African continent.

Li Si glanced at the many courtiers and said, "Just wait here."

"According to the purpose."

The civil and military officials bowed deeply.

next moment.

Li Si took a step forward and disappeared in place.

Above the sky, Li Si appeared out of thin air, overlooking the gate of the world.

"How are you preparing?"

Li Si suddenly said to himself.

"Return to your Majesty, Irina has trained a hundred warriors of the gods and demons realm Zerg race, and always obey your majesty's orders.

Empress Irina's voice was soft and refreshing.

Since creating nearly tens of millions of Zerg warriors with innate extremes, Li Si ordered her to stop training and instead make Zerg warriors in the Divine Demon Realm.

Compared with the ease of making innate-level Zerg warriors, it takes some time for Mother Queen Irina to train God-Demon-class warriors, and the efficiency is far less than the former.


"Almost enough."

Li Si nodded slightly.

Hundreds of Gods and Demons Realm, placed in the Datang world a year ago, even if they were all in one heaven, they were enough to sweep the world.

Although in front of Li Si, these hundred gods and demons were just a slap.

But in any case, it is definitely more than enough for Li Si to test the world that is about to be connected through the gate of the world with these hundred gods and demons.

For the first time he attacked another world, Li Si would naturally not go all out stupidly and put all the power of the Tang Empire into it.

If you really do this, if you mention any iron plate, wouldn't it be a loss?

Li Si was very clear in his heart that although the Great Tang Empire had infinite power, it was limited to the Tang world.

Once out of the Tang world, face the powerful forces in the heavens

Before the Datang Empire had accumulated enough foundation, it was best to keep a low profile.

And this time when attacking another world, Li Si would naturally be cautious.

After the passage is opened, directly throw a hundred warriors from the Divine Demon Realm Zerg in.

If hundreds of Zerg warriors from the Divine and Devil Realm slay all quarters inside, proving that this world is within the conquest of the Datang Empire, Li Si will naturally order the army of the Datang Empire to enter one by one.

But if there is no news after the hundreds of Zerg warriors of the Gods and Demon Realm enter, Li Si will of course cut off the connection with the World Gate without hesitation.

Anyway, these hundred warriors of the gods and demon realm Zerg were the ‘cannon fodder’ created by the mother emperor Irina, even if they all lost Li Si, they would not feel distressed.

"Now that everything is ready, let's start."

Li Si's expression was solemn, and he slightly raised his right hand.


Several silver-white spars emerged.

It is the stone of space.

"go with."

Li Si looked towards the door of the world.



Whoosh whoosh!

Under Li Si's control, these space stones flew quickly towards the gate of the world.

When the space stone is integrated into the gate of the world.


The gate of the world roared suddenly.

If the wild beast is recovering, the void begins to tremble.

This kind of tremor was initially limited to the African continent, but as the world gate continued to operate, it gradually spread to the entire Datang world.

"My God, what happened to this?"

Many ministers looked at the door of the world that was constantly resurrecting, and only felt that their hearts were trembling. Compared with the power of the door of the world to communicate with the void and penetrate the other world, these ordinary people, even if they are blessed by the gods, are as fragile as It's ants-like.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid only your Majesty can resist or even suppress this mighty force."

All the ministers had an idea in their hearts.

Even in the face of such a power that destroys the world, no official has ever doubted His Majesty's methods.

"Is this your majesty's true strength?"

The Mayan leader stared at the gate of the world feverishly.

As a civilization that has developed to its peak in prehistoric times, the Maya have naturally known the existence of other worlds.

But unfortunately.

Knowing is one thing, but being able to go is another matter.

Otherwise, when the last era was destroyed, the Mayan tribe would not sacrifice most of their tribesmen, and only let a small number of elites return to the Mayan temple to survive.


When Li Si asked the Maya to build the gate of the world, the Mayan leader agreed immediately.

In addition to the irresistible order of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the more reason, I am afraid, is that the Mayan leaders want to see with their own eyes this door to the world that can communicate with other worlds.

Not only the court officials and the Mayan tribe.

Far away in the Central Plains, the Western Continent, and the Americas, everyone felt the terrifying power emanating from the gate of the world.

Town Takeshi.

"His Majesty."

In Kou Zhong's heart, the little bit of joy that had just occurred when he entered the realm of the four heavenly gods and demons disappeared.

As the son of the general trend two hundred years ago, Kou Zhong became the first group of people in the Tang Empire to enter the realm of the four heavens with the help of the four great books of longevity after the disappearance of the world.


Kou Zhong was also somewhat complacent.

I felt that even though I was still far inferior to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, at this time, at least he was qualified to look up at the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

But now, Kou Zhong found himself wrong.


Although Kou Zhong didn't know what was the reason for this great power transmitted from the African continent.

But Kou Zhong thought with his feet and knew that the matter must be related to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Under this mighty force, Kou Zhong only felt that the entire Datang world was crumbling.

Even the world is like this, what is he Kou Zhong?

African continent.

Li Si stood with his hands behind him, quietly looking down at the door of the world that was gradually turning.

"The space stone has been integrated, and now only the world coordinates are missing."

One thought after another flashed in Li Si's mind.

If you want the world gate to work, the space stone and world coordinates are indispensable.

Space Stone Energy.

The world coordinate direction.

At this time, Li Si was thinking about which world coordinate to choose.

In the time and space memory of the "Lord God", there is a record of a void map near the world of Tang Dynasty, including five in the world of Xiaoqian and 62 in the world of Hengsha.

Little Thousand World Li Si would definitely not consider it.

You must know that even the weakest Little Thousand Worlds have seven heavenly gods and demons sitting on the ground, as for the stronger ones, there are eight heavens and even nine heavens.

This has exceeded the response limit of the Datang Empire.

Since the Little Thousand World excludes, you can only choose from the 62 Hengsha worlds.

Don't want the too strong Hengsha world.

After all, Li Si's first campaign in another world was mainly for training and training, so that the Datang Empire would be familiar with the process of war against another world.

Prepare for the invasion of federal civilization.

Rather than being caught in a protracted war.

After a short while, Li Si chose a world in Hengsha.

This Hengsha world is already considered to be the bottom of all Hengsha worlds in the time and space memory of the ‘Master God’.

of course.

Even so, Li Si is still very cautious.

Because, no one knows whether there will be a powerful game world that surpasses the nine heavens and demons in this Hengsha world.

Or maybe there is such an incredible existence as the "Lord God" sleeping.

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