to other worlds. Is it possible that the source of the fourth natural disaster deliberately?

"According to the information published by Federal Civilization."

"The vast majority of the outer meteorite has been cut and distributed, and the only remaining core is still in the Supreme Chamber of the Federation."

"That core point is most likely the source of the fourth natural disaster."

Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

The House is the highest authority in the Federation, and four of the top ten mythical mecha divisions sit in the Supreme House.

In addition, there are dozens of legendary mecha divisions patrolling day and night.

With Li Si's current strength, if he wanted to sneak in, it would be impossible to do so.


Royal palace.

Hall of Eternal Life.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, thinking about the message from the Federation World.

"The Supreme House?"

Li Si's right hand tapped the Long Case lightly.

"It is necessary to confirm the world coordinates of the federal civilization as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, the layout of my hand has no meaning."

Li Si slowly stood up from the throne of the dragon chair, walked out of the Hall of Longevity, looked up at the sky, thinking silently.

According to the general situation, Li Si might have to wait until the Fourth Natural Disaster fully invaded the Datang World, and then began to fight back.

But Li Si could not wait so long.

Instead of burning the flames of war in the Datang world, it is better to take the initiative and directly attack the federal civilization.

"Come here."

"Let the Department of War Shangshu come."

Li Si glanced at the eunuch, then turned back to the Hall of Longevity.

"According to the purpose."

The next **** bowed slightly, got up and left the palace immediately, went to Shangshu Mansion, and publicized Li Si's will to the Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

After a while.

The Bingbu Shangshu hurriedly walked into the Hall of Longevity.

"I have seen your Majesty."

The Ministry of War is ruddy in writing and full of air.

Since he was awarded the third rank of the gods, the strength of the military department Shangshu has stopped, and he has begun to improve again.

How did this make the Ministry of War Shangshu not overjoyed?

However, Bingbu Shangshu also knows that everything he has now comes from the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

If there is no Li Si.

He is now ready to return home.

"How is the army expropriating?"

Li Si looked at Shangshu of the Ministry of War and said.

"Return to your Majesty."

"According to your majesty's instructions, the minister has never stopped enlisting soldiers from the people, and has now enlisted more than five million soldiers."

"In addition to the original army, my Datang army has already exceeded 12 million."

"This 12 million army, because of your majesty's military deployment, plus the unlimited supply of resources in the army, has reached the acquired level."

Bingbu Shangshu bowed and said.

The army composed of 12 million Houtian realm warriors, this was before, the Ministry of War Shangshu could not even think about it.

Moreover, the army of 12 million does not include the army of black armor that your Majesty turned into a soldier.

If you count the black armor army, the Datang Empire now has at least tens of millions of army.

Tens of millions of troops?

What is this concept?

"I see."

Li Si nodded slightly.

"The order goes on and all the army is ready to go."

Li Si's voice just fell.

Bingbu Shangshu almost thought he had heard it wrong.

All the army?

All ready to go?

What does this mean?

Could it be that there are still enemies in the world that make the Datang Empire ready to go?

A trace of puzzlement appeared on the face of Shang Shu of the Ministry of War.

According to the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, the entire world is now under the foot of the Datang Empire.

There is no such thing as an enemy.

"I know your doubts."

Li Si slightly leaned on the throne of the dragon chair, and said faintly, "I let the army be ready to go, and the goal is not within the world."

Li Si's words, like a sharp blade, pierced into the mind of Shang Shu of the Ministry of War.

The Bingbu Shangshu only felt an ‘om’, and repeated the words Li Si said in his heart.

Not in the world

Not in the world

Not within the world, it can only be outside the world.

Could it be that your majesty intends

Stormy waves were set off in the heart of Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

If it wasn't for your majesty to say this, Shang Shu of the Ministry of War had already questioned it.

"His Majesty"

"Your Majesty's Meaning"

Bingbu Shangshu's voice trembled and asked quickly.

"All right."

"You will know the details after a while."

"Go down."

Li Si waved his hand and said calmly.

" The Bingbu Shangshu suppressed the shock and horror in his heart, and retired from the Palace of Longevity.

After the Department of War Shangshu left.

Li Si suddenly moved in his heart.

next moment.

Fengshenbang unfolded out of thin air.

I saw a picture appearing in the Conferred God List.

What is shown on the screen is the African continent, where countless Maya people are busy.

However at the moment.

All the Maya people stopped.

He looked up at the gate that was hundreds of meters high.

"The Gate of the World, is it built?"

Li Si's eyes were faint, and he said softly.

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