Xiangyang City.

Above the sky.

Ripples in the void, a huge'door' resembling a mirage manifests itself from illusion to reality, as if it is connected to the fairy world recorded in myths and legends. The mighty power beyond the limit of the world spreads wildly, 30,000 miles, and The whole world is covered.

When such an incredible scene happened, whether it was the defenders of Xiangyang City or the army of the Mengyuan side, everyone's faces showed shock and amazement.

"What's happening here???"

Brother Meng suddenly got up, raised his head and looked up at the huge ‘door’ house, only feeling that he was facing a certain predatory beast, and his whole body was trembling constantly.

As a great sweat of Meng Yuan, he has many capable people and strangers, and he has also subdued the Golden Wheel Fa King, the world's top powerhouse, and has a deep understanding of the world.

But even Ge Meng couldn't recognize, what is this huge ‘door’ household that suddenly appeared?


Electric light flint room.

An extremely terrifying thought flashed in Meng's mind.

The land of the Central Plains has been circulated since ancient times about the fairy gods. It is rumored that the fairy gods live above the immortal world and live freely and live for thousands of years.

Could it be...

Is this huge ‘door’ household related to the fairy gods circulating in the Central Plains?

At this point, Meng Ge's face suddenly became hard to look.

If it is really as he thought, will it affect his Meng Yuan's plan to dominate the world...


"What do you think?"

Ge Meng took a deep breath and looked at the pale-faced Golden Wheel Fa King beside him.

"Sweat profusely."

"This matter, you can only obey the fate."

King Jinlun was silent for a moment and whispered.

Even in the face of Guo Jing, a powerful man who has the eighteen palms of the dragon descending, he is likely to have surpassed the five levels of the Central Plains, the King of the Golden Wheel is not afraid, and even wants to see, the eighteen palms of the dragon descending the famous dragon in Central Plains, His dragon-like prajna is strong and weak.

And now...

When facing this ubiquitous ‘door’ household, all the arrogance of King Jinlun Fa was completely crushed.

King Golden Wheel did not even have the courage to look up at this huge ‘door’ household, let alone other things.

The stronger you are, the more you will be able to feel the mighty power radiated by this ubiquitous ‘door’ household.

Although Brother Meng is a great Meng Yuan man, his strength is far inferior to the King of the Golden Wheel.


In Meng Ge's eyes, although this huge ‘door’ house was terrifying, there was no awe in his heart.

But the Golden Wheel Pharaoh is different.

As one of the few powerhouses in the world who cultivated true essence, when King Golden Wheel appeared in this'door' household, he felt that his true essence was suppressed by most, and the remaining half was also shivering, as if he had encountered Some kind of supreme natural enemy.

Xiangyang City.

Guo Jing fell from a high altitude, suddenly spit out blood, and almost fell into love with Jianglong Zhenyuan.

"Brother Jing."

Huang Rong disappeared in a flash, came to Guo Jing's side, and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

"Can't die."

Guo Jing waved his hand and barely calmed down the boiling true essence in his body.

In fact, if Guo Jing hadn't jumped into the air just now and took the initiative to run the Dragon True Essence, he wouldn't have been hit so hard, at best he would have been suppressed like the King of the Golden Wheel.


"Tell me, tell me, what is that?"

Guo Jing didn't care about the injury on his body. He raised his head and looked at the huge ‘door’ house that emerged, shaking in his heart.

"Rong'er doesn't know either."

Huang Rong shook his head slightly and gave a wry smile: "If Rong'er is really going to say it, it should be related to the fairy gods recorded in the ancient mythology..."

"Fairy God?"

"Is there really a fairy in this world?"

Guo Jing muttered to himself.

If it were before today, Guo Jing would have dismissed the fairy gods in Huang Rong's mouth, and would not believe it at all.

In the eyes of a martial artist like Guo Jing, the limit of martial arts is just like him.

Soaring up.

Walk with the air.

Perhaps, in history, there are some strong people stronger than Guo Jing, but they are definitely not stronger than a qualitative change.


At this moment.

When Guo Jing saw the arrival of such a ‘door’ house, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Perhaps, there really are immortals in this world?

"Brother Jing, this is not a bad thing."

Huang Rong thought for a while and whispered.

"Not a bad thing?"

Guo Jing frowned, then stretched out.

Although Guo Jing is honest, he is not stupid.

Nowadays, the Meng Yuan army is approaching Xiangyang City. Based on Guo Jing's understanding of Meng Yuan, Xiangyang City may not be able to survive.

Once the city of Xiangyang was broken, the Mongolian and Yuan army had no obstacles. By then, the Great Song Dynasty would be over.

Under such a situation of impending national subjugation, the sudden appearance of such a ‘door’ household seemed to be a good thing for Da Song?

after all.

Da Song was about to face the worst ending, and he didn't care about other things.

"I hope so."

Guo Jing sighed lightly, thinking silently in his heart.


It is hundreds of miles away from Xiangyang City.


A statue of a few meters in size disappeared in a flash and flew toward Xiangyang City.

On the back of the divine eagle, stood a one-armed man with a mask.

The one-armed man looked indifferent and carried a huge heavy sword on his back.


at this time.

Rumble! ! !

A powerful force surpassing the limit of the world spread from Xiangyang City.


The speed of the divine sculpture slowed down sharply, and finally stopped, looking towards the direction of Xiangyang City, a trace of extremely humanized fear flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Diao."

"Are you all right?"

The one-armed man's complexion changed.

He naturally felt the terrifying pressure.

But because the distance is too far, the one-armed man can't feel it clearly, and only feels an inexplicable shudder in his heart.


The divine eagle shook his neck and signaled the one-armed man not to go to Xiangyang City again.

"Brother Diao, are you in fear?"

The one-armed man flashed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Don't let me go to Xiangyang City?"

The divine eagle shook his neck and nodded again.

"What happened in Xiangyang City?"

"Why is there such pressure?"

The one-armed man looked solemn as water, turned his head slowly, and looked towards Xiangyang City.


Xiangyang City.

Above the sky.

Passed in a short while.

The ‘door’ households that emerge from the nihility are completely condensed ~ www.ltnovel.com~ the door’s households are open to the sky, as if they are connected to the eternal ages.

next moment.

Under the incredible eyes of everyone.

wave! ! !

I saw a figure suddenly walked out of the ‘door’ that opened to the sky.

The figure was wearing black armor, his expression was cold, and his body exuded a violent and severe aura.


This black armored soldier swept his eyes and gave a panoramic view of the Mongolian Yuan army and the defenders of Xiangyang City.

"this is?!!"

King Jinlun Fa's scalp exploded, and he only felt that everything about himself was exposed naked under this cold gaze, without any concealment.

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