Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 526: Discuss, conquer the heavens!

As early as after the opening of the dynasty, Li Si ordered the Maya to temporarily slow down the construction of the void warship, and instead build the gate of the world to prepare for the Tang Empire to conquer the heavens.


With countless Maya tribes and the unlimited supply of resources from the Datang Empire, the World Gate was finally built.

"At present, the coordinates of the federal civilized world have not been locked, but since the gate of the world has been completed, let's take a try with those world coordinates recorded by the'Master God'."

Sitting on the throne of the dragon chair, Li Siduan suddenly made a decision.

"Come here."

Li Si got up and walked outside the Hall of Longevity.


"Immediately morning."

Li Si's voice just fell.

The attendant **** slightly arched his hands and said "Zunzhi."


The civil and military officials received the imperial decree and immediately rushed towards the palace.

"Master Yang, please stay."

There was wind at the feet of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Etiquette, and he walked towards the cabinet secretary Yang Qinglin.

"It's you?"

Yang Qinglin slowed down slightly, glanced at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette, and smiled, "Your Majesty is rushing to the morning, if it is delayed, who can afford it?"

Yang Qinglin slightly reminded the Ministry of Rites of Shangshu.

"I'm not trying to tell the old story with Master Yang"

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Etiquette changed his expression and said with a strong smile.


Yang Qinglin glared at Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites, "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Although the two were talking in a low voice, the speed at their feet did not slow down at all, and they quickly walked towards the Tai Chi Hall.

"I heard that your majesty canonized a prime minister"

The Book of Rites hesitated for a moment, and said cautiously, "I wonder if Mrs. Yang knows this."

Regarding His Majesty's sudden canonization of the post of Prime Minister, not only was it a minister of rituals, but also other ministers in the court were a little worried.

If it were other officials, even if it was the appointment and removal of the six books, no officials would dare to say anything.

But the prime minister

Throughout the dynasties, the prime minister was known as the ultimate minister. If the emperor is not there, the prime minister can directly replace the imperial power.

In fact, many ‘power ministers’ in history directly emptied the current emperor.

After Li Si became the throne, the abolition of the prime minister, the establishment of a cabinet, and the decentralization of power were all right.

But now, the ministers did not expect that your majesty will once again canonize a prime minister?

"Are you testing the attitude of my cabinet?"

Yang Qinglin smiled slightly, knowing the thoughts of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites.

If there is a prime minister, who will have the greatest influence?



Ministry of War?

Or other ministers?

It's not.


The most influential is the Cabinet.

Because the cabinet has replaced the power of the prime minister.

"Don't dare."

The Book of Etiquette said immediately.

If you try to test the cabinet, even if you give ten courage to the Ministry of Rites, you dare not say it.

"rest assured."

"Your Majesty's canonization of the Prime Minister is in consideration of your Majesty. I and other courtiers are all serving for your Majesty, whether the prime minister or the cabinet, as long as you can share your concerns for your majesty, what are the problems."

Yang Qinglin shook his head and tapped the Book of Rites.

"Master Yang said that."

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites suddenly tightened, and cold sweat overflowed on his forehead.

He asked Yang Qinglin about the prime minister, but there was nothing malicious about it.

"All right."

"Tai Chi Hall is coming soon."

Yang Qinglin looked up at the Tai Chi Hall, lowered his voice.

When the Book of Rites heard this, he immediately sorted out his appearance and walked respectfully into the Taiji Hall.

Tai Chi Hall.

Li Siduan sat on the throne of the dragon chair, looking down at the officials.

"Get up all."

"I call you over today for only one thing."

Li Si waved his hand and said lightly.

Upon hearing the words, the court officials raised their ears, fearing that they would miss a word spoken by His Majesty.

Li Si glanced at the officials, smiled slightly and said, "Today, I wandered beyond the sky and discovered that there is a new world outside the world."

Li Si's voice just fell.

Many ministers almost thought they had hallucinations.

Outside the world?

New world?

What does it mean?

In an instant.

The Tai Chi Hall suddenly exploded.

"My God, no? Outside the world? Is there really another world outside our world?"

"I'm not mistaken, am I?"

"What did you hear just now?"

The hundreds of officials talked a lot. At first, a small number of courtiers thought they had misheard them, but when the other courtiers said so, they realized that they had heard them correctly.

What your Majesty said is exactly what they heard.

"New world? Isn't all myths and legends fake?"

"Although this is incredible, since your Majesty personally said it, it must be true."

"Yes, your majesty doesn't need to lie to us"

After realizing this, both the six books and the other ministers took a breath.

Intellectually, they believed that His Majesty would not lie to them.

But perceptually, the New World is too unbelievable.

Therefore, at this moment, all the courtiers were quiet.

They are waiting, waiting for what His Majesty will say next.

The entire Tai Chi Hall suddenly fell into an extremely stressful atmosphere.

The courtiers were both looking forward and panicking.

Only Zhang Juzheng and Zhuge Kongming looked calmer.

They were the gods and demons summoned by Li Si. They were not creatures of the Datang World, so they naturally believed what Li Si said.

Li Si looked around for a week, watching everyone's reaction in his eyes.

"I am very happy."

"So I decided to mobilize troops for this new world and bring it into the territory of the Tang Dynasty. What do the Aiqings want?"

Li Si's words, like thunder, blew up in everyone's ears.

Right to mobilize troops to the new world?

Bring it into the territory of Datang?

How is this possible? !

The civil and military officials looked shocked, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

All ministers never dreamed that your majesty's ambition was so big?

According to what His Majesty said, the Tang Empire will not be confined to one world in the future, but will spread its power to all realms.

What a shocking ambition is this?

Throughout the ages, all dynasties and dynasties, even the wise and martial emperors, only asked for the unification of the Central Plains.

But there has never been an emperor like Li to look beyond the Central Plains, or even into another world.

Regardless of whether this matter can be a world or not, whether the Datang Empire can conquer another world.

Just what Li Si said today is enough to be called Zhen Gu Shuo Jin, it is unique.

"His Majesty."

"Is this serious?"

"Your Majesty really wandered beyond the sky and discovered a new world?"

An old minister's voice trembled and asked courageously.

"Naturally not fake."

A mysterious smile appeared on Li Si's face.

Although "Shen You Tianwai" is only Li Si's rhetoric, after the establishment of the World Gate, with the help of the world coordinates recorded by the "Lord God", Li Si can fully realize everything he said.

The so-called conquest of other worlds, including it in the territory of the Tang Dynasty, is completely true.

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