Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 527: Everything is ready! The door of the world runs through!

Looking at the court officials who were shocked and shocked, Li Si's expression was calm and there was nothing strange.

These courtiers in the Taiji Hall, from childhood to adulthood, have lived in the Datang World. Now that they are told that there is a different world outside the Datang World, how can they not react at all?


After experiencing the scene where Li Si opened up the dynasty, entrusted officials and appointed gods, and only repaired the sky with one hand, the courtiers were still unbelievable, but they generally accepted it.

after all.

Compared to everything in Li Si's place, is the theory of another world not unacceptable?

"Your Majesty, really want to mobilize troops to another world and bring it into the territory of the Tang Dynasty?"

Tiandao Song Que also stood up, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked in a low voice.

Since Song Que arrived in Chang'an City and succeeded to the third rank of God, Li Si casually sealed an official position to Song Que.

And make him eligible to participate in the early dynasty.

After all, Song Que is Song Xian'er's ancestor, and Li Si must take care of it.


Li Si nodded slightly.

Li Si said this.

Song Que only felt that there was a hum, and he couldn't hold anything else in his mind.

Song Que is not like the courtiers in the court. As one of the top gods and monsters two hundred years ago, Song Que is very aware of the difficulty of conquering the alien world.

The most basic point is how to send the soldiers of the Datang Empire to another world?

You know, the other world and the world of Datang are two completely different worlds, separated by an endless void.

If before, Li Si stepped to destroy the Tubo Turks, and even the countries of the Western Mainland, he only needed to move the scholars toward the position of the Tubo Turks.

But another world

It's not in the Datang world at all, how can you find it?

In Song Que's view, since your Majesty has made up his mind to fight another world, he must have solved this problem.

As for the solution

Song Que could hardly imagine.

At this moment, Song Que suddenly felt that the luckiest thing he had done in his life was to establish the Lingnan Song Family, and finally a Song Xian'er was born.

If it weren't for Song Xian'er, the Lingnan Song family might be trembling under the mighty power of the Tang Dynasty. What qualifications does Song Que have to stand under this court and listen to His Majesty's teachings?

Not only Song Que.

After hearing your majesty's affirmative reply in person, the other courtiers in the Tai Chi Hall suddenly trembled with excitement.

If your majesty really lays down a different world, doesn't it mean that these courtiers have the opportunity to make merits again?

Nowadays, the Datang Empire dominates the world, and wherever you look, you are the people of Datang.

Under this circumstance, the people live and work in peace and contentment, seeming to be thriving, but for some officials, it is a kind of torture.

Because stability means that they can only rely on time to survive step by step.


With the current power of the Tang Empire, they even became an illusion.

Because of the addition of the gods, ministers generally prolong their lives for hundreds of years, plus the immortal effect of the enfeoffment of gods

But now, with the goal of another world, it's different.

If someone makes a contribution during the battle in another world, not to mention a steady progress, at least he can be promoted to the next level, right? Can even get the promotion of God's position?

Thinking of this, the eyes of some of the less senior officials suddenly became fierce.

"All right."

"Follow me to the African continent."

Li Si waved his hand, and suddenly a Mayan temple soared out.

These Mayan temples are the crystallization of science and technology of the Mayan civilization. Although they cannot cross the void, it is still easy to fly into the world.

The African continent is not known how many miles away from Chang'an City.

If these courtiers are allowed to travel to the African continent by themselves, it will probably take several years.

"This, what is this?"

"Why is it so huge that it can float in the sky?"

"Unbelievable, incredible."

Many courtiers looked at the huge Mayan temple with shock and horror.

"Come straight up."

Li Siyi's sleeves.


All the courtiers only felt their eyes dark, and a surge of energetic force swept over them.

When they regained their vision, they found that they were already above the Mayan temple, heading toward the African continent.

"Where are we?"

Looking at the passing city of Chang'an, the civil and military officials suddenly became confused.

Walking in the air has always been a symbol of the strong in the gods and demons.

But at this time, these acquired courtiers, can they also be able to travel from the sky?

Li Si didn't care about the looks of the officials, and said casually, "After a while, I will popularize this thing. By then, even ordinary people can ride this thing and travel above the nine heavens."


Can ordinary people travel for nine days?

The civil and military officials looked at each other with amazement.

What Li Si said was unprecedented, and the jaws of all the ministers were almost dropped.

But the next moment.

Many courtiers were excited and excited.

At this moment, infinite glory suddenly rose in their hearts.

If Li Si really popularizes Mayan temples, everyone can travel for nine days. For the people, it will benefit the generations to come.

It is fortunate to be able to assist such a magnificent emperor, so these courtiers, even if they die at this moment, they can still look down.

Whoosh! ! !

The Mayan temple is extremely fast.

In just half an hour, he left the land and entered the sea.

The vast expanse of the ocean is endless, and such a shocking scene makes the courtiers excited and inspiring.


Across the endless ocean.

A huge continent emerged.

"This is the African continent that your Majesty said?"

"It's too barren, far less rich than the land of my Central Plains."

"Anyway, it's the territory of the Tang Dynasty, regardless of whether he is barren and rich?"

Among the discussions of many ministers, the Mayan temple slowly descended.

"His Majesty."

The Mayan leader stood respectfully outside the temple.

When Li Si led the officials and left the city of Chang'an, the Mayan leaders were ordered to wait again.

"How's it going?"

Although Li Si had an answer in his, he still asked casually.

"Return to your Majesty, everything is ready." The Mayan leader said respectfully.

Hearing the words, Li Si nodded slightly and looked up at the huge door of the world not far away.

The gate of the world is hundreds of meters in size, and the whole body is dark and dark, as if connected to another world.

When the courtiers who walked down from the Mayan temple saw the Gate of the World, they suddenly took a breath.

"Hi, what kind of door is this? Is it so high?"

"Your Majesty brought us here, is it because of another world?"

The courtiers started talking in a low voice.

Li Si carried his hands on his back and looked at the door of the world.

Now that the gate of the world has been built, as long as Li Si gives an order, he can activate the gate of the world, penetrate the gateway of the Tang world and another world, and formally conquer the heavens!

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