Summon the Mythical Emperor of the World

Chapter 531: Clean the world

Xiangyang City.

When Guo Jing saw the black-clad figure walking out of the huge ‘door’ house, cold sweat suddenly appeared.

Under the gaze of this figure, Guo Jing felt that the other party did not have the slightest human emotion, and the gaze falling on them was like seeing ant dust on the side of the road.



There is no ups and downs.

"Fairy god."

"It must be a fairy."

If before, Guo Jing was just speculation, but at this moment, Guo Jing has no doubt in his mind.

This black armored figure gave Guo Jing a terrifying feeling.

This kind of terror is not a crush on strength, but a change in mentality, as if the opponent did not regard the Mongolian and Yuan army on the battlefield and the defenders of Xiangyang City as ‘people’.

The depths of the Mongolian Yuan army.

"The King of Law."

"Are you OK?"

Brother Meng didn't feel anything.

On the contrary, when Meng Ge saw that he was only walking out of the black armor from the door, a crazy thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Sweat profusely."

"I am not an opponent of this person."

King Jinlunfa seemed to know what Meng had to ask, and bluntly refused.

Brother Meng narrowed his eyes and continued to ask, "Oh? Really? The King is not an opponent, but what if the Meng Yuan army is added?"

"If the Mongolian Yuan army is added"

King Golden Wheel Falun Gong was thinking, as if thinking.

In fact, this black armored figure scared the King Jinlun the most because the opponent walked out of this ‘door’ house.

The power gathered by this, coupled with the kind of breath that radiated from his body that regarded all beings as ants, made King Golden Wheel Fear before fighting.

As for real strength

King Jinlun could feel that the strength of the black armor figure was far above him, but this kind of surpass was not a qualitative change.

simply put.

King Jinlunfa didn't notice the smell of invincibility from the opponent.

If you really follow what Meng Ge said, with the cooperation of the Meng Yuan army, plus the many masters recruited by Meng Ge

Not to mention that it will be able to repel the black armor figure, but at least it can resist or even contend.


Just when King Jinlun Fa was about to express his views.

I saw above the sky.


Ripples in the void.

One by one, black armored figures walked out of the ‘door’ house, overlooking the battlefield between Mengyuan and Xiangyang.

Each of these black armored figures has a strong and cold aura. Anyone who walks out of it is enough to crush the world's top powerhouses such as Guo Jing and Jinlun Fawang.

But at this time.

This group of black armored figures gathered together!


The huge momentum trembles the sky, pressing across the world.

His lips trembled, and the thoughts that had just flashed in his mind disappeared.

If there is only one figure in black armor, if Meng Ge is willing to use the Meng Yuan army as cannon fodder to consume the opponent, the King of the Golden Wheel might still think that he has a slight chance of winning.

But at this time.

The black armored figure exploded into a group.

King Golden Wheel Falun Gong glanced roughly and judged that there were no fewer than a hundred figures in this group of black armor.

How to fight this?

Even if the Meng Yuan army surged a hundred or a thousand times, in front of these black armored figures, it was still no different from the ants.

For an invincible powerhouse like a black armored figure, one and a group are completely different concepts.

If it weren't for the thorough ‘door’ households who suppressed the true essence of the King of the Golden Wheel, the King of the Golden Wheel would not be able to exert his strength.

In addition, the eyes of the black armored figures scanned back and forth.

I am afraid that King Jinlun Fa has already fled, hiding in a remote corner, and never dared to come out again.

As for the benefits Meng Ge promised him

Even the life is gone, no matter how good it is, what is the point?


"Who do you think they are?"

Above the city, Guo Jing's face was also pale, without a trace of blood.

Guo Jing had this kind of powerlessness for the first time since his great accomplishment.

Even in the face of the boundless army of Mongol Yuan, Guo Jing was cruel and could change his life. Maybe he could pull Meng Ge to Huangquan together.

Can face these black armored figures

Life for life?

Go to Huangquan together?

No matter how self-confident and arrogant Guo Jing is, he does not think that he can cause any loss to the other party.

"Brother Jing."

"Did you discover it?"

"These black armored figures"

Although Huang Rong was equally frightened, she still maintained a certain sense of reason.

"Rong'er, what do you want to say?" Guo Jing calmed down and asked immediately.

Huang Rong glanced at Guo Jing, hesitated to speak, hesitated, "These black armored figures, look at their clothes, they should be."

Huang Rong said for a long time, but did not say the conclusion, as if she was afraid of it.


Guo Jing is not a fool.

As the lord of Xiangyang city, how keen is Guo Jing?

After Huang Rong reminded me like this.

Guo Jing suddenly realized that the black armors worn by these black armored figures should be military items and were uniformly made.

For example, the defenders of Xiangyang City wore similar things.

It's just far from the exquisite black armor worn by the black armor figure.

But anyway.

If Guo Jing Huang Rong's guess is correct, this group of black armored figures who can crush the Song Dynasty and Meng Yuan back and forth are just the vanguard of a certain army?

Thinking of this, Guo Jing collapsed to the ground weakly.


African continent.

Li Si stood in front of the gate of the world, with a long look, with a trace of mind and power entrusted in the body of the hundred gods and demons warriors who entered the gate of the world, he instantly grasped the general situation of the other world.

"Da Song?"

"Meng Yuan?"

"Xiangyang City?"

"And Guo Jing?"

Li Si touched his chin, his eyes thoughtful.

"It seems that this world should be the world of ‘Sculpture Sculpture’, inheriting the world of Sculpture Sculpture’s world!”

In Li Si's memory.

No matter it is the world of ‘divine carving’, or the world of ‘shooting eagle’, but the world of low martial arts, there has never been a fourth heavenly **** or devil.

Even, under the glimpse of Li Si's power of mind just now, there are very few in the world of ‘Divine Sculpture’ even in the Divine Demon Realm, no more than five.

Two of them are still on the battlefield between Xiangyang City and Meng Yuan.

According to Li Si's guess, these two rare gods and demons should be Guo Jing and the King of the Golden Wheel.

In the face of such a fragile world, the Datang Empire wanted to conquer, it was not too easy.

If it weren't for Li Si's intention to train soldiers, he would be able to sweep the world of ‘divine carving’ by relying on the hundreds of gods and demons-level Zerg warriors who entered the gate of the world.

One thought ends here.

Li Si's figure flashed and appeared in front of the court officials.

"White rise."

Li Si carried his hands on his back and looked at the door of the world.

"Some will be!"

Bai Qi immediately stood up and said with a bow.

"Enter the door of the world, then"

Li Si's eyes were calm, like a deep sea, and he gave a light command.

"Clean the world."

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