Above the sky.

After Li Si'input' the world coordinates to the gate of the world.

The door of the whole world began to vibrate again, and countless spatial fluctuations opened like ripples.

Under the incredible eyes of everyone.

I saw the other side of the gate of the world, constantly flashing a picture, there are boundless voids, there are huge void behemoths comparable to the world, and there are mighty time and space turbulence.


These images suddenly focused on a world radiating a pale yellow light.

Hum! ! !

The void is torn apart!

Time and space exploded like a bubble.

The channel directly across the endless void slowly formed.

This passage has the Gate of the World as its core. Outside the Gate of the World is the Tang World, and inside the Gate of the World is the inside of the pale yellow world.

"The channel opened successfully."

Li Si breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he completely followed the steps in the time and space memory of the ‘Lord God’, there should be no accidents.

But when the passage was really established, the string in Li Si's mind was finally released.

Now that the Gate of the World has successfully connected to another world, it shows that when Li Si locks the world coordinates of the Federal Civilization, with the World Gate, it is completely possible to break into the Federal Civilization.


Li Si's eyes flashed and looked not far away.

I saw a hundred gods and demons-level Zerg warriors in black armor standing quietly above the void.

These Zerg warriors, in appearance, are no different from the extreme Zerg warriors.

However, the aura that exudes between gestures is beyond innate extreme Zerg warriors do not know how much.

"Go ahead."

Li Si's heart moved.


These hundred gods and demons-level Zerg warriors, as if receiving some instructions, suddenly jumped toward the door of the huge world.

wave! ! !

When these hundred gods and demons-level zerg crossed the gates of the world, Li Si's heart and soul rested on these hundred gods and demons-level Zerg warriors, and together they entered the different world connected by the world gates.

"I hope nothing will happen."

There was a glimmer of expectation in Li Si's eyes.

In order to be foolproof, the Hengsha world selected by Li Si is the weakest among all Hengsha worlds.

According to Li Si's estimation, there might not be many gods and demons in the world of Hengsha at this level.

And a hundred warriors of the gods and demons realm Zerg entering such a world should directly sweep the world.


Above the city.

Guo Jing looked at the endless Meng Yuan army with a worried expression.

As the city lord of Xiangyang, Guo Jing had already lived and died with Xiangyang Cheng. Otherwise, with Guo Jing's strength, he could find a place to live in seclusion, what would Meng Yuan do?

But Guo Jing did not.

Not only not, Guo Jing also used his influence in the arena to call on the world's best to fight against the Mongolian Yuan.



Meng Yuan is too strong.

So strong that even Guo Jing is a little desperate.

"Rong'er, do you really want to fall into the hands of Meng Yuan?"

Guo Jing was silent for a moment, looking at the sunset on the horizon.

What is the difference between this great Song Jiangshan and this sunset?

The same shaky.

The same is coming to an end.

Huang Rong did not speak, but a trace of sadness flashed across her face.


"Do you even think so for Rong'er?"

Guo Jing suddenly laughed wildly, with a faint dragon roar resounding, and a strong breath enveloped in all directions. Countless guards of the city looked at Guo Jing from a distance, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in their eyes.

The Mengyuan army had already surrounded the city of Xiangyang. If there were no reinforcements, the soldiers who defended the city would be dead and dead.

Just reinforcement

Now the Great Song Dynasty is in chaos, even if you want to support Xiangyang, I am afraid that you can't do it.

"I can sneak into the Meng Yuan army at night and assassinate Meng Ge."

"When Brother Meng dies, Meng Yuan will be in chaos. By then, the danger of Xiangyang City will naturally disappear."

Huang Rong took a deep breath and said every word.

"Assassinating Brother Meng? How easy is it?"

Guo Jing smiled bitterly.

As the king of Meng Yuan, if Meng Yuan really died in an assassination, Meng Yuan would surely fall into civil strife, and he would be able to fight for at least ten years.


If the assassination was useful, Guo Jing would have done it himself.

Next to Brother Meng, there are countless strong Meng Yuan, and even the Golden Wheel Fa King who is not inferior to Guo Jing.

Plus the endless Mongolian and Yuan army.

Even Guo Jing is unlikely to succeed in the assassination.

"That's it."

Guo Jing sighed and waved his hand feebly. "If the city of Xiangyang is broken, Rong'er must leave and find a place to live."

"What about you?" Huang Rong's expression changed.


"I went to Huangquan together with Xiangyang City."

Guo Jing said bitterly.

The depths of the Mongolian Yuan army.

Before a king's account, Meng Ge looked at Xiangyang City, his expressions full of ambition.

Xiangyang City is the last gateway of the Song Dynasty.

A Xiangyang city was broken, and the army of Mengyuan and Yuan would go all the way south to the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Until then.

His brother Meng will establish an inexhaustible emperor's career, lead Meng Yuan into the Central Plains, and be praised by later generations.

"How is the army preparing?"

Brother Meng was very energetic and said.

"The gathering has been completed, and you can break into Xiangyang City only after the king gives an order."

A general beside him exclaimed in excitement.

"That's great."

Meng Ge settled down and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"When the city of Xiangyang is broken, I will trouble the French Lord to take action, lest Guo Jingyu will die."

Ge Meng's gaze turned and fell on a man wearing a yellow robe, tall and thin, and his figure resembling a bamboo pole.

"It has long been heard that the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon is powerful to the martial arts, today I would like to see and see whether the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon is as rumored.

Golden Wheel Fa King put his hands together, his tone revealed strong confidence.

King Golden Wheel is from the Vajrayana sect of esoteric religion. He is a dragon-like prajna, and he thinks he is not afraid of everything. Even Guo Jing's eighteen palms of the dragon can be suppressed.

"With the words of the King, I feel relieved."

Ge Meng nodded slightly, a smile appeared on his face.

"Pass my order."

Brother Meng condensed, looked at Xiangyang City, and shouted



The boundless army of Mongolia and Yuan moved.

Squeezed towards Xiangyang City.

"not good!"

Above the city, Guo Jing's expression changed drastically.


Guo Jing roared, and his whole body rose into the air, and the pale golden Dragon True Essence was scattered, faintly shielding Xiangyang City.

However ~www.ltnovel.com~ is at this moment.

Hum! !

Above the nine heavens, there was a sudden roar.

Immediately after.

The void began to fluctuate.

"what is this?"

Guo Jing vomited blood on the spot, and his whole body fell from the air, looking at the nine heavens with amazement on his face.

In Guo Jing's incredible eyes.

I saw a huge ‘door’ as if shadows appeared, as if manifesting in nothingness.

Rumble! ! !

As soon as this huge ‘door’ house appeared, it condensed into a substance at an extremely fast speed, from illusion to reality, and a powerful force that far exceeded the limit of the world shrouded.

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