"Clean the world."

Li Si closed his eyes slightly, as if saying something inconspicuous.

When it was determined that the world connected by the Gate of the World was the world of the "Sculpture of Gods", Li Si no longer had any worries in his heart, and immediately prepared to clean the world, bringing the whole world into the territory of the Tang Dynasty as quickly as possible.

Such as the "Sculpture of Gods", a low-spirited world where there are not even many gods and demons.

If it hadn't been for the fact that it was the first alien world conquered by the Datang Empire, and the need to ‘train troops’ to face the federal civilization in the near future, Li Si would not take a second look.

But since it's here, Li Si will naturally take care of everything.

"Clean the world..."

Upon hearing this, the court officials suddenly felt a tremor in their hearts.

Although this was just a fluttering sentence of Li Si, the courtiers felt that what was behind this sentence was a sea of ​​blood!

"And you.

Li Si swept away his gaze, looking towards the civil and military officials.

"After Bai Qi cleans the world, you send someone in and take over completely."

Li Si ordered the order.

"According to the purpose." The officials bowed immediately.

As early as a few days ago, Shang Shu of the Ministry of War was ordered by Li Si to dispatch millions of troops on the African continent.

These millions of troops are now waiting for the emperor's orders.

Just when Li Si issued the decree.

In the depths of Bai Qi's eyes, a panic and killing intent rose, disappearing in place, and straight into the door of the world.

He was ordered by His Majesty to go to another world to cleanse the world.


Xiangyang City Battlefield.

The depths of the Mongolian Yuan army.

Brother Meng looked at a group of monstrous black armored figures, and finally a deep despair appeared on his face.

His brother Meng ruled all the major tribes of Mengyuan and became a great sweat of Mengyuan. He always felt that he was the destiny. Even in the face of desperation, Meng never gave up and still felt that he would not lose.

But now.

When facing this group of black armored figures, for the first time Meng Ge had the idea of ​​‘my life is gone’.

"still have a chance."

"still have a chance."

Brother Meng's eyes were red and he clenched his fists.

In Meng Ge's view, these black armored figures hadn't moved much since they appeared, and maybe they were not interested in him Meng Yuan.

If so.

He Mengge is not without a way out.


next moment.

The gate of the world fluctuates again.

Brother Meng felt tight and hurriedly looked up.

I saw a soldier in silver armor walked out of the gate of the world.

Although Ge Meng couldn't see the soldier's face clearly, he vaguely felt that compared to other black armored figures, this silver armored soldier was too terrifying.


Ge Meng discovered that since the silver armored soldier appeared, the aura of the black armored figure disappeared.

Not disappear.

It was suppressed by silver armor soldiers.

"he is?"

Compared to Meng Ge, the King of the Golden Wheel even stopped breathing.

If the black armor figure is powerful and invincible, then this silver armor soldier is truly supreme.

"How could there be such a strong person."

King Jinlun Falun dazed.

The moment he saw the soldier in silver armor, King Jinlun suddenly remembered that when he was a child, he encountered heavy rain and faced the insignificance of the mighty world.

Ge Meng swallowed and stared at the silver armor soldier who appeared suddenly.

Immediately after.

Under the horrible and uneasy eyes of Meng Ge and countless Meng Yuan army.

The silver armored soldier only swept away indifferently, and said contemptuously: "On your majesty's will, clean the world."

boom! ! !

Before Meng Ge wanted to understand the meaning of "cleaning the world", he saw a layer of misty **** realm rapidly spreading, almost instantly covering the entire Xiangyang city battlefield.

Since entering the realm of the Four Heavens Gods and Demons, Bai Qi's Killing God Realm has directly ushered in a qualitative change.

Before the Four Heavens and Demons, Bai Qi's Killing God Realm could cover dozens of miles at most, but after stepping into the Four Heavens, the Killing God Realm could easily accommodate hundreds of miles and hundreds of miles.

If Bai Qi can break through the limit and become the Seventh Heaven God and Demon in the future, I am afraid that the Killing God Realm alone will be enough to cover half of the Hengsha World.

"what is this?"

Whether it is the defender of Xiangyang City or the boundless army of Mongol Yuan, they only feel like they have come to another world.

A world full of blood.

"not good!!!"

The expression of King Golden Wheel Falun Gong changed wildly, the dragon elephant Prajna Gong in his body ran wildly, forming a faint barrier a few meters away, resisting the invasion of the Scarlet Realm with difficulty.

As far as the barrier.

Countless Mongolian and Yuan troops all puffed, one after another planted on the ground, without any signs.

Not only that.

The Mongolian Yuan army planted on the ground turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the blood in the body had been swallowed.


"What's happening here?"

Meng finally realized that something was wrong.

Fortunately, he was within the barrier of the King of the Golden Wheel at the moment, not like the Mongolian Yuan army outside fell to the ground.

"Sweat, we're done."

The Golden Wheel Fa King trembles and whispers.

King Jinlun knew very well that although he seemed to have resisted the invasion of the Scarlet Realm at this time, in fact, this was because the Scarlet Realm dispersed most of the forces on the Mongolian Yuan army.

Once resolved the Mongolian Yuan army.

In other words, let the master of the Scarlet Domain give a little idea to him...

King Jinlunfa knew what he would end up thinking with his feet.

Ge Meng looked miserable, his lips moved, trying to say something.


at this time.

A young Meng Yuan person appeared behind Meng Ge, took out a knife, and pierced Meng Ge directly into his chest.

In addition.

The young Meng Yuan decisively cut off Brother Meng's head, then knelt down on the ground, and said loudly: "Master from the heavens, I Kublai is willing to surrender to an adult forever and be a slave for life."

The Mengyuan man named Kublai Khan kept kowtow to fully reveal his humility.

If Li Si were here, I'm afraid he would recognize that this Meng Yuan person named Kublai Khan was the ancestor of Yuan Dynasty who really perished the Song Dynasty in later generations.

But unfortunately.

Kublai Khan at this time was just a lingering Meng Yuan in the realm of killing gods.

Hum! ! !

time flies.

After a short while.

As the blood color field continues to grow stronger.

King Golden Wheel could not hold on anymore.

The barrier condensed by his own True Essence suddenly melted~www.ltnovel.com~ The blood in the body was madly swallowed by the Killing God Realm.


This is one of the top powerhouses in the world of ‘divine carving’, just like the most common Mongolian Yuan army, it has become an insignificant nourishment in the field of killing gods.

"Do not!!!"

Kublai’s eyes were full of blood, and his face was unwilling.

He did not hesitate to commit the following crimes and cut off Ge Meng's head, hoping that Bai Qi would notice him and spare his life.

But the fact is that Bai Qi didn't look at him any more.

Say for nothing.

Not to mention that Kublai Khan is not even Meng Yuan's profuse sweat at this moment.

Even if Kublai really became the original ancestor of the great Yuan, he would kill when he said that he would kill him.

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